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Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit" of Capitalism. (Review)


Max (Karl Emil Maximilian), was born in Erfurt on April 21, 1864, Germany and died in Munich, Germany, on June 14, 1920. He was a sociologist, economist, jurist, historian and political scientist; considered one of the founders of sociology and public administration.

In his work The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit" of Capitalism, Weber analyzes the rational and even methodical modus vivendi of ascetic Protestantism and its influence on the formation of the capitalist spirit, which was based, in his opinion, on rational economic conduct.

This is a work in which one must pay close attention to the preliminary study and the footnotes, in order to achieve a historical and socioeconomic understanding in its proper dimension.

Author: Miguel Ángel Moreno Villarroel

Notion of community and creole liveliness

Once it occurred to me to ask, out of curiosity, a good american friend, what was the difference that he considered between the Venezuelan idiosyncrasy and that of his country of origin? and, the answer was: well, I think the sense of belonging and community.

After that, when I told my venezuelan friends that opinion and, when they were about to refute that assessment, they finally bowed in favor of the american; They said, yes, he is right.

Then, as time went by, I tried to appreciate that sentence in the life experiences that I had to go through. In my classroom at the university, when we tried to solve a problem, it was difficult to agree even if there were no more than twenty of us. In the workplace, the same thing emerged in the same way, both in conduct and in omissions.

In venezuelan society, it seems that suspicion and waiting from our inaction and comfort for others or someone else to resolve the conflict situation or the resolution of any common problem, is the constant and normal way of assuming daily life with respect to our self-responsibility.

It is normal to see that each and every one of the community members compete to see who does the least, who refrains from participating the most. Creole liveliness, which is not an exclusive element of venezuelan society, is evident in each of the facets that we have to live, as a member of a specific human group.

The habit of waiting for everything to be given to you. The belief that things should be obtained without paying a fair price that guarantees the supplier to continue operating his business are patterns that come from within the home. It is believed, according to experts, that these are formed within the first seven years of the individual's life and will mark and guide our behavior throughout our existence, unless these acquired models are superimposed and altered or modified for the better.

On one occasion when I was exposing these reflections to a co-worker, he asked me: Miguel, and if someone stops applying creole liveliness in their life, then what would be their antonym, that is to say the opposite, perhaps, will he then be an asshole or a creole fool? To which I replied: no, that guy will have become a being that will breathe and live, creole decency. And, what do you think?

Author: Miguel Ángel Moreno Villarroel

Platero y yo - Juan Ramón Jiménez Mantecón

Juan Ramón Jiménez Mantecón, was born in Moguer, Spain, on December 23, 1881 and died in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on May 29, 1958. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for the compendium of his works, among which distinguishes the lyrical prose poem "Platero and I."

On this occasion I bring you this lyrical poetry by this Nobel Prize winner, which is drawn throughout its pages, with wonderfully decorated scenes and images, without falling into the linguistic goldsmithing to which many creators appeal and which disgusts many others.

I believe, and so I did, that the book should be read audibly to oneself, in order to extract with greater benefit for the soul, the sensory richness it contains.

Jiménez warns at the beginning of the work that it was not written for children; But, yes, it is a story of the poet's childhood experiences in his town of Moguer, Huelva, along with his good and inseparable friend, the donkey "Platero."

I believe that it should not be easy to work on the creation of lyrical poetry, unless the subject that is removed overflows its heart onto the paper. In this gem of literature, the author did the same by going back to his childhood memories, which were masterfully captured until eternity.

I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy it as I did.

Author: Miguel Ángel Moreno Villarroel


What does it mean to not let the old man in?

Going around the immense world of the web, I came across a video of a television presenter, who in turn made reference to an article or note that talked about a conversation that the actor Clint Eastwood had with a friend of his while They played golf.

The Hollywood star's friend said something like: Clint, how do you make him always look young and be in good spirits most of the time? Mr. Eastwood, who was in his nineties, responded: Dear friend, I am determined not to let the old man into my life. Perhaps, the interlocutor looked at him strangely, to which he proceeded to explain, words more, words less:

—Every time I feel that the old man wants to come in, I throw him out. Sometimes I come home and see the old man lying on the couch, I look at him carefully and beat him out; I tell him to leave my house and my life.

Well, that's as far as the anecdote shared through the media and social networks in general ends; But, what if we wanted to obtain a lesson from those words spoken by the actor, what conclusions should we reach?

From my own life experience and age, which, when I am writing this article, is fifty-eight years old, I can go on to reflect the following: At this age, which is half of the North American actor in comment, the popularly called ailments of The autumn season of every human being is present and, together with the experiential experience that accompanies us from our mind, produces emotional states that appear as if it were an ogre or a grump.

And the above is so because, in the face of any behavior that appears from people with whom we do not interact, we have a very clear idea of ​​what that action is going to end up with, and the impatience or boredom that the discomfort of our body gives us, It makes us explode with insults and insults towards this guy who is just beginning to show himself.

"The old man" is going to manifest itself in the most diverse situations of our lives; That is, if we let him in. For example: in front of a television screen, criticizing a program or person. It could be on the street, when we see a billboard that we don't agree with, because in the past the old man saw how something that was advertised as similar ended and immediately begins to criticize and even curse.

Well, I'll say who reads this, and how do I not let the old man in? The answer, since I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist, is: put yourself in the shoes or place and psycho-socioeconomic situation of the person you plan to censor. You must try to convince yourself that no matter how much experience you have, not all behaviors will end with the bad experience that you have had in the past; try to think that there are still many people who act in good faith in this world; But yes, be a little cautious in your assessments, to save your own interests in case your hunches were right and your prophecies come to pass.

Author: Miguel Ángel Moreno Villarroel


Crafting a Comprehensive Investment Strategy: A Guide to Building Your Financial Future

Investing is a critical component of securing a comfortable future, but it can be a daunting task without the right knowledge and strategy. A well-rounded investment plan is not just about growing wealth; it's about making informed decisions that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. This guide delves into the essentials of investing, offering practical tips and insights to help you navigate the investment landscape with confidence.
Understanding the Investment Landscape
Before diving into the world of investing, it's crucial to educate yourself about the various options available. Your investment strategy should reflect your financial objectives, both immediate and long-term. The internet has revolutionized investing, making it more accessible than ever. However, with this ease comes the responsibility to invest wisely and avoid impulsive decisions.
The Reality of Investing
Investing is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's akin to a long-term savings plan with the potential for higher returns. To make savvy investment choices, you need to understand how economic factors like inflation, interest rates, and taxes can impact your investments. It's also important to consider how your age and health may influence your investment decisions.
Investment Options to Consider
When exploring investment opportunities, you'll encounter a variety of options, each with its own risk and return profile:
Mutual Funds: These allow you to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks with a smaller amount of money. Types include Growth Funds, Income Funds, Bond Funds, Money Market Funds, Sector Funds, and International Funds.
Individual Stocks: Publicly traded stocks that can be over-the-counter or listed, including Common Stock, Preferred Stock, Cumulative Preferred, Stock Dividends, and Penny Stock.
Bonds: Essentially IOUs, with options like T-Bonds, T-Bills, Savings Bonds, Municipal Bonds, Corporate Bonds, and Stripped Bonds.
Alternative Investments: Real estate, art, collectibles, utilities, and commodities offer additional avenues for diversification.
Investments can also be categorized based on risk and effort levels, ranging from low to high.
Timing Your Investment
The ideal time to start investing is after you've established a working budget, eliminated unnecessary spending, and balanced your finances. It's recommended to build an emergency fund of three to six months' salary before allocating funds to investments. Only invest money that you can afford to set aside for at least five years, taking into account factors like job security, health, and other life circumstances.
Choosing Where and Why to Invest
Determining where to invest requires thorough research and self-assessment. Your reasons for investing—whether to build an estate, supplement income, or save for future goals—will guide your investment choices.
How to Invest
Investing your money requires time and education. If you're already investing, regularly review your portfolio with a planner or broker to ensure it meets your needs. It's advisable to reassess your investments annually or when experiencing significant life changes.
The Investment Mantra
Remember the mantra for investing: Educate, Select, Monitor, and Review. Consider practicing with virtual investing platforms, such as E-TRADE's simulation area, to gain experience without risking real money.
Investing is a multifaceted process that demands careful consideration and ongoing education. By understanding the various investment types and aligning them with your personal goals, you can create a strategy that not only grows your wealth but also provides peace of mind for the future.
For more information on investing and financial planning, visit reputable sources like Investopedia and The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
Remember, the key to successful investing is not just about picking the right assets but also about being informed, disciplined, and proactive in managing your portfolio.
Source: https://www.articlesfactory.com/