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Top Social Media Sites for Your Business to Stand Out

Chances are, you are already considering to have a social media presence for your newly-established business - and it is a wise business move! With the rise of technology, social media has progressively become an integral part of everyone’s life.

It doesn’t matter if you own a small company or a big one, you have to have a social media presence to connect with your customers, increase your brand visibility and not to mention, boost your sales.
With the help of social media, you can definitely take your business to the next level. But before you dive into social media marketing to reach your target audience or drive sales, it is important to identify which platform is going to be a suitable and profitable one for your business. For your convenience, we are shedding light on the top social media platforms.
  1. Facebook
It’s no secret that Facebook is used by a million business owners to connect with their audience and to expand their business. Today, there are more than just a billion active users on Facebook, which makes it a widely used platform.
Whether your business goal is to build brand awareness or increase traffic and sale, it is safe to say that Facebook is the right place to share your stories and business updates with the right people at the right time. So, if you want to reach to a specific group of people, you should invest in Facebook ads. With the help of Facebook ads, you can deliver your content to your target market, which can drive people to take action. Moreover, you can use Facebook marketing tools to find out how successful your marketing campaign was.
  1. Instagram
Instagram has proven to be a tremendously beneficial platform for the people who want to gain followers on their business profile through visual expressions. It is a platform that helps in expanding your business fast. So, make sure you make the most of its organic way of marketing to increase the reach of your page and posts.
This platform is an incredible opportunity for businesses which have no budget for advertising. But, in case, if you are not able to make the most of Instagram marketing, then you should consider trying influencer marketing.
  1. YouTube
YouTube is another popular and widely used social media platform. It allows independent creators and different brands to upload their videos. Most of its users make the most of this platform to showcase their products and give detailed information about their brand through attractive, creative and interactive videos. Some brands even use this platform to optimize their videos in order to grow their organic views.
Google is its parent company, allows YouTube to access to Google’s advertising platforms. So, make sure you take advantage of YouTube advertising to grow your business. Even you can use this platform to answer the frequently asked questions in the form of a video. The best thing about this social media channel is that its streaming works smoothly. But, if video streaming is taking up most of your time, then make sure Internet Packages to access good internet service.
  1. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is, without a doubt, the best platform to build a professional network. If you are a business owner who wants to target people with specific job titles or businesses, then LinkedIn will prove to be an effective platform for you!
In case, you are looking for people and brands to employ and collaborate with, LinkedIn is the right place to make useful connections and reach to your target audience in no time.
Now that you know about the most popular social media sites to grow your business, it’s time to take a look at how you can use these social media sites to achieve your desired results.
Create content that sells
It is pointless to use social media sites to boost your sales if you cannot create content that sells. Trying to create content that clearly tells your brand story can take your brand to a whole new level. Remember, with creative and interesting content, the audience is likely to engage.
Learn how Facebook and Instagram algorithm work
You need to learn how Facebook and Instagram algorithm work so that you can have an idea of the time your post appears in your user’s newsfeed. So, if you genuinely want your content to make an impact on your audience, it is important to understand the role of algorithms.
Focus on your customers
Social media marketing strategies only work when you focus on the public eye. Start noticing the likes and dislikes of your audience. This way, you will be able to post content that wins the attention of your customers. When you go out of your way to make your customers happy by fulfilling their needs, they are likely to support your business by recommending your products or services to their friends and family.
Stay up-to-date
SEO is something which has been changing continuously with passing time. The same is the case with social media marketing strategies. So, make sure that you stay up-to-date in order to make the most of these strategies to give your brand that extra push it needs.
Stay on top of the marketing game
Once a business starts generating enough revenue, most owners of the company would pay less attention to the marketing aspect or you’d notice that they post content on their social media accounts once in a blue moon. What they don’t realize is the fact that social media plays a crucial role in attracting a large number of customers and retaining the existing ones.
If your consumers don’t find helpful content on your social media platforms, they are likely to go to your competitors. So, make sure attention-grabbing content is posted regularly to maintain the customers you already have.
Ending note
All in all, using the right platforms and applying the most effective techniques will surely pave the way for your business’ success. SoBusiness Management Articles, make sure you set the marketing goals to make your business visible to the world.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Solid Tips For Becoming A Better Email Marketer

If you want to learn what it takes to become successful with a subject like email marketing, then the tips from this article are going to help you a lot. You want to read through this article with care and see what tips from it, you can use to help to market your site or sites.

Your email marketing efforts will give you the best results when you coordinate them with the rest of your marketing campaign. Do not work against yourself by unnecessarily duplicating your efforts in several different marketing channels. Make sure that your use of email, social media, and traditional venues are all designed to work well together.

Create an unsubscribe link that works immediately. If a customer unsubscribes from your list, that should be the last mailing they receive from you. In today's computerized world, there's no excuse for un-subcriptions not to be immediate. Customers who continue to receive mailings after they unsubscribe are likely to treat those emails as spam, and respond accordingly.

Use your readers to get content for your emails. When your readers ask you question, it makes great fodder for a future email. Answering reader questions in newsletters in this fashion also makes your customers feel more important, because you dedicate part of your newsletter just to them. You can use a traditional Q & A format, or simply state that a user asked you that question and give the answer.
If you use images in your email newsletters, put text to the right of the images. Research shows that customers are far more likely to click on a link or button that is placed to the left of an image than one that is placed anywhere else on the page.

Everyone knows that email filters are getting more and more strict. Graphics and other things included in emails are blocked out, so a reader might not even see what you are trying to say. Therefore, a good piece of advice is to use plain text with a hyperlink to your site.

To get a better response with your email marketing efforts, you want to create emails that look professional. An email that is not professionally done will come across as spam. If your messages are viewed as spam, that is the quickest way to lose potential customers from your subscriber list.

Personalize the Campaign, your emails should address their recipient by name. Software can personalize each email so that it is addressed individually to the recipient. Emails are much more likely to be opened and read when you use the actual name of the recipient rather than "Dear Valued Customer." So take the time to use your customer's name, so they don't just feel as though your letter is simply spam.

You should now start to feel more confident when it comes to seeing success with your site or sites. You want to be sure that you apply all the knowledge you gained today with confidence because when you do that you have fun and just become successful with ease as you progress.
Cacey Taylor is the Owner of http://HomeBizNetworker.com. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Increase Productivity in Your Small Business

If one of your goals for the new year is to maximize productivity within your business, it does not have to be a difficult endeavor. Here are some tips to ensure that you make the most out of your workplace.

Go Paperless

With the huge leaps and bounds made in digital technology over the past couple of decades, it is easier than ever to input data and documents into computer programs. Eliminating paper as much as you can has a myriad of benefits, such as having a digital record of everything that your business does, which can include client records, receipts, invoices, spreadsheets, and other important paperwork that otherwise might get lost. Additionally, an added benefit is that this method is the most environmentally friendly, and can save you a good deal of time and money in the long run. If you upload information to a cloud-based system, your employees can access it from anywhere with a secure login.

Make Attainable Goals

One of the easiest ways to increase productivity is to set goals and incentives that are achievable. Not only does this keep employee moral at a high, but it can also lead to inventive ways to accomplish those goals. If you have different teams in your workplace, break down goals in sessions with them, in order to hone in on what needs to be improved. For instance, meet with your employees that are the front face of the company to customers, and have them brainstorm and implement customer service goals. You can break down big goals into manageable portions, with incentives that will bolster employees to keep working towards the overarching mission.

Streamline Your Processes

Time is of the essence in any workplace environment. Therefore, in order to save precious minutes that could be dedicated to other tasks, you can efficiently streamline every aspect of your business. If things can be automated, that is a good place to start. For example, it may be a good idea to invest in an answering service that can take down customer information, rather than having someone whose job is completely dedicated to that task. Meet with your team and outline procedures for as many initiatives as possible, so that you have a clear reference guide to look into if there is a problem. Be sure to adjust these processes if they do not work out the first time, as there is always room for improvement.

Cross-Train Employees

Cross training is extremely advantageous because it allows workers to grow their skillset, as well as better able to manage tasks if work gets overwhelming or too busy. There are a myriad of benefits to cross training, including flexibility with scheduling, as more employees have the skills to do another person's job, as well as rotating the responsibilities of employees. This will keep them from suffering from burnout or getting bored with the same tasks every day. They can also hone their skills in other areas, which can look ideal on a resume or the possibility of a promotion within your company.

Find Your Target Customer

One of the best ways to increase business and productivity is to identify your ideal customer or audience for the product or service you are selling. In order to do this, analyze the customers you are serving and see if there are any other categories that you can reach out to. In addition, it is a good idea to look into competitors within your field or market to better tailor your advertising and marketing strategies. Once you target your ideal demographic, compare the results and see if there is any room for improvement in that area, or if you should try to find different customers to try to attract.
Your workplace productivity does not have to be stagnant. With these solutionsArticle Submission, you are sure to be able to increase your business output while improving your company as a whole.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

How To Keep Your Affiliates Active and Loyal

by Keller Flynn

With so many affiliate programs available these days, people may jump from program to program with little thought. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep affiliates interested an active in your program.
Have you noticed lately that some of your affiliates seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth, or that people who have registered with you are not always posting your banner or setting up their affiliate website at all? You're not alone. With so many affiliate programs available these days, people can, and often do, jump from program to program with little thought, and this is bad news for affiliate directors.
Maintaining an active affiliate base is the key to the success of your program. If people are continually jumping ship, you're not going to make any money. If you've got a good product with reasonably high demand and an attractive, easy to navigate website, you should be able to keep a happy and stable group of affiliates, right? So what's the problem?
Well, assuming that your program is potentially successful; that is, your product is in demand and that you have a professional looking, user-friendly website, I can pretty much guarantee that the problem lies in communication. If your affiliates are trickling away, it is most likely because they feel ignored or just uninformed. Here are a few communication basics you can use to keep them feeling involved.
First. Have a good "thank you" page. Don't just use a canned prefab form. When your affiliates sign up, give them some pertinent information, like what they can expect from you and a little more about how your specific program works. Maybe even give a few sales statistics from your most successful affiliates. This will make them feel really involved right from the start.
Second. "Send a sincere "thank you" email. Don't just send a cursory "thank you" with your new affiliate's linking code. Once again, offer some more information about the program. Tell them a little more about the product, or mention a technique or two for placing classified ads for their site. Always close any communication with your affiliates by letting them know that they can always contact you with questions or concerns.
Third. Keep on top of sales alerts. Try to set up a regular schedule for informing affiliates of their sales. Frequent alerts, say once or twice a week, will keep people much more interested than a monthly mass mailing.
Fourth. Keep in touch. Start an affiliate newsletter, or send out emails with updates about your program, sales statistics from your top affiliates, and marketing tips. This will keep people excited about the potential of the program.
These tactics may seem a little time consuming, but believe me they're worth it. And besides, just think of the recruiting hours you'll save if everyone sticks with it. Now obviously, there are going to be affiliates who leave your program no matter what you do, that's just the nature of the business, but, provided you have a good product, if you follow these steps and stay in communication with your people, you'll find that your program is a lot more successful.

Why Facebook and LinkedIn Are Good for Your Business?

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

These two social media applications can help you bring in more business.
Have you been hearing all of the buzz about social networking? Feeling confused? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The great news is that it isn’t as complicated or time consuming as it may seem. Plus, it’s more than just social; it’s good for your business to get involved.
The list of social networking sites is long and growing. I don’t want to overwhelm you so I’m only going to focus on two that are particularly suited for you as a business owner, Facebook.com and LinkedIn.com.
So why should you care? What’s the big deal? Well, here are just a few reasons to enter the social networking realm:
·         Gain exposure for your business that may lead to new clients or projects
·         Increase the credibility of your business (give and receive recommendations on LinkedIn, post messages on friend’s pages on Facebook)
·         Be connected to the people in your network in one location (OK, two if you’re on both Facebook and LinkedIn)
·         Re-connect with business contacts you’ve lost touch with (sometimes they find you, sometime you discover them)
·         Meet new people and expand your business network (meet your friend’s friends that you otherwise wouldn’t meet)
Here’s a quick overview of them (both are gratis and LinkedIn offers paid upgrade options)
·         Informal and more social than business focused (this doesn’t mean it’s not good for your business)
·         Almost 100 million members (according to Wikipedia)*
·         Anyone can ask you to be ‘friends’ (you don’t have to accept) and you can ask anyone to be friends (they don’t have to accept either)
·         It is possible to share photos, videos, and add applications
·         You can join groups within the network that interest you (or make your own group)
·         Business focused
·         19 million members (according to Wikipedia)**
·         You can only invite people you know (people whose e-mail addresses you have) and vice versa.
·         It is not possible to share photos and video (only your own profile photo)
·         You can join groups within the network that interest you
To get started you just have to go to the website, sign up and follow the directions to create a profile. Because LinkedIn is mainly for business it is professional and the profile area is quite structured which makes it easy to follow.
Facebook is another story. Although it does have a structured profile area, there are loads of additional features you can add to your page. When you join for business reasons be careful not to make your page too busy or too personal. You can be yourself and share your interests, just don’t reveal anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing with a group at an in-person networking meeting.
When your profiles are finished you can start asking people to connect. The process is different for LinkedIn and Facebook but both are pretty straightforward. LinkedIn has a ‘Help/FAQ’ section on the website and Facebook has a ‘Help’ area as well (bottom right hand corner of the page).
You will learn more as you go, so just go ahead and get started. And as you meet new people you can ask them to join you on your networks. Networking, off-line or on-line, is about building relationships over time. So give first when possible, be yourself, and have fun with it.
The benefits of social networking for business owners are clear. You will be able to meet new people, build relationships with your network, improve visibility for your company, and discover new opportunities for more business. But that’s not all, it’s fun too. So why not get started and join the world of social networking today.

Get to earn through earn money online survey

With so many options to earn money, the earn money online survey would easily be the most effortless way of doing so. You do not have much to do, just collect data and get paid for it. Could not be simpler, could it?


Do not let chances pass you by, register today

Sometimes you see the opportunity staring you in the face but it does not strike you and you let it pass by and loose it completely. If you do see it and it registers in your mind and you do something about it, you will stand to gain much and will never be sorry that you registered with this option to earn money online survey.

What you could earn through this method of making money, that is   earn money online survey will give you more benefits than you could have imagined.

Thank your lucky stars you do not have to do a 9 to 5 job

Being tied down to a full time job with no time for your self, your home or your family could very easily make you wish for a complete change in you work environment. Imagine being able to work whenever you wanted to, and if you had some other pressing commitment you could give it your attention too. This is the way your life would be if you joined the program to earn money online survey.  Not only could you work according to your timings, you could also make those holiday trips and not neglect this earn money online survey. This survey can be carried out from any part of the world; all you would need to have is a computer with an internet connection. The survey data could be collected at any time of the day or night and you could pass it on to the companies you have registered with, with no break in the feed back to them.

All you have to do is to make up your mind and there is a wide horizon opened up to you to earn money online survey. You can determine the amount you want to earn and target yourself. The more you work, the more you earn. It is not like a job where you work long hours but the paycheck remains the same. All this, while you take care of your home and your family too.

There is no age restriction for this online survey work

The only criteria is that you are an adult above 18 years of age and then there are no further restrictions. You could work for many years, with no upper age limit to hinder you earnings. There need be no fear that you would suddenly have to stop working with earn money online survey. Life is so much better and fuller with so many more opportunities to enjoy when you keep getting ahead with earn money online survey. You can now let your dreams take over and be dreams no more, but reality.

Now with all the freedom you could ever hope to have you can learn to enjoy life and also be motivated to work harder as the payback is according to the effort that you put in. Plan your days; prioritize your schedule and all this is only your own wishArticle Submission,  with no interference from a boss or any other source. The freedom to be happy and to choose your life to be the way you would want it to be. 

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com