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Finding An Affordable Computer Training School

The field of computers and information technology is one of the hottest in today's job market, and it is expected to continue to grow at a fast clip throughout 2020 according to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports. The field is also broad enough to accommodate job growth for entry-level computer professionals as well as for more advanced computer engineers. Because there is a demand for all types of computer and information technology specialists, computer education ranges from diplomas to doctoral degrees.

Completing a computer educational program is not the only challenge faced by an aspiring computer professional; they also must find the right computer training school that fits their future career goals, current schedule, and often constrained budget.

Price Tags Of Computer Education Options
There is a push for students still in high school to prepare for engineering and technology majors in college by taking advanced placement and other college preparatory courses aimed to increase their success in technical fields while in college and beyond. While some students start their computer careers this way, many are already in the job market and view the field of computers as an exciting way forward in a mostly stagnate job market. These students are usually a little older, have family responsibilities, and full time employment. Colleges and universities that market to these students must consider budget and schedule constraints when drafting their computer degree programs.

Community colleges usually have foundational computer courses within regionally accredited associate degree programs with titles such as Applied Computer Science, Computer Electronics Engineering, and Computer Engineering Technology degrees. Tuition rates drastically fluctuate between $3,700-$27,000 annually based on location and whether the community college is a private or public institution; U.S.


Department of Education estimated that the average annual cost for an associate degree in computer science between 2012-2013 was $18,548. The most affordable options are traditionally found at public community colleges away from major metropolitan hubs.

While the price of four-year computer training school programs also fluctuate based on location and school type, the average annual tuition rate for a bachelor of science degree in computer science is $35,840 according to the U.S. Department of Education. The lowest cost, non-military university providing a bachelor degree program in computer science is Brigham Young University Hawaii with a tuition cost of $10,978 annually.

Students usually complete advanced degree programs in two years, and the average tuition and fees for a master's degree in computer science is $24,918. Public schools like East Carolina University offer their advanced degree in computer science to North Carolina residents for a little over $5,000 per year. However, private schools like National University in California have annual tuition rates of $18,900.

Expected Skills Outcome
Depending on the type of computer science degree program, students may learn programming, networking, or information assurance skills that are extremely useful in the job market. Associate level degree programs in computer science often teach students popular applications, basic programming, familiarity with different operating systems, and knowledge of networks. Most four-year computer science degree majors graduate with a broad-based overview of computer skills while others choose concentrations that give them proficiency in areas like network security or software development. 

Advanced degrees in computer science builds on the foundational skills learned in the other lower level degree programs. Advanced degree programs in computer science usually offer concentrations as well.

Refreshing Computer Skills With Certifications
While there are many benefits to working in the computer and information technology industry, one slight drawback is the fast pace of the sector. For instance, innovations in nano technology has sparked many changes in computer hardware which also instigates the demand for new software applications. 

Computer professionals must keep their skills current amidst a rapidly changing technology environment. Most do this by completing additional, industry-respected training courses for certification like those offered by Microsoft, Cisco, and VMware.

Knowledge Center(KCI) is a computer training school with computer training facilites based in Ashburn, VA. KCI is a leading provider of hands on classroom IT training courses.Certification courses include CompTIA, Cisco, ITIL, CISSP and Microsoft certfication courses.

Make Your Grandparents Happy In a Minute with Lovely Custom T-Shirts

Are you looking to make your grandparents happy? Then, here’s how a customized t-shirt can make your wish come true.

Do you live with your grandparents or are you forced to leave them away in another city due to your job or high-school? Well, whatever it is, living without your grandparents is tough. If you have loving grand-pappies and grand-mummies, then you will know what you are missing out on by staying away. Plus you should know that it is neither easy for them, especially now that they have grown older. But, to be honest, distance never matters for the people who are close to your heart. You can make them feel loved anytime, anywhere. Quickly purchase a gift online and deliver it at their doorstep or order it at home and take it yourself the next time you are planning to meet them. Yes, it might not be as special as being with you, but gifts are always small tokens of love. Remember if you have a will, there is surely a way.
But now the question is what should you buy for your granddad and grandmom? Well, they are self-sufficient and independent people who don’t need anything but your time. So, if you feel that they have got everything and do not require anything in particular, then you should choose something unique for them and something that holds a special value such as custom t-shirts. There are plenty of companies which sell personalized t-shirts where you can choose a size and color and write whatever you wish to convey to the person you are thinking of gifting. It will be even better if you find a company that specializes in grandma and grandpa t-shirts.
So, here we have put together why customized t-shirts are such a wonderful gift for your grandparents. Take a look.

  1. Opens a Book of Memories
Your grandparents don't belong to this generation. They are not people who will be happy seeing your Facebook posts nor will the Instagram live videos satisfy them. They need to be appreciated and loved in person. However, it is not always possible to be close to them. That is why you need to send a part of yourself to them. This can be perfectly achieved by the customized tees. You may not be there but you are actually designing the t-shirts with heartfelt messages of love and warmth for them. Write an emotional quote with a childhood picture with them. It will open a book of memories and a gateway of emotions for them, taking them back to the good old days they have spent with you.
  1. A Practical Companion in Daily Life
If you are worrying that you don't want to give something only emotional which will be of no use to them, then these t-shirts are an amazing choice because these are usable. Your grandparents can wear the t-shirts you make for them and go out to meet friends, for a walk, or any other place. They can even sit at home wearing the t-shirt. So, these are undoubtedly a practical idea. In fact, if your grandparents have something related to you while doing their daily work, it might keep them happy and they might not miss you so much anymore. So, give it a thought and order quick.
So, what are you thinking? Do you want to order the perfect t-shirt for your lovely grandpa and grandma? Then, find the right t-shirt printing company near you and get going.
Author Bio: Brian Rogers, a regular blogger on custom t-shirts, here writes on a few reasons why one should customize tees from a t-shirt printing company to gift to their grandparents in order to make them happy.