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What Does It Mean to "Create Your Own Reality"?


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Have you ever wondered what is meant by the statement, "You create your own reality"?

Some people feel empowered when they hear this statement. Others think it is ridiculous BS. Those who feel empowered by it sometimes lose their empathy and compassion. They may go around challenging people: "Why do you think you manifested this cancer you have?" making people who buy into that idea feel horrible about themselves.

But there is a sane middle ground here. Let's take a deeper look:

1.  We live in a world of activity that is constantly happening both inwardly and outwardly. And all of that activity is governed by laws of cause and effect that we do NOT create. In this sense we do not create "our" reality. Stay with me now...

2.  Everything we experience through our senses -- let's call it perceptual data -- is raw data that means NOTHING until we assign meaning to it. This might sound weird, but it's very simple. If perceptual data were capable of embodying and transmitting its own meaning and value, we would never disagree about anything! We would all like chocolate cake and broccoli equally (or dislike them equally) because they would transmit their meaning and value to us directly and irrefutably. Those foods would be inherently pleasant or unpleasant to everyone, no argument.But we don't ALL like chocolate cake and broccoli! We see, smell, and taste their qualities, but we give them our own individual meaning and value. Cake: "yum!" Broccoli: "yuck!" And based on the meaning and value we give them, we create our emotional responses and storylines which we then regard as our "experience of the world." However, what we're really experiencing is only what we think and feel about the world -- not the world itself. This is the way that we are constantly creating our "reality."

What do we do with this understanding, once we have it?

Understanding these points, when someone with cancer is heartlessly told they created their own illness, how can they deal with the challenge of being blamed for their suffering? They can understand that ALL activity, including the development of an illness like cancer, arises from causes and conditions that are ruled by the law of cause and effect.

For example, you choose to live somewhere that has beautiful weather and great job opportunities. Unbeknownst to you, maybe that place also has high levels of ingestible pollutants, causing you to develop cancer or some other illness. You didn't move there because you wanted to manifest cancer in your body. So you didn't "create" your cancer.

So the idea of "creating our reality" is not a justification to blame others, or to blame ourselves. It is instead an opportunity to have compassion for each other as we grow in awareness that what we're calling our "life experience" is NOT a direct contact with a given "outer world." Our experience is the hodgepodge we experience AFTER the data of the outer world is filtered through all the beliefs, memories, and habitual thinking patterns of our mind!

Once we recognize that real challenges are not coming from the world, but from what we make of the world in our mind, we can begin to appreciate a very important fact: that, if we want to know what's really going on, we're going to need to look more deeply and think more deeply about our experience and our emotional states.

Does this mean you're supposed to be happy all the time?

No. There's no use pretending that real pain and suffering doesn't occur. It obviously does, and frequently so. But you might go even further, thinking, "How can I even consider being joyful in a world like this?" And to that I would say that Joy is naturally present as part of our humanity -- feeling joy doesn't equate with a self-involved, uncaring attitude about the world: "I've got mine, that's all that matters. Look at me, I'm so happy." We all know that's not joy.

So, you don't have to pretend you're happy or joyful with your situation or with the terrible things happening in the world. You don't have to pretend you are happy or joyful with everything you say or do, either. But you CAN stay "happy" (kind and encouraging, and be "joyful" (self-loving) to yourself in the midst of such challenges.

Kindness and encouragement are flavors of joy. When you are kind and encouraging with yourself, you can relate to the negativity in the world with mostly Genuine Humane Feelings of kindness, compassion, empathy and encouragement -- instead of mostly with confused emotional states of resentment, anxiety, hopelessness, and despair.

Staying kind and encouraging with yourself keeps your mind and heart and body in a healthy, joyful, creative state. When you're in that kind of state, you're able to meet the challenges in your most resourceful way.

It is a profound, secret, and priceless jewel to know and maintain an unwavering inner environment of self kindness and encouragement, regardless of chaotic inner or outer circumstances. This is true wisdom and strength, and it enables you to contribute to the world in beneficial ways.

You can do it! Good luck!

#kindness #mindfulness

"Everything we do flows from and is colored by our inner state of self-relationship. Be kind to yourself."

The Outrageous Guide to Being Fully Alive

The Outrageous Guide to Being Fully Alive: Defeat Your Inner Trolls and Reclaim Your Sense of Humor

Jack Elias and Ceci Miller

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Ready to step out of old habits and into a vibrant new awareness of your vast potential?

In this user-friendly guide, you will learn how to:

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It is a sign of wisdom to seek insight into a struggle in a relationship at work, with parents or children, or when facing uncertainty about one's place in the world.

With characteristic humor and warmth, Jack Elias shares the exercises and techniques that have brought rapid, positive results to people throughout the world, in his workshops and private sessions, and in the Finding True Magic courses in Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP based on his book.

Written in collaboration with Ceci Miller, these simple yet profound exercises are grouped according to the most common problems people face in overcoming personal struggles.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jack_Elias/31511

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10453369

7 Creative Ideas To Sell Your Property Fast


Imagen by Jens Neumann from Pixabay

When deciding to sell your home, a dream for many is that the sale is smooth and hassle-free. Sellers want to make their homes ready for purchase with as little work as possible. They want a house that passes inspections without pause, a buyer who is eager to move in, and a check ready to exchange hands. However, selling a home is rarely that simple.

Selling a home takes more effort and is rarely hassle-free. However, there are some creative things that you can do to help you sell your house fast. Some of those things are:

Get your neighbors involved.

Often, neighbors know your plans to sell your home when the sale sign shows up in your front yard. However, taking a minute to write a letter to your neighbors beforehand may get your house sold faster. First, let your neighbors know that you’ll miss them. Then, without talking about money, give them other details on your sale. Your neighbors will appreciate the heads up and have first dibs to let their family and friends know about your property.

Offer a trial stay.

If you have moved all of your personal belongings from your home for staging, offering potential buyers an overnight or weekend stay in the house. This is a fun way for buyers to get a trial stay and a taste of waking up in the neighborhood. Sleeping there will give potential buyers the entire experience and access to everything that your house has to offer.

Add a bonus

One thing that people love is something free. If you have a big-screen television in your home, surround sound speakers, or even something like a wall unit for books that fit a wall in your home perfectly, as an incentive for a faster sale, consider leaving one of them for the purchaser. Giving away an extravagant gift is always appreciated by new homeowners.


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Have brunch at the open house.

Take your open house to the next level by offering brunch or lunch during the three or four-hour open house window. Without spending too much money, you can hire a cook and a waiter to serve water, pop, or even wine and puff pastries on paper plates as potential homeowners walk through your home. The ambiance and casual atmosphere will make potential buyers more relaxed as they look around.

Post virtual tours.

Get creative with a video tour of your home. Many are letting agents in North London start at the front door and go through each room, explaining stand-out features, hidden spaces, and dimensions. Before recording, declutter and remove personal items. Make sure that you record during the day and that your home has good lighting. Then, post the video on your social media pages informing viewers that the house will be for sale soon and giving a sneak peek at the same time.

Add more than curb appeal.

Adding layers and colors to your outside gardening offers more than curb appeal to your home. Plants and flowers draw attention, and prospective buyers are encouraged by a home taken care of on the outside - it makes them eager to see what’s inside. Therefore, don’t just put a row of flowers in your flowerbed; add layers of color and different types of flowers. Also, if your mailbox is down on the curb, go on and put some flowers around it too.

Offer to help with closing.

Once your house has a potential buyer, conceding to pay the closing costs is a huge financial help for the buyer. It frees up some of their money for repairs or renovations that they may want to do on their new property. It also can make the entire closing go more smoothly.


Selling a home takes effort and is usually far from hassle-free. However, there are some creative things that you can do to help you sell your house fast. Some of those things are getting your neighbors involved, letting prospective buyers have a trial stay, add a bonus to the house sale, offer brunch during the open house, post virtual tours, add more than curb appeal to your propertyBusiness Management Articles, help with closing costs.


Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


How to Start an Online Business Around Your Passion


Foto by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

Starting an online business around your passion is basically an online sales job, you sell different products through different marketing methods like online advertising or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) To make a lot of money, the value of the product is very, very important.

How to start an online business around your passion?

And so it goes, while there are many products that you can sell online, there are only very few types of products that will make you money. Among professional Internet marketers, there is a consensus that so-called "evergreen" products are the best ones to market online. And what are "evergreen" products? They are products that will always sell because they fulfill basic needs and thus, are always in season.

These are products that fall under the following general categories: money, love, and health. People always want more money, more love, and better health. It doesn't matter which part of the world they're in, the needs are always the same. And so it goes, if you're just starting out, make sure you're promoting products that are "evergreen".

With the right kind of product and some expertise in SEO or online advertising, you can have your first sale in less than a month.

Where can you find products to promote online? Two of the biggest product marketplaces are ClickBank and Markethealth. Obviously, with Markethealth, you will find health products for different health conditions like warts and hemorrhoids, although you can also find beauty products like eyelash growth serums and weight loss supplements.

On the other hand, ClickBank is the place where you can find information products like dating guides. You can also find finance-related products like Forex robots. You need to sign up with those ClickBank and Markethealth as an affiliate before you can start promoting.

Aside from the products mentioned above, you should also consider promoting niche dating sites. People are always searching for love online. Depending on a person's taste, there are dating sites for bisexuals, bikers, military personnel, STD-infected people, etc. Simply do a search on Google for "dating sites affiliate program" and sign up as an affiliate.

Affiliate programs usually pay their affiliates through Paypal, however, there are those that pay only by check, like in the case of ClickBank.

In choosing a product, there are two things you need to consider: If there is an ongoing strong demand for the product and if the competition isn't too bad. (Note: A product where there are no competitors means nobody's making money from it.)

There are free and paid tools to research product demand and competition. Free tools include Google keyword search while paid tools include Market Samurai. If you're just starting out, do not invest in paid tools just yet, rather hone basic marketing skills, like identifying why people buy.

You also need to hone your skills in whatever method you choose to market products on the Internet. While it doesn't take a genius to do Internet Marketing, skills ARE required. Tools are useless in the hands of an inexperienced marketer.

Having a guide in your possession if the fastest/best way to start an online business around your passion so you can get it right the first time and experience it's incredible benefits! Click the link below to find the best guide on how to start an online business around your passion that's available today. http://www.ervinmyers.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ervin_Myers/2346485

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9980836