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Raise Capital With Private Investors


Imagen de Tumisu en Pixabay

If you have launched your own startup, your first biggest challenge is to raise capital. Fortunately, you choose from a lot of options to raise the funds your business needs. Among all the sources, crowdfunding is one of the best ones as it helps redefine how startups can get off the ground. In this article, we are going to help you know the benefits of raising capital with private investors through a crowdfunding platform. Read on to find out more.

Benefits of raising capital with private investors

1. Funding is not equity-based

First of all, crowdfunding is not necessarily equity-based. Although startups have the liberty to use the equity in order to catch the attention of potential investors, It's not required to give up ownership to collect capital.

The good news is that some platforms allow their members to apply a reward-oriented approach in order to raise capital. For instance, if your business deals in a specific product, make sure you hand over a few units to your prospective investors before you roll it out for the ultimate users.

2. Attracting potential investors is easy

With crowdfunding, you can attract a lot of potential investors without putting in a lot of effort. Although you can try for angel investors, keep in mind that this process can cost you a lot of time. The reason is that you will have to pitch your small business concept several times.

On the other hand, if you use a crowdfunding platform, you will have to post your business pitch in only one place. And this page will be ready by hundreds of investors from across the globe.

These platforms have a lot of useful features that may help startups collect funds from investors. So, attracting potential investors and raising capital will be much easier using crowdfunding platforms.

3. Higher visibility

Crowdfunding can help you make your startup more visible. Since marketing may consume a large chunk of your budget, it makes sense to use a crowdfunding platform instead. For potential investors, it's easy to fund a crowdfunding campaign.
And these activities can help boost the visibility of your brand. Plus, you can also attract investors for your next funding rounds.

The Bottom Line

If you want to raise funds for your startup, crowdfunding can be the best choice. All you need to do is become part of a crowdfunding platform and you will be able to tap into the pool of potential investors. And this will help you kick start your business and make it a success in the industry.

WeFunder is a great crowdfunding platform can help you get your startup off the ground as it's an ideal platform to raise funds for small businesses. So, if you are struggling to raise capital for your new business, you can use this portal.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Abdul_Waheed_Zafar/1306631

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10480792

Working From Home Using eBay


Imagen de Holger Langmaier en Pixabay

Everyone would like to be their own boss and have more control over our private lives and careers. One way to do this is establishing your own home-based business.

Working from Home has many different Advantages:
• You choose your own hours and days to work
• You remain closer to your family, friends and neighbors.
• More time with your family, friends and Neighbors
• Not having to fight that god-awful traffic every morning and afternoon. Which in itself can take almost half of your work day, depending on where you live with respect to work.
• You are your own Boss
• Unlimited Earning potential if you are passionate in this line of work.
• No more worrying about getting laid off

But there are also disadvantages:
• Startup costs that a Low-income family might struggle to acquire
• Investing in more Personal Computers, professional software and tools
• Need some space in which to work, many homes don't have left over space
• Need training in the tools and services provided for that specific business

So how do we navigate these tricky waters of working from home instead of getting a traditional 9 to 5 job with no guarantee it will always be around to employ us. Especially as we get older... One way is to listen and discuss with others that have become successful at this Like at Commissions from Home.

Drop Shipping is one way of earning an income using eBay and (or) Amazon.

eBay is a pretty easy way to Earn a quick buck, and a respectable income:
• Startup costs are small and simple, usually 50 cents per listing per month.
• Many times, eBay is offering specials where by your first 50 listings are free.
• eBay has very few restrictions on what you can sell, compared to Amazon.
• On eBay you can't sell fireworks, Fire Arms or body armor, but you can sell everything else.
• On eBay you need special permission to sell Automotive products.
• You will spend most of your time looking for new Products that have a great track record of selling on eBay or Amazon. And before you know it you are selling many different products per day.
• eBay uses PayPal to pay you, and you can use PayPal VISA Debit Card to purchase orders from your supplier
• eBay founded PayPal, but now they are separate companies, but still work hand and hand together.
• So, the way it works, when you have a sell, your customer pays eBay, eBay puts that money in your PayPal account, you then use your PayPal VISA Debit card to purchase the Product that sold. While you pocket the price difference. Then copy and paste your buyers address into your suppliers "Shipping Address", and then you are off to the races.
• You only must return to your eBay buyer sells page after your supplier provides you the Carrier and tracking number when that order ships, which you must provide eBay to insure you get credit for that sell and fulfillment of that eBay order.
• All you must do is find a supplier online that sells for less than what you are selling it for on eBay
• Spend some time shopping and take notes on what everyone in the stores are buying and incorporate that into your product strategies.
• Remember to use the eBay Listing Notes as documentation on where that product is coming from, so you don't get confused on where to purchase that product when it sells. These notes travel with that product where ever it goes. But your customers and eBay never see them, only you can see your notes.

What kind of income to expect from eBay:

Keep in mind that your U.S. Bank can barely struggle to pay you 0.1% simple interest per year on your savings account; but using eBay you can earn 15% to 300% or more using other people's money by purchasing their products for them, using their money they put in your PayPal account. There are many eBay Merchants earning $6,000 to $12,000 per month just selling other people's products on eBay. However, the more time you put into this business, the more you make and the faster you make your desired income. Have your spouse or other family members pitch in to help your business become more profitable faster. At some point you may find it necessary to hire employees to handle the extra work.

When you establish setting up your eBay store after having about 150 product listings, you can have a switch that permits you to go on vacation and close your store while you are out of town. Then turn it back on when you get back from your vacation. This saves you from having to bring your Laptop on vacation and always needing access to WIFI.

However, there is nothing stopping you from running your eBay store while on vacation, unless you don't have a laptop or don't have access to WIFI. Most of the time you only need to spend about 20 to 30 minutes a day fulfilling that day's orders, and only do that once per day. So, even when you are on vacation, you can still run your eBay store while making sells and still earning an income.

Here are some eBay aids that you will find very useful:

eBay Watch Count is a free tool that helps you search and find the bestselling line of products on eBay, you will find that many have sold countless thousands on eBay. And if you follow their examples you will be out selling your competition in no time at all.

INFINii is a company that provides tools for finding good quality products for eBay, Amazon, Shopify and Bonanza. And advanced tools for creating impressive eBay Listing pages. But it also provides inventory tracking so that you are not caught with your britches down when your supplier runs out of stock or changes their prices before you made your sell. Their tools will make the important adjustments to your eBay listings so that you are always making a profit, and always selling products that are in stock. Their tools are very valuable and useful, but they aren't free. So, pay attention to the different product service levels. You can get it for as little as $50 per month to use their tools. They also provide training for each of the eStore platforms like eBay, Amazon, Bonanza and Shopify, which you will need so you know how to setup and operate your Stores.

Keywordspy is a very valuable tool that provides a free trial usage. This tool is free up to a limited time. But can help you find keywords to your eBay or Amazon listings that have a track record of selling. This tool provides the keywords used in search engines to find products that people have purchased online at eBay and Amazon. And the best way to get your buying customers; is to use this tool to stand in line for the most frequently used Key word search terms for those products.

By Edmund Williams

Commissions From Home [https://commissionsfromhome.live/blog/] provides Articles, Advice, Video insights and Reviews into Working from Home businesses

INFINii is the WEB site and company that Provides Training, Product searches and Inventory management tools for eBay and Amazon.

Watch Count This is the eBay watch count WEB site that tracks the top selling eBay products, review this site to get an idea on what sells really well on eBay, and what kind of sells to expect for a given product.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Edmund_Martin_Williams/2572237

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9980896

Tips to Attain Financial Freedom


Image by Mathias Müller from Pixabay

Financial freedom - a mere and simple 2 words and yet a complete statement in itself. A vision dreamt by most yet achieved by few. Many people believe that there is a secret mantra or that you need to possess something godly and unique to achieve the same. The question is, "Is there any level of truth to that statement". Answer - a single syllable word NO. Like all other instances involving success, it just requires an out of the box thinking, commitment to it and hard work that shows itself.

What exactly is Financial Freedom?

In layman's language, financial freedom is the ability of someone to work or not depending on his/her wish and still be able to provide more than enough for their family. Going a little technical, it means the state wherein a person does not have to depend on an external source of income or employment and still be able to provide sufficient wealth for a smooth functioning of both themselves and their families.

How to attain that freedom

The term "job satisfaction" is most certainly a good way to avoid the question of "Why you are at your current job", but the reality is as small as 10% of people would prefer to choose job satisfaction over sitting in the comfort of your house and yourself being the one to decide if he wishes to work today or not. Also, there a handful of people who even like working let alone enjoy what they do. The question is how do you achieve the latter if you choose it?

Well, there are a lot of ways you can think of but all of them will take some time (provided you choose the right and ethical path to do so). All ideas are good enough to take you closer to your dreams, but they require perseverance, hard work and most of all the belief that if others can do it, so can you.

What to keep in mind

Before you go off gallivanting to chase your dreams, there are some things which need to be straightened out and sorted first. First of all, you need a foolproof plan and layout of what and most importantly HOW are you going to execute your plan. Secondly, do whatever you have thought of on the side. Don't just quit your current job to tend to your dreams without thinking of future repercussions, because god forbid if your plan doesn't work, all of your time and most importantly, money will be wasted - commodities that cannot be replaced at the pace at which they are lost.

Also, make sure that whatever you do, once it becomes a success, it should be the source of your happiness, not problems and worries. There are millions of people who have the money they always wanted but don't have the peace of mind that is needed. There is always some variant of tension or troublesome thoughts that keeps circulating in their minds.

True that "money isn't everything but without money there is nothing". But what good is the money if you can't take out time to spend with the people you love or for whom you went through so much pain and trouble. Think about all such things and go be financially independent!!

If you think there are very few opportunities to pave your way to financial independence, then my friend you are mistaken big time! Take out some time and research, and you will find thousands of ways to come up with something good. If you're still struggling, check out [https://www.marketerfreedom.com]. They have some really unique and legit ways to make it big.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Robert_Kempster/2961

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9986728

Working From Home Using Amazon


Image by kirstyfields from Pixabay

Working from Home using Amazon is a much better way to faster and larger profits, because Amazon has more than 100 times the customer base than what eBay has. But Amazon is also far more restrictive in its Product Categories. Amazon expects you to be a professional expert in the categories of products that you sell on Amazon. Amazon is also far less tolerant of mistakes. Whereas eBay is far more tolerant of mistakes. This is why there are very few merchants that sell on Amazon, which means there will be less competition. And the competition is reduced even more if you apply for and get approved to sell one of the Gated Categories Like Automotive, Jewelry, Luggage, clothing, etc.,...

AMAZON Products:

First off, most all the products sold on Amazon are sold by other online Merchants, Amazon doesn't own hardly any products at all. Amazon simply provides an online platform for merchants worldwide to advertise and sell their products using the Amazon's WEB site, while pocketing between 7.5% to 15% Commissions.

There are 2 ways to Sell on Amazon:

1) Fulfillment by Merchant is where by you drop ship your products either from your store or from another WEB site fulfillment center, like: Walmart.com, eBay, etc.,... In this method you really never have to handle any products, only your supplier does. Using this method, you will get your money first, then purchase the product for your customer. A much more secure way of earning an income. However, Amazon only pays every 2 weeks. So, every 2 weeks you get your money back, plus profits. As compared to eBay you get your money for purchase of that product immediately, and when your order is completely fulfilled and delivered to your customer the rest of that money is yours to keep as pure profit.

2) FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is where you seek out a Manufacture or Manufacturers' outlet stores to acquire brand new products for penny's on the dollar. In this method you get the largest profit margins possible, whereby you buy for $1 or less, then sell for $5 to $10 or more. Which ends up being 5 to 10 times what you purchased it for, then you ship it into Amazon's warehouse and let Amazon advertise, sell and ship the products to your customers for you. You don't have to do anything but keep the inventory in stock at Amazon. A lot less work on your part, especially if you can get your manufacturer to ship your products directly to Amazon's warehouse for you and many do. Some will even put your branded label on that product for you for a small fee. In some instances, you might ship to your facilities (or Home) and then you package up that product, or a bundle of products to make one product. Then ship that product to Amazon's warehouse. Bundling multiple products together as one product makes it more difficult for your competition to copy your product exactly. Thus, eliminating competition even more. For Example, you might sell a set of Pizza pans with a pizza cutter in a bundle.

Finding Manufacturers is relatively easy, simply find the product UPC bar code on that product packaging (not the Store's Bar Code which is usually an additional taped UPC code sticker stuck to the product packaging by the store). Next to that bar code is the Manufacturers (or Manufacturers Distributor) Address and phone number. Simply call up that phone number and ask for Minimum order quantity and the cost per unit. If you order directly from the Manufacturer, you may be required to purchase in bulk, but remember you are going to be buying these products for pennies on the dollar, so even if you have to buy 500 of them at 20 cents each, it is only going to cost you $100 for example. And if You sell them for $10 you just made $5000 while only spending $100 for the products and $3 in Amazon commission fees + Handling fees, you are still pocketing $3400 in net sales profit.

Using the Manufacturers' outlet stores like Dollar Tree, Dollar General, 99 Cent Max, Five and below, Topper Liquidator, etc.,... you can purchase a small number of these products first and see how well they sell on Amazon through FBA. And if they sell well, then order in bulk from the manufacturer. This way you are only spending a very few bucks to test out a products marketability on Amazon. A lot less than the $100 mentioned earlier. But the Manufacturers outlet stores will cost a little bit more per product than the Manufacturers cost. Normally around $1 or less each, sometimes more. Depending on which Manufacturers outlet store you shop at.

Useful Tools to acquire:

"ASINspector" is a valuable tool you can find online that will help you find products that are the top-selling in a given category name on Amazon. But this tool also works on eBay, Walmart and other online stores. The results are going to be compared to Amazon when it comes to sales volume, pricing, and profit margins. This tool will even advise you on the best sources for a given specific product as well. In addition to other market studies like selling trends over the past and current times. A great many market parameters are measured by this tool.

You can even sort and filter these Sales volumes and gross profits in order of highest to lowest, or Lowest to Highest. Using this tool, you may find that Amazon has the Lowest prices and on eBay they sell higher, so in which case you want to source from Amazon and sell on eBay. But if it sells lower on eBay and higher on Amazon, you want to source from eBay and sell on Amazon. But don't always assume that eBay or Amazon will have the best prices, because sometimes Walmart or other online stores do.

By Edmund Williams

From my Build Home Business From Home [https://build-home-biz.review/blog/] website you can get $1995.00 worth of free informational books, PDF's and Video Training suited for those interested in working from home, in addition to current articles, videos and Reviews.

Also visit my eBay Store to get an Idea of how you can sell many products online. And feel free to shop here anytime. Just book mark my eBay store to easily return to it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9987502

5 Ways To Build Your Brand and Generate Leads on LinkedIn


It’s no news that LinkedIn, unlike Twitter, Facebook, or other social networks, dwells deeper in professional networking.

It gives you the chance to increase awareness of your company and generate fresh leads through networking and discovering business opportunities.

Whether you’re looking to employ talented people or sell a product, it can benefit your company. 

Especially from creating a Company Page and engaging on the network.

Regardless of whether you're hoping to utilize skilled individuals or sell an item, it can profit your organization.

Particularly from making a Company Page and connecting with the organization.

Incorporate week-by-week posts, cooperate in bunch conversations, keeping a refreshed profile, and asking and reacting to inquiries.

Investment in bunch conversations helps fabricate an establishment of trust inside the business local area.

Posing and noting inquiries shows interest and gives validity to the part.

You would start to get more connected on the off chance that you knew how genuine LinkedIn is tied in with expanding development and commitment.

This information-rich stage is developing each day.

Thus, if your business system is on point, you are posting valuable substance routinely, publicizing it, and checking your online media consistently, here are 5 ideas on the best way to produce more leads and traffic with LinkedIn.

1. Optimise Your Profile For SEO

Search engine optimization isn’t just meant for Google. You need to get yourself discoverable on LinkedIn. 

Doing this has the potential to help boost your opportunities you have to sell your products or services.

If you’re a sales professional, and someone in your area needs help to close deals, you want to be there on their screen when they search “sales professional near me.”

Here are a few things you can do to boost the likelihood that happens:

1.  Make sure your profile is 100% complete

2.  Use popular keywords to optimise your page

2. Choose How Frequently You Post And Stick To It

Quality, not quantity. It’s not about making 5 posts a day, even if it’s just one post per day that has a high level of quality, do that.

Post only once per day

In case you're simply beginning, you can begin with 20 quality posts each month. On the off chance that you see that a more full timetable accompanies more advantages, definitely, increase. To show you how simple it is, in the event that you post once every day for about a month and skirt the ends of the week, you'll hit 20 posts straightaway — awesome.

3. Actively Contribute To Group Conversations

One of the best ways to promote your business on LinkedIn is through discussions in groups connected to your company page. 

Having conversations in the group not only proves your authority to those who have questions about your area of expertise but allows you to network with other professionals in your field as well. And if you include helpful links in your content, they can even help you drive traffic.

4. Create a sponsored InMail campaign

If you want to cut through all noises and reach your ideal lead’s inbox, then you need to adopt  Sponsored InMail campaigns

However, don’t just send spam messages. Use the service to send compelling offers to targeted prospects who matter to your business.


If today’s most used social media platforms were a family, LinkedIn would be the first child when it comes to B2B lead generation.

It is only logical that you place LinkedIn as your top priority now that its potential is off the roof. 

So, if you’re looking to build a sustainable brand, adopt these methods and build your brand in the same process.

If you like what you seePsychology Articles, and you need a helping hand to get the best out of LinkedIn… You can grab a spot in my calendar and let’s get you started. 

from ArticlesFactory.com


Three Marketing Ultimatums


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Many “influencers” and self-proclaimed guru’s on the web would have you ever believe that marketing is that the solution to all or any of your issues in business. Unfortunately, the marketing industry is filled with under-educated media buyers who are after your money because their “guru” told them they might make $10k a month by selling you ads on an open-source platform.

These platforms are created with the power to hyper-target who sees your ads and when. It allows you to put ads ahead of a demographic of individuals that would be your ideal customer supported their(the advertising platform’s) psychographic data, and therefore the hope is that you’ll get leads.

While, in theory, this seems like a magic pill… a panacea for all of your business problems, it’s almost how the planet of selling works. A majority of the prospects who will buy your product won’t roll in the hay the primary time they see it.

Use these three marketing fundamentals to guide your marketing decisions and make marketing campaigns that convert customers into lifetime fans.


1. Marketing is about finding and understanding a market in need

Many marketing agencies would have you ever believe that your ideal customers are always on the platform that they happened to be best at ad buying on. That “Facebook has billions of users, so your ideal client is certainly on there.” While it'd be, many of us ignore ads on Facebook and are scared of our data and privacy. For many people that could also be your ideal customer, clicking on Facebook advertisements isn’t even a risk they’re willing to require.

Finding a market in need involves these things:

  • Understanding who the perfect customer is for your product or service
  • Understanding where those people spend time and the way they prefer to spend their money
  • Understanding the way to place educational content ahead of these people to assist them to understand why you’re the simplest option for them.
  • Marketing is not advertising. Ensure you understand the market before you spend your money on advertising with the idea that it'll be a remedy for your business. Look at where your competitors are advertising and the way they’re doing it. Examine where your customers are spending their time and what their spending habits are. Research how they make their buying decisions. Utilize this information to make a real marketing strategy rather than guessing and wasting your valuable capital on guesswork and lose principles.


2. Marketing is about communicating with your potential customers

Marketing may be a process of communication quite anything. Communication is about understanding each other’s point of view, not telling the opposite party why you’re right. Many companies will assume marketing is about telling their customers exactly why to shop for their product or service… and it's, but it’s about quite that. It’s about communicating alongside your customers to ask what they have. It’s about learning about how you'll serve them better.

Once you’ve found your market, find ways to speak with them. This is a two-way street; offer a lead magnet, invite direct feedback thereon lead magnet, and ask them how they might ideally see their problems solved. Utilize both means of communication as a company, tell them about what you offer, and ask for their input.

The more you'll show your customers that your care about who they're and the way they might wish to be treated(within reason), the more you’ll earn their trust and word of mouth promotion. Utilize the channels of communication that you simply need to gain valuable insight and knowledge about your customers.

See your customers as citizenry with real needs and real struggles. They need empathy. They’re not just potential dollar signs. They’re people that need to be seen, heard, and valued. Understand and implement this, and you’ll stand head and shoulders above the gang of other companies vying for his or her attention and money.


3. Marketing is a process of education

Many marketing agencies would have you believe that you'll get leads if you can just show your prospects the right offer. This is true but an enormous waste of selling dollars and energy if you’re not during a hot market. Often as entrepreneurs, we’re not selling a revolutionary product. We’re ready to take an existing product or service and make it a touch bit better.

This is at the guts of entrepreneurship, making things better… But it can make finding a hot market harder than those that have a very revolutionary product. Entrepreneurs and businesses compete for the eye of their customers and clients. It’s once you’ve gained their attention that you simply also can earn their trust; For example Best Advertising agency in Gurgaon.

Consumers buy from people and corporations that they know, like, and trust. Just like you, it’s hard to trust the stranger on the road trying to sell you… anything, so why would you expect yourself to be different? Certainly, you’d trust the food truck with excellent branding and a welcoming face if you’re hungry and leaving the bar, right? They’ve done their research and have placed themselves in a hot market with a knowledgeable presence.

Would you purchase an equivalent food from a stranger on the road with no food truck or professional presence after walking out of Chipotle? Not likely. But if they handed you a little flyer about who they're, why they are doing what they are doing, how they source all of their ingredients locally, and how they provide back to the community, would you be intrigued to see it out next time rather than Chipotle? If you’re the proper prospect, the solution would be yes.

If you’re within the wrong market or miss the timing, it’s unlikely that your customers will want to shop for you at that very moment. That saidComputer Technology Articles, you'll still educate them on why you would possibly be a far better choice next time.

Source: ArticlesFactory.com