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The Secrets to Profitable Sales Online


Imagen de DavidRockDesign en Pixabay

Internet marketing is consistently evolving with new strategies to make more money online.

As an internet marketer, you have to be abreast with the new developments in order to optimize your sales online. Highly profitable internet marketers usually churn out contents regularly with current strategies to keep old clients and to attract new ones. These highly lucrative marketers create attractive offers using contents such as videos, podcasts or blog posts.

Based on my internet marketing experience and having researched the strategies used by top marketers, I would be highlighting some secrets to making money online below.


This is one of the top secrets of successful internet marketers. They take time to clearly identify their ideal clients and create offers around the ideal client's profile. They do not rush to advertise their products online. Therefore, you need to clearly emulate the steps of these winning marketers by answering the questions below:

- Who is my ideal client?

- What does my client want?

- Why do they want something?

- How will my product meet their needs?

One key principle to keep in mind is this-You cannot sell a product to a client you do not know.

To clearly illustrate further using an example of an acne product I want to sell; the profile of my ideal client would be as follows:

-Young to middle-aged female (Who a client is?)

-She has facial acne (Her problem)

- She needs an acne remover (What the client wants?)

Also, you need to ensure that there is a market for your product. You should not select a product that has few client bases. This will reduce the profitability of sales. To resolve this, you can join niche related groups on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. Ensure you find out the most common marketable problem group members are talking about and then find the right products to help solve the problem.


Internet marketers have created e-mail marketing platforms which are used to sell products by sending automated email sequences.

To begin, you have to join an email marketing provider and set up a mailing list. Then you or a web designer will design a landing page with an opt-in option for the potential client to enter their emails to download a free niche related informative content such as an article in a pdf format.

Once a client signs up, their emails are added to your email list which you can use to send them information about your product that will interest them.

To increase conversions and sales, it is advised that you presell your client by reviewing with them your product's benefits and user testimonials before selling to them.

Click on the link below to discover more secrets to selling profitably online.


Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Christopher_Ugo_Oseh/2490175

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9995123

What Are the Busiest Periods in the Restaurant Business?


Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

There is no doubt that a kitchen is one of the busiest sections of any restaurant or hotel, and Chefs and other kitchen staff have very long working days, sometimes stretching from between 12 to 16 hours per day. This is one of the reasons that they are provided with comfortable uniforms which include chef shirts made of breathable fabrics, and comfortable and durable chef shoes which allow them to work on their feet for long periods of time.

However, there are certain times of the year and definitely certain times of the day that are much busier for kitchen staff than other times. These of course can vary depending on where you are located and what type of restaurant you run, but in general there are specific periods when most restaurants and hotels get really busy with an overflow of customers. Usually in the hospitality industry and specifically the restaurant business, the period from April to August and November to January 1st are some of the busiest periods of the year.

The months from April to August are usually busy because this is when the weather is fabulous and everyone wants to be out and about. In addition, these are months that many tourists visit as well, hence the crowds can become larger, making restaurants busy throughout the day. For those establishments located in other areas, the busy months may vary, for example those located near a ski resort will be busy during the winter months and not so much during other months of the year. The fact is that whether it is peak season or not, a restaurant can’t close down just because they don’t have busy days. As a solution for this many restaurants create seasonal menus, which are far different and contain different types of food fit for each season, and also try to earn revenue by creating take out or delivery during the slower periods.

Some of the slower days in the restaurant business are during Thanksgiving and Christmas, since most people have their celebrations centered around family and home. Although we may usually think that Christmas is a busy time of the year, it is not, because people prepare their festive feasts at home to invite close family and friends.

If you consider the weekly routine for a restaurant, some of the slowest days are Mondays and Tuesdays, and this is one of the reasons that most restaurants who are open throughout the weekend are usually closed on Mondays. Some of the busiest days of the week are Friday through Sunday, which is when people tend to go out after a hard week of work or study to enjoy and relax. These are the days when the kitchen staff roll up the sleeves of their cook shirts, put on their chef shoes and prepare for long days and nights.

Of course, around the world, there are certain days that are very busy for restaurants and hotels, since these festivities call for a night out of celebration with either family or friends. These are the days when it is almost impossible to get a restaurant reservation at the last minute, and bookings are made well in advance. Usually, restaurants also create special menus during these times to cater to the specific festivity and to tempt in the customers into their establishment. Competition is high of course during these times, with everyone trying to best the other in terms of what they offer, the ambiance, food choices etc. These are:

  • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day – Many people bring in their parents on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day making these days relatively busier than the normal work day for restaurant.
  • Valentine’s Day – Valentine’s Day is another one of those holidays where you won’t be able to get a table at a restaurant if you decided to do something at the last moment. With so many people making special arrangements for their loved ones and partners, restaurants are bombarded with special requests. The businesses themselves go out of their way to arrange something extra special for their patrons such as roses and chocolates for the ladies, and even make available special expensive wines and champagnes on this day.
  • Easter – Easter brunch is a very popular meal out for families and can be considered a busy time for most restaurants and hotels.
  • New Year’s Eve – This must be the busiest day of the year for any restaurant or hotel, and people make bookings for tables weeks before the date. Many establishments have special parties organized for which they sell tickets at rates that are usually higher than normal, and kitchen staff can expect to be working all day and night during this holiday.

Whatever the holiday it is, you can bet that no one from the kitchen department will be celebrating it with their loved ones, as they understand their responsibilities to their job mean making such sacrifices. Unlike in other vocations Chefs and kitchen staff need to be available during these busy holidays to make your day and my day so much more enjoyable and better. They will simply put on their cook shirts and shoesBusiness Management Articles, their chef coats and hats and get on with their job.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


How Do You Gain Customer Trust?

Imagen by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Customer trust and loyalty are pivotal in building a successful business. Establishing a solid long-term relationship with customers can help to scale your business. This is because customer retention is more cost-effective than constant client acquisition.

It costs five times as much to earn a new customer than to keep an existing one.

Also, a happy customer is more likely to recommend a brand they trust to others. So earning customer trust can help to keep customers and to earn new leads and sales through word of mouth.

Here are 4 strategies you can use to earn customer trust.

1. Offer Excellent Customer Service

The level of customer service you offer has a direct impact on customer trust and retention. So it's important to have a committed support staff and high standards for speed and quality of service.

Hire a trained team of support agents and make sure it's easy for your customers to get in touch. Have a set of guidelines that outline the right answers to common questions and make sure customer agents have the right tools to find solutions to complex inquiries.

But this doesn't mean you take the one-size-fits-all approach to serving your clients. Encourage your support agents to treat each customer as an individual. Train your agents to give the information each client needs and to make sure that customers' needs are always met.

2. Embrace Transparency

Do you want customers to trust you? Then you should be worthy of their trust. This means you should be honest and transparent about their expectations of your business.

Avoid deceptive sales copy and gimmicky marketing campaigns, and don't get your audience's attention using false claims about your products or services.

Be as clear as possible about what you offer and create accurate customer expectations from the beginning.

To achieve this, involve your salespeople. Be straightforward with pricing information, fees, and return and refund policies. Let every customer know what to expect before placing an order.

Ensuring customer satisfaction is more than just generating as many sales as possible. Giving your customers all the information they need to make the right decision will make them trust your team.

3. Ask for Feedback

Always encourage your customers to leave reviews about what you're offering. This will help you to improve your products or services according to customer requirements. Responding to customer reviews and feedback makes them feel heard and valued, which is a good way of earning customers' trust. Display the bad reviews along the good ones as this will show transparency. By giving value to clients' complaints and criticism, you'll earn their loyalty and trust.

4. Put Your Clients First

Putting your customers' needs first is an excellent way to earn their trust. You can achieve this by building a company-wide customer-centric culture.

Encourage all your employees to pay attention to your customers and strive to make a positive impact on customers in their roles. By encouraging your teams to consider how their decisions impact your clients, they're likely to make decisions your customers want.

When you produce products or services your customers want, it's easy to convince them you care.

Branding is important for small business owners as well as large ones. To learn more about how to make your customers trust your business and brand, download my free checklist, Branding For Small Businesses at https://jonallo.com/branding

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10518462