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Return to writing with pencil and paper, in your own handwriting

Talking with my niece, I realized, as she, who lives in the United States of America, explained to me, that students, after being taught to read and write in the very first grades of education, are required to use computer systems such as : laptops, notebooks, tablets, etc.

In this way, we must assume that these human beings will never again hold a pencil between their fingers, be it graphite or fountain ink, much less write on a notebook of sheets of paper.

Any informed observer can tell me and criticize that this is better and that it is a policy of these States, since in this way the environment that is so needed is better preserved.

Faced with this counterargument, there arises first, the true fact of the pollution produced by the disposal of electronic computing devices and, secondly, the discovery that emails generate carbon dioxide (CO2) that damages the ozone layer. of the planet. Thus, it is not that electronic devices are a serious danger to ecosystems once they are out of use, in landfills, but that even when they are in force or useful life, they cause or are harmful elements for global health.

Putting aside the arguments and their cons, I must say that, without intending to act as a psychologist or educator, which I am not, I believe I am in a line of thought in which I must criticize the fact that the activity of pencil writing has been suppressed. and paper or, handwriting as it was also called. I have to say that at my age of fifty-eight, I sometimes surprise myself writing a text, especially on the WhatsApp network, which is missing some monosyllable and, when researching different sources about that detail, they emerge among the most popular. those who assert that: writing by hand is very beneficial to fight against stress, since the hand is slower than the mind and this activity anchors the mind to the speed of writing, something that does not It happens when you type using a keyboard.

And my curious question to finish: Is it for this reason that we see so many young people with stress problems that, in the end, degenerate into depression and, at the end of their lives, into Alzheimer's? And, how is the development of cognitive functions, will they be better with the elimination of natural writing?

Author: Miguel Ángel Moreno Villarroel