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A Dozen Ways to Develop your Personal Brand

A strong personal brand can really contribute to building your profile and business. To pick up a few ideas on how to develop your PB read further.

Branding is building a relationship between a product or service and the consumer. It is how we feel about that brand that will determine whether we as consumers want to have a relationship with it or not.

I believe therefore that personal branding is the relationships an individual has with its public essentially personal public relations.

Effective relationships are built by communication. Personal branding is communicating the inner essence of you - your uniqueness, qualities, strengths, skills and passions. It is also about your visual communication. Not only your business communication collateral such as stationery and websites but how you appear through dress, style, and personal presence.

As we all need to make a positive impression in today's competitive work place, here's:

A Dozen Ways to Develop your Personal Brand

Personality * Work out your personality characteristics and your passions. Discover what sets you apart. Develop a personal brand statement that is just for you - your internal dialogue - then use that as a basis for external communication

Promote * Develop your PB statement into a short ad or commercial about you. When you meet people you should be able to say clearly what you do, how you do it differently, and the benefit it provides.

Package * Develop a unique style suitable to your personality and work. Dress for the role you want, not necessarily the one you have. Balance your individual style with clothing that will appeal to those you are trying to impress.

Presence * Become a class act. Learn good business manners and social etiquette. Send hand-written notes, return phone calls - it's the 'little things' that count

Publicise * Become an expert source for the media. Get known in your niche. Write articles for magazines and online newsletters. Speak for Rotary clubs and other organizations. Send out interesting media releases on your topic to journalists to help create word of mouth buzz.

People * Build your network. Make new business contacts and stay in touch with them. Choose those appropriate to you and your personal brand; those you can help and those who can help you. Help others become as successful as you. Be selective with which networking groups you belong to.

Positioning * What position do you already own with your audience and what do you want to own? Is there a unique concept or idea you can hang your hat on? Where's the creative element? Build your brand by being first with a new idea or by recognizing a major trend in your field and moving to the head of it.

Presentations * Learn to be a confident communicator. Join Toastmasters or hire a communications coach to ensure that your written and verbal skills are at their best. Strong communication skills and presentation skills are a must and being a proficient public speaker will help reinforce your personal brand.

Perfection * Well there's no such thing. We all make mistakes. You may have to try many ways to discover and reinforce your personal brand. If something is not working try something else.

Profit * We all want to be profitable but remember to give something back. Giving your time, talent, or money to charitable causes or industry associations can help build your brand. And of course it will be more enjoyable if you find something you are passionate about or complements what you like to do.

Partners * Work with the best whether employees, contractors, consultants or partners. They will help build your brand reputation. Leverage your time and find someone else to do the job for you so you can concentrate on what you do best.

Plan * Develop a personal brand plan for yourself every year, and review it often. Include specific goals, strategies, action steps, and a timetable. Need some tips on how to do this, then pick up a copy of Apprentice to Business ACE.

Above all take a professional approach to building your personal brand

Source: https://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/a-dozen-ways-to-develop-your-personal-brand.html


A Beginner's Guide to Stay Ahead of Inflation


Understanding what exactly happens during inflation is the key to finding ways to mitigate its impact.

Inflation is a horrible nightmare that investors and individuals fear alike. While everyone fears this very possible form of reality, not many understand what it actually may be and how it affects our finances. Understanding what exactly happens during inflation is the key to finding ways to mitigate its impact.

As a beginner, grasping the full extent of this concept can be challenging. In simple words, inflation directly affects one’s purchasing power negatively. Understanding how it works can help you cater to the threats and challenges it poses.

Here is all you must do to battle inflation and stay ahead of it at all times.

Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

You do not have to be a professional investor to have investments. Every smart person understands the power of investments for a safe and comfortable financial future. While it is a good way to grow financially, the worst mistake you can make is to invest all your money in one way.

Diversification of your investments is very important to stay ahead of inflation and mitigate your losses effectively. You can buy gold and silver online from reliable resources such as Advantage Gold, look for real estate opportunities, purchasing stocks, dividend stocks and much more to mitigate risks. 

This way, you will always have a back up plan in case things do not work out with one investment. This can give you peace of mind and comfort to focus on additional streams of income. 

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A dividend is a payment made by a company to its shareholders, usually in the form of cash or stock reinvestment, based on the company's profits. Income through dividend stocks can help investors meet their liquidity needs. It is a preferred type of investment for many beginners.

If you invest in stocks that pay dividends, you can receive a steady income that may increase over time. This advantage sets dividend stocks apart from several other investment opportunities and can help counteract the negative impact of inflation.

if you have never had the luck of trying dividend stocks before, you must seek the help of a financial advisor before proceeding ahead

Make Passive Income Streams

In addition to reviewing and adjusting your investments regularly, you can also reach your financial goals and reduce risk tolerance by focusing on increasing your income in different ways. Career advancements can be a great way of staying ahead of inflation. 

However, maintaining a healthy work-life balance must never be overlooked in the process. make sure that you get enough mental and physical rest to start fresh every day. You must avoid exhaustion in order to make your life smoother.

You must always look for side hustles and ways to earn passive income if you have the time and skills. Maintaining an income stream besides your regular job can help you keep up with global and local financial fluctuations. You will also be able to free up more funds for investments and emergency funds.

Create and Follow a Budget

It is important to keep track of your expenses and adjust your budget accordingly. A well-made budget can help you accommodate rising prices during inflation. Even if inflation is not an active issue, budgeting can help you improve several aspects of your life and prepare for the unforeseeable future.

You can cut unnecessary expenses, prioritize saving and investing, and make informed financial decisions by budgeting. If you have a partner, make sure to also involve them in the process. Creating budgets can also be an ideal opportunity for one to educate their children financially.

Source: https://www.articlesfactory.com/