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How To Use Twitter for SEO

In a world where the attention span of people is growing shorter and shorter, a popular microblogging platform flourishes. Twitter is one social media site that helps convey its users’ ‘tweets’ or posts in as short as 140 characters. It may contain photos, videos, or links.

Used actively by about 330 million users, it helped third party websites gain one billion unique visits monthly last October 2019. Now, it is never a question as to whether Twitter should be an integral part of an online marketing campaign. Many users and influencers have built their own Twitter brands and have gained much from it since then.


Twitter is a large network and has the potential to supplement your search engine optimization (SEO) activities. If your tweets remain within a centralized theme that stays consistent yet reiterates the reputation and exemplifies the knowledge you have, this will help your online reputation.
But building a massive following on Twitter is not as easy as it sounds. With thousands of tweets being sent every single second on Twitter, even the wittiest tweets can go ignored or unnoticed. Sometimes, tweets get viral and shared because of luck – the right person with the correct following saw it at the right time.
So how can you get your tweets to stand out? Below are some tips you can use to get more traffic to your website.

1. Gold rule: link 

Remember that Twitter is not a text-only platform. The more visual a tweet is, the higher the chances of getting noticed. Remember that link previews take up space and that over the years, it brought billions of web views to third party sites based on Twitter data. When tweeting links, make sure that the tweet does not give everything away. The key to opinions is to make your followers curious about what the link is about. Frame it in such a way that the answer to your tweet is in your content.

2. Upload photos or videos

Twitter now emphasizes images more than they used to. Studies reveal that tweets with images or videos get twice as much engagement rate than those without them. It also helps in establishing the brand.

3. Maximize the use of polls

Polls are a good indicator of whether your followers engage with your posts. By the end of each survey, it shows the number of people who responded. Alternatively, gimmicks such as hosting online conversations should help drive engagement and should be strategic in such a way that serves your goals.


4. Use #hashtags

Hashtags bring more engagement to tweets than those without them. Note that the more engagement a post has, the more visible it is to users. It is advisable to use hashtags as it makes tweets easier to be searched. When a hashtag is trending, tweets under that tag is more visible on the feed more than others. Riding popular hashtags – or making one trend – is important if you want to build more engagements. Be consistent by using the same set of hashtags over time as it helps your followers to associate it with your brand. Consistent hashtags help in the recall. Remember, however, to not overdo adding tweets. Note that adding more #hashtags affects the readability of your update. Experts recommend not to go over three hashtags.

5. Tag popular accounts

Tagging popular accounts or ‘influencers’ related to the tweet helps in being searched easily. For this to happen, it’s crucial to maintain a database of influencers in your target market. If not, you can avail social media appending services that update your current database with the active social profiles.
Once you have this list of influencers, tag them in the relevant posts. If you are lucky, these accounts may retweet your post and share it with their followers. Instantly, other users may increase your tweet engagement rate as the person they follow found it worth sharing on their feed.
Why Can You Buy Retweets for SEO?

Being a Twitter influencer is not done overnight, and it takes time to have a large following. Organic sharing is not enough.

Cutting edge SEO strategists are now paying to increase visibility on the feed by experimenting on buying retweets. They share their backlinks and buy retweets on the shares, and these additional shares all count equally as unique shares and social engagement with the backlink.

Buying Twitter engagement is a quick way of gaining wider reach and attracting more users to engage with your posts. It guaranteed fast and easy than taking the longer route.
Probably wondering why? Below are some reasons why it improves SEO:
  • Your tweets are on top. With more engagements, your tweets stand out from others. Given the numbers, it is more popular than your competition. More users think that you are credible, and they are more likely to read it, add a favorite or a retweet, or click on the accompanying link.
  • You are more visible. With more significant engagements, your message has better chances of having a more extensive reach beyond your circle. Buying tweets and engagement will also help you attain more significant impressions, which will help you reach millions of users who might follow your posts.
  • You rank high on Twitter search. As you become more popular on Twitter, your profile is listed higher on the search results. Your profile will appear, or your tweets will be part of the Top Tweets portion of the search. It may stay there for hours or days, depending on the virality of the search.
  • Your tweets act like a magnet for engagements. The bandwagon effect is real. The more popular a tweet or a user is, the higher the chances other people will follow the said user or engage with the said tweet.
  • You gain more clicks. With more engagements, your post seems to be more credible than the others. Having more retweets or favorites give others the impression that many believe in you or that you are a legitimate source. In the case of business, this is good because it may turn into sales or that other users click on the link you are advertising.
  • You leave your social media footprint. In the digital age, leaving a social media footprint is somehow essential to check if you are real or not. Buying tweets or engagements can help in increasing your website’s social proof by making it look like it is credible.
Building a traffic-driving influence on Twitter is a reachable goal for anyone willing to invest in it. Be consistent and be creative. Follow some of the tips listed above, be patientFind Article, and you will see your Twitter following grow in a matter of time.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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