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Teaching English Online


Imagen de Tumisu en Pixabay

If you are looking for a new stream of income you can earn through your computer during the pandemic and afterwards, consider teaching English online. You should be a native English speaker or have excellent understanding of English grammar, and little or no accent. Schools are looking for enthusiastic people who can quickly establish a good rapport with their students whether one-on-one or a small group.

Teaching English online is a huge market around the world. At any one time, hundreds, if not thousands, of people are sitting at their computers, doing 30-45 minute lessons with students overseas. All you need, apart from good English language skills, are a computer with a webcam, Skype, and a headset with a microphone. You can even just start with just a computer and Skype, which is free, and your computer's audio system.

This will be of particular interest to early birds. China and South Korea are where most of the students are and they study online after school. Because of the time differences, you may be teaching from 6:00-10:00 am. Can you handle that? They also study on weekends so Friday and Saturday evenings (6:00-10:00 pm your time) might also be possibilities.

Online teachers are paid up to $22-24US per hour (deposited right into your local bank account). Teaching 4 hours a day could earn you up to $400-500 US per week and your work day will be done by 10:00 am, leaving you the rest of the day free.

My book Teaching English Online, tells you all you need to know about setting up a corner in a room in your home, where to find jobs, how you get paid, and generally what else you need to know.It is available on Amazon websites worldwide in paperback or Kindle. Amazon ASIN # B0863SB1Q7


The pandemic has impacted local and overseas schools with the result that online teaching has become more popular than ever. To teach online locally, you would have to be licensed in your state or province. To teach overseas students, you do not have to have teaching credentials. A degree is always preferred but there are many positions where only a TEFL certificate is required. Some agencies may even accept an applicant without a TEFL Certificate if the need exceeds the number of applicants, but having one opens many more opportunities and better pay. It also looks good on your resume or CV.

If teaching online interests you, you may want to check out my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) course. Having a TEFL Certificate qualification shows schools right away that you are a serious and knowledgeable applicant.

Several people I know love to travel. They teach from wherever they happen to be in the world. This earns them enough to pay their travel expenses. They are teaching nomads and love it. Save that for later once travel restrictions are lifted.

Dr. Robert Taylor, D M, MA (TESL) is a teacher and author. He spent 14 years in Thailand teaching from K-12 to university as well as to local senior management groups. For more about Dr. Taylor's book on Teaching English Online: http://www.teachesl.org/online.html. Follow this link to see what you will learn in his school's TEFL certificate course: http://www.teachesl.org/tefl.html

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr._Robert_W._F._Taylor/64976

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10450843

How to Earn From Affiliate Marketing - The Practical Tools You Need


Image by WilliamsCreativity from Pixabay

Want to do AFFILIATE MARKETING and earn extra income, but don't know how?

You are at the right place. Here is the solution and tips for you.

This blog will cover all the major areas of affiliate marketing, like;

·         Creating a sales funnel

·         Pre selling

·         Blogging to earn more

·         Beat your competition

·         Testing and tracking your campaigns

Upon finishing this blog, I'm sure you'll be excited with anticipation of coming big pay days! I'll be waiting for your feedback passionately to build more practical material for you.

So let's start...


It'll be good idea to send your traffic at your website, instead of directly sending them to vendor's sales page. Here are some tips for you;

a. Build trust

People buy from those whom they know, like and trust. So the way to do it is e.g., 'building mailing list'. By sending them personalized email, 'emotionally' they will connect with you. You can offer a free eBook, audio book, any gift voucher etc.

b. Create a Page

All you need to create a short page that tells your prospects what they'll get upon joining your newsletter. That is, what benefits will they receive?

c. Take Care of Your Readers

If you treat your subscribers and prospects like ATMs (cash only), they'll sense it. And they'll immediately run away from you faster than a flying jet.

Instead, show your readers that you care for them. Never promise which you cannot deliver.

Suppose you informed them you'd give a "rich content newsletter every week." But you're sending only one or two emails per month, then you're going to have disappointed subscribers. And disappointed subscribers stop reading your emails (or even unsubscribe).


Write product reviews:

Don't just write 'positive points' of your product, be honest, write both PROs and CONs of your product. Because your reader knows nothing is 'perfect', so neither the product will be! By treating in this way, you'll build relationship of trust with your potential buyers.

Do product comparison, if you have two or more products. People will just love it as you're helping them 'unknowingly' to select a product.


Always hit the imagination of people by showing images, videos of your product. Be honest with them, "put yourself in your customer shoes and look things from their eyes". This single quality will lead to the highest conversions, if you understand it deeply.

3. Do Blogging - Earn More

By now it's no secret that you shouldn't send your visitors directly to a vendor's sales letter. So far we've mainly talked about turning your traffic into newsletter subscribers.

You can quickly create a free website at http://www.wordpress.org. It's so simple, easy to use, and highly customizable and require no technical training to build your own website.

You can also build blog at http://www.blogger.com

· Create a "product of the week" or "featured post" section on your blog. You can keep your blog fresh by creating a "featured post" section that highlights a new product every week.

· If you encourage discussion on your blog, then you create a sense of community. Not only that, but getting your readers to interact with you helps you build a relationship with them. This will result more affiliate commissions for you. You can write about any controversial topic, and ask for comments / feedback.

· Always blog regularly, at least once a week to keep reader in touch with you.


You have to face two types of competition;

a. Competition with those selling similar products

b. And those who are selling EXCATLY same products.

Here's how to whip your competition and put more money in your pocket...


a. Give your prospects plenty of choices with respect to products, like at shopping mall.

b. Give your potential customers reason "why" they should buy from you, not from your competitors.

For example, provide freebie along with main product (laces with shoes), offer free email consultation, offer free stuff (surprises are great).

c. Made joint venture with well-known marketers and experts in your niche. In this way, you'll be "borrowing" their credibility and people will see you as an expert. This will ultimately good for your pocket J

d. Offer cash back to your customers, sounds strange to you, let me illustrate;

Let's take the example of a $100 product with a 50% commission. Instead of pocketing the entire $50 commission, you can split your commission with your customer (each of you gets $25). Of course you don't tell your customer you're splitting a commission. Instead, you just offer a "cash back" (mention expiry of this offer)


Please give me your feedback to serve you even better in the next affiliate marketing blog of same series.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Majid_Hussain/2572264

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9980500

Get Clients by Focusing, Marketing, Rinsing and Repeating

Most people shy away from marketing.  They look at marketing as sales.  Even if your product is the best around, it can be hard to “sell” it to a stranger.  People will often think, “I’m not a sales type.  I don’t have the personality to do that.”  Sales aren’t just for aggressive personalities.  Anyone can make marketing work for them if they create a marketing plan blueprint.  Believe it or not, marketing should be fun.

A marketing blueprint, or repeatable system, will work for any client that is interested in your services.  This means many things.  It means you will begin to grow confident in your marketing plan and ability as your comfort level grows.  A repeatable blueprint will also save you time in the long run.  Just take the time to create a marketing system that works then let the plan do the heavy lifting.  You trust the plan because you know it works.

When you use a blueprint marketing system the results will become clear.  After awhile you will be able to judge the results in advance.  You will understand how the plan produces.  That knowledge will give you confidence in your income potential.  From past success it will become clear that presenting the marketing plan to a certain number of potential clients will net you x number of new clients.  Each time the plan works, your confidence will grow.  Now marketing is fun.  Isn’t it?

The old saying that “time is money” is a truism.  If you have to create a new marketing plan for every time you need clientsFind Article, when will you ever have time to actually work?  A blueprint plan will save time and end up making you more money in the long-term.  But your blueprint marketing plan needs to work and needs to work for any potential client.  It is critical that you put the necessary time and effort into building the perfect plan.  This is time well spent.

Marketing is one of the most important aspects to your business.  A blueprint marketing plan that works on a consistent basis is a major weapon for you business success.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Make Money From Home Offering the Full Benefits of Premium Fiber Supplements

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels


A fiber rich diet delivers immeasurable benefits to the human body. This article highlights these benefits and briefly how the process works. Fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins. The two forms of fiber needed by the body are soluble and insoluble. Both are important in promoting optimal health.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance during digestion. In this form, it traps excess sugars, fats and cholesterol as moves through the intestines, helping sweep them out of the body. It also plays an important role in lowering LDL blood cholesterol and reducing blood glucose levels after eating.

Insoluble fiber is never dissolved. Instead, it acts like a sponge, soaking up 15 times its weight in water. Its primary benefit is to provide bulk, which can help promote feelings of fullness while also speeding the movement of food through the digestive system, promoting regularity.

Here's how it works:

1. Bile is produced in the liver to aid digestion. This bile is made of acids and cholesterol.

2. Bile is then stored and concentrated in the gallbladder until foods that contain fat are eaten.

3. After a meal is eaten, bile is dumped into the small intestine and it breaks up fat, grease and other food particles.

4. Bile is then broken down into its individual component parts-cholesterol, fats, toxins and wastes. This all happens at the lower end of the intestines.

5. If there's an adequate amount of fiber in the intestines, it binds up the cholesterol, fat, and toxins and sweeps them out of the body.

6. If there isn't sufficient fiber in the intestines, toxins reenter the bloodstream and are re-circulated throughout the body. These toxins will eventually reach the liver. This forces the liver to process them again and dump them into the intestines in the next batch of bile.

Fiber as a dietary supplement must contain a proprietary blend of natural fiber sources. The best method of ingestion is a fiber drink. Your dietary fiber drink must be formulated with a unique blend of oat, apple, rice bran, chicory root, malt dextrin fiber, and fructooligosaccharide (FOS for short). There must also be a proprietary blend of soothing herbs, antioxidants and probiotics to make a truly one-of-a-kind health supplement.

Soothing herbs such as ginger help reduce occasional intestinal gas and bloating while peppermint and licorice root help balance intestinal flora and soothe mild indigestion.

Antioxidants such as lactobacillus acidophilus are "friendly" bacteria that help breakdown food in the intestines as well as create an environment that keeps "bad" bacteria in check.

How much fiber do you need each day? On a daily basis 95% of Americans are only getting about half as much fiber as they need. A single serving of 13-15 grams of healthy fiber will help you meet your optimal daily fiber needs.

We are at crossroads in our culture as it relates to quality of life. Life expectancy has increased significantly. All generations want to live longer. We actually can with the proper nutrients and supplements. We must be concerned for the quality of life for everyone. Add "Life to Their Years and Years to Their Lives!" http://www.fulfitful.com

Article Source: 


How to Build an Online Business Fast and Easy - The Step By Step Blueprint For Internet Marketing

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels


You're about to discover the best way to learn how to start an online business fast and easy. This is a step by step blueprint that anyone can follow to succeed with affiliate marketing and internet marketing online.

Follow these steps exactly the way I lay them out and you will have success online as an affiliate marketer or entrepreneur:

First, choose a niche topic. The niche should be full of hot buyers. If people aren't going to buy a product in your chosen niche topic, choose a different topic.

Topics like Make Money Online, Affiliate Marketing, Insurance, Pet Care and Personal Development can be GREAT topics.

You can research using the Google Keyword Planner all the different keywords for each topic you choose. You'll quickly see how much money you can make from each niche based on the search volume of each niche

Second, choose a product to promote. Now, if you have the niche topic dialed in, you can then choose a product that your target audience will purchase to solve their problems.

There are so many affiliate programs out there that you can earn between 50% or 75% commission for referring a paying customer. Make sure it also has a recurring commission payout.

This means you will make money over and over again for as long as the customer is happy and continues to pay for the product they purchased.

Third, create a sales funnel. You'll want to automate your selling of these affiliate products by creating a sales funnel that will do the "selling and telling" for you.

This sales funnel will have follow-up emails in place to educate your buyers so they can make a decision on whether or not they will purchase the affiliate product you are promoting.

Fourth, drive traffic to your new sales funnel. This is the fun part. The more traffic you get to your sales funnel, the more money you will earn. Choose methods that are of high quality.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Media Buys and Article Marketing are perfect ways to drive targeted visitors to your sales funnel and crush your online goals. Make sure your follow-up email marketing system is 14 days or more.

Congratulations, you have learned the exact blueprint I personally used to go from broke to doing over $100,000 per year as an affiliate marketer online. This internet marketing blueprint will change your life if you follow it exactly the way I showed above.

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

Article Source: 


It Takes Time to Make Money Online

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Yes, it takes time to make money online I want to be completely honest with you about how long it takes to make money online with your blog. If you are looking for a business where you will be able to make some quick money within the next few months this might not be the business for you.

You have to understand that the principles and work ethic for making money online is no different from working offline. You need to know that this business is not a get rich quick one therefore it takes time to make money online

I will explain to you why making money online takes so much time before you start making some money. I think some people are under the impression that you can start a blog and within a few months, be able to quit your full-time job. It has happen in a few instances but for this to happen you have to be prepared to put in extra work and stay focus.

When I started blogging five years ago I was of the illusion that I could work two hours per day and at the end of the month money would come rolling in abundantly. Well face it that was what I was told, almost all the bloggers made it felt like a Sunday evening stroll in the park. They failed to tell me that you can in fact work two hours per day and the money would come rolling HOWEVER I had to put in the initial work (sometimes 10-15 hours per day) to get the website off the ground. After you have established your blog and you start getting traffic then you can start relaxing a bit and reap the fruits of your labour.

It takes time to make money online one of the prerequisite is patience and a lot of time. You will not become a millionaire overnight. So if you visit another site where they promise to make you rich within the next year believe me that is a load of crap. You need to realize that making money online takes time and you have to work for months and sometimes years, depending on how committed you are, before the money starts coming in.

Here are some reasons why making money online takes time.

There is No Right Formula

No blogger or internet marketer has the "right formula" to make money on internet. There are some basic principles that you have to follow if you want to be successful however, every blogger has their own way of applying these principles.

There are a lot of trials and errors that is why you have to be committed to the work. One formula might work for me and it does not work for you I think it is like parenting every parent have their own style but the end result could be well disciplined and productive adults. It is the same way with your blog you have to learn the principles and apply the one that works best for you.

Anyway you don't have to feel discouraged I have been there I will work with you sharing all that I have learn. Once you get the knock of it, its smooth sailing. Yes, you can strategize and make plans but there is no blueprint that you could replicate to make money.


Lack of Understanding about the Internet

Another reason why it takes time to make money online is lack of understanding about the internet. New bloggers usually find out that there are so many things they need to know and how to find their way around.

There is the risk of information overload absorbing so much content on the internet can be very difficult. So it could take months to figure out what you need to read and what to ignore. It is best to be specific in your research or you could end up spending an entire day on the internet without achieving your goal.

Lack of SEO Techniques

I am sure you are going to ask what is SEO? Well SEO means Search Engine Optimization. In simple term it is the ability to give your articles excellent titles which will ensure that when someone is searching the internet for the subject matter you are writing about your website can be found in search engines.

If you want to make money through blogging or affiliate marketing then you need to have an understanding of SEO techniques. SEO is a vast area and no one can completely understand it, even an expert. But SEO is very important if you want some traffic coming on to your blog or website.

Adjusting to Technological Changes

Adjusting to technology changes can make it a bit difficult and be one of the reasons why it takes time to make money online. You have to become technology aware and understand about technology as soon as possible. Learning about Internet browser, gadgets, apps and other software takes time.

Building a Brand so Your Blog or Website will Stand Out

Finally you have to build a brand name for your blog online and building a brand takes a lot of time. You have to be committed and take the time out to careful set yourself apart from your competitor. You have market your brand so that visitors will be attracted to your website.

Developing a brand takes time so you have to be patient.

So as you can see these are a few of the factors, including many other which you will discover as you go along, that slow down the process and makes it take time to make money online. You have to be open to learning new things daily and this is definitely going to take time for you to put them into practice. All that being said it is not difficult and certainly not impossible for you to make a lot of money online.

If you have not started your blog as yet it is now time for you to start. You just need a lot of patience before money starts coming.

It is time to take charge of your career path and be the navigator of your future. Take stock and analyse the direction of your life and get back on course if you strayed.

Doreen Gibson is an online business entrepreneur, an Administrator and a mother who strives for excellence at all time.

Visit my site at [http://www.onlineincomejamaica.com] and get a FREE copy of my eBook "Make Your Dreams Reality" Today and get your financial life on track.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9969265