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How to Earn From Affiliate Marketing - The Practical Tools You Need


Image by WilliamsCreativity from Pixabay

Want to do AFFILIATE MARKETING and earn extra income, but don't know how?

You are at the right place. Here is the solution and tips for you.

This blog will cover all the major areas of affiliate marketing, like;

·         Creating a sales funnel

·         Pre selling

·         Blogging to earn more

·         Beat your competition

·         Testing and tracking your campaigns

Upon finishing this blog, I'm sure you'll be excited with anticipation of coming big pay days! I'll be waiting for your feedback passionately to build more practical material for you.

So let's start...


It'll be good idea to send your traffic at your website, instead of directly sending them to vendor's sales page. Here are some tips for you;

a. Build trust

People buy from those whom they know, like and trust. So the way to do it is e.g., 'building mailing list'. By sending them personalized email, 'emotionally' they will connect with you. You can offer a free eBook, audio book, any gift voucher etc.

b. Create a Page

All you need to create a short page that tells your prospects what they'll get upon joining your newsletter. That is, what benefits will they receive?

c. Take Care of Your Readers

If you treat your subscribers and prospects like ATMs (cash only), they'll sense it. And they'll immediately run away from you faster than a flying jet.

Instead, show your readers that you care for them. Never promise which you cannot deliver.

Suppose you informed them you'd give a "rich content newsletter every week." But you're sending only one or two emails per month, then you're going to have disappointed subscribers. And disappointed subscribers stop reading your emails (or even unsubscribe).


Write product reviews:

Don't just write 'positive points' of your product, be honest, write both PROs and CONs of your product. Because your reader knows nothing is 'perfect', so neither the product will be! By treating in this way, you'll build relationship of trust with your potential buyers.

Do product comparison, if you have two or more products. People will just love it as you're helping them 'unknowingly' to select a product.


Always hit the imagination of people by showing images, videos of your product. Be honest with them, "put yourself in your customer shoes and look things from their eyes". This single quality will lead to the highest conversions, if you understand it deeply.

3. Do Blogging - Earn More

By now it's no secret that you shouldn't send your visitors directly to a vendor's sales letter. So far we've mainly talked about turning your traffic into newsletter subscribers.

You can quickly create a free website at http://www.wordpress.org. It's so simple, easy to use, and highly customizable and require no technical training to build your own website.

You can also build blog at http://www.blogger.com

· Create a "product of the week" or "featured post" section on your blog. You can keep your blog fresh by creating a "featured post" section that highlights a new product every week.

· If you encourage discussion on your blog, then you create a sense of community. Not only that, but getting your readers to interact with you helps you build a relationship with them. This will result more affiliate commissions for you. You can write about any controversial topic, and ask for comments / feedback.

· Always blog regularly, at least once a week to keep reader in touch with you.


You have to face two types of competition;

a. Competition with those selling similar products

b. And those who are selling EXCATLY same products.

Here's how to whip your competition and put more money in your pocket...


a. Give your prospects plenty of choices with respect to products, like at shopping mall.

b. Give your potential customers reason "why" they should buy from you, not from your competitors.

For example, provide freebie along with main product (laces with shoes), offer free email consultation, offer free stuff (surprises are great).

c. Made joint venture with well-known marketers and experts in your niche. In this way, you'll be "borrowing" their credibility and people will see you as an expert. This will ultimately good for your pocket J

d. Offer cash back to your customers, sounds strange to you, let me illustrate;

Let's take the example of a $100 product with a 50% commission. Instead of pocketing the entire $50 commission, you can split your commission with your customer (each of you gets $25). Of course you don't tell your customer you're splitting a commission. Instead, you just offer a "cash back" (mention expiry of this offer)


Please give me your feedback to serve you even better in the next affiliate marketing blog of same series.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Majid_Hussain/2572264

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9980500

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