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Working From Home in Comfort


Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

As a stay-at-home mother who works in the comfort of my own home, it has been one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences I have ever encountered. I enjoy designing all of my businesses my way. From setting my own hours to creating my own marketing materials, the success I have enjoyed thus far has given me a true sense of peace. Scheduling my days around my family's lifestyle is the utmost and importance and always at the top of my list of priorities.

Working at home in comfort doesn't just mean working comfortably in my sweatshirt or my pajamas, but it means being at home for my family. Working in comfort means doing what you are passionate about because if you are doing what you love to do along with that comes your skill set, your gifts, your talents and your great ability to setup a home based business that is both phenomenal and profitable.

When you work for yourself you can break through that ceiling doing things your way and incorporating your own ideas into your business to ensure that your business will have long-lasting success. Being your own boss means designing your business your way, scheduling the hours you work around your family and putting all the systems in place that only you know is going to help your business survive no matter what.

Owning your own business and working at home in comfort means there is no cap on how much money you can earn every day, every week, every month or every year. It means you are in complete control of your destiny. Working at home in comfort means that you can take time to attend your child's school event. It also means being able to take time off to go to visit your doctor for your annual checkup. Working at home in comfort means you have the awesome ability to build your corporation as quickly or slowly as you feel you need or want to without meeting a deadline. Working at home in comfort means you are so very thankful, deeply grateful and very appreciative of all that you possess in terms of being able to do design and create a business you love first. Working from home is a great opportunity to share your product or service with those in need of whatever it is you have to offer.

Doing whatever it is that you love and working at home in comfort simply means being thankful.

Working at home in comfort is a dream come true that you should be living each and every day. http://www.momsinslippers.net

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Cyndi_Boyer/12349

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9375201

Buying A Real Estate Note Is Like Buying A Boat


Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

When you get right down to it, buying a non-performing real estate note is like buying a boat; the two happiest days are the day you buy it, and the day you sell it! Investing in a non-performing note (NPN-NPL), and cashing out for a profit, are my two happiest days as a note investor.

You have heard the old saying in real estate, the profit is made when you buy. How true that is, especially in the note world! We have found that you have to take into account all the costs you will run into from the day you buy it, until the day you sell it, and use that to make sure you are not overpaying. If not, you can lose money; sometimes a lot, sometimes all of it.

While there are some warm and fuzzy feelings experienced when you own the boat, like taking it out on the water for the first time, you are going to have a lot of ongoing costs. If you store it in the water, there are dock fees, maintenance fees, insurance, and if you financed it, monthly payments. If you store it at home or a parking facility, you will have to protect it from the elements, possibly pay rent, and you could destroy it in an accident towing it to, or putting it in the water.

With NPN's, finally making contact with a homeowner who wants to stay, despite doing his best to be invisible is equally as thrilling. This usually leads to either attempting to work out a payment plan to get them repaying, or settling for a lump sum to pay it off is a great feeling.

Otherwise, it's practically death by a thousand cuts.

Sometimes I feel like we are being nickeled & dimed to death by a plethora of service providers; lawyers, note servicers, document custodians, rehabbers, lawn cutters, property preservationists, appraisers, photographers, house cleaners, city agencies, code enforcement, county tax collectors, Realtors, health inspectors, zoning ordinances, Home Owners Associations, utilities, forest divisions, trash haulers, flood areas, etc., that all want to extract as money from you as possible every time they move or type something.

So the most important thing I do now is come up with as many costs as possible before we make an offer to buy a note, so we can factor that into our purchase price. One of the biggest we have found in working out over fifty notes is the expenses are usually higher, and it takes longer to exit in judicial foreclosure states. And now that we know something about rehabbing real estate, we have been equating possible home repair costs into our note buying bids now, so we know if we can still make a profit, or suffer a potential loss.

Now is the time to factor in the old carpenter's phrase; "Measure Twice, Cut Once." With notes, you want to make sure you run the numbers inside and out before you commit to buying a note with "Calculate Twice, Buy Right."

Christopher Winkler is President of Silverwood Capital, LLC is a Texas based Real Estate investment firm specializing in buying heavily discounted residential and commercial distressed and toxic assets. Our focus is on occupied 1st and 2ndLien position notes, performing and non-performing, secured by the property, with up to eight exit strategies.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Christopher_Winkler/93483

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10279732

5 Ways To Get Organic Traffic For Your Website


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

In this article, I'm going to discuss 5 ways to get organic traffic for your website. Search engines love content and a well-written article can help you get organic traffic for years to come if it is written well and has good SEO.

If you don't have the time or expertise to write an article, you can outsource this task to someone who does. Here are the 5 ways to get organic traffic for your website:

Are you interested in 5 ways to get organic traffic for your website? If you are, then you've come to the right place. As you may know, Internet marketing (SEO) is a crucial element of any online business. A website cannot exist without visitors and, to achieve success, an SEO consultant can help you achieve that goal.

For example, if you were interested in writing articles to promote your website, you would not write on your own but hire a ghostwriter to do it for you, thus creating another strategy to get organic traffic to your website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) revolves around the use of keywords and key phrases within the copy of an article, site, or blog. Keywords need to be relevant to the product or service you are promoting. This is also known as content optimization.

The main objective of SEO is to get your website ranked high on the search engine results page or SERP, which is accessible through a search engine query. One of the many ways to accomplish this is to use targeted keywords and key phrases within the copy of your articles, web pages, blog posts, press releases, and website content.

Relevancy of content helps in improving your SEO results. Research has shown that readers tend to click on the first sentence of the article or blog post and read through the complete written content, rather than skimming through the surface and searching for keywords or phrases.

If your website content does not contain the keyword or key phrase relevant content, your site will never get ranked high in the search engines.

Long-Tail Keywords And Keyphrases: Long-tail keywords and key phrases have less competition than the more popular search terms. This makes it a good choice for internet marketing professionals who are trying to reach a niche market.

When using long-tail keywords or phrases in your content, make sure they are used several times throughout the article or blog. Your keywords should be sprinkled in so that it appears natural and relevant to the reader.

Use Of Meta Tags: Using proper meta tags and keywords correctly can help your website to rank higher in the search engine results. Sometimes webmasters make the mistake of using irrelevant keywords for the titles of their pages.

This practice can result in your website being listed separately from the rest. It may be better to include relevant keywords throughout all text on the page to create a natural flow of information.

Incorporate Social Media Marketing: Social media networking like Twitter and Facebook is now an essential tool for internet marketers to advertise their websites.

Social media allows you to share useful content with your audience, as well as post links to your content and articles. By integrating social media into the mix of your online marketing strategy, you can draw attention to your websiteBusiness Management Articles, as well as drive traffic.

Article Tags: Organic TrafficSearch EngineLong-tail KeywordsSocial Media

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


History of Shirts: How and Why They Were Made


Image by Gerard Mak from Pixabay

The shirt is clothing that every man has in his closet. Usually, men wear this outfit for daily purposes or especially when they want to dress up. However, although many people buy Men’s Shirts Online, they are still unaware of the fact that shirts are one of the oldest outfits of men. Let’s discuss the evolution of shirts to understand when, how, and why they were made!

Shirts of Early Ages

Shirts existed as a piece of garments before the middle ages and then just as underwear for men. The early shirts had no cuff or collar, except a hem that could be buttoned and tightened. And men used to put them on by pulling them over their heads. Men could select between detachable and fixed collars in the middle ages.

Sometimes, the clothing was made out of cotton, linen, and often silk. The shirt was no more worn as just underwear in the 18th Century. The collar developed into huge proportions and was designed with lace and embroidery. And ultimately, the collar became smaller sizes again.

The Golden Ages of Tailoring

At this time, shirts were not mass made in factories. The well-suited men used to purchase their shirts from tailors, simply like many do the same these days. The shirt was the clothing of simple designs for a long, but in the mid-19th Century, it was customized more to the body shape.

The fixed collar disappeared and this garment began to show up in more vibrant designs particularly as labor and sports shirts. Until the end of the 19th Century, the white shirt was pondered to be a crucial feature of success.

Shirts of Modern Ages

The shirt went through massive changes at the end of World War I. During that period, the modern shirt with buttons became famous. The shirt with the fixed collar redesigned in the 1930s and has been there ever since. 20 years later, the short-sleeved shirt came in fashion. The chest pocket was introduced in the 1960s as a consequence of the waistcoat under the suit jacket.

The design and styling variations of modern shirts are countless. The collar comes in several sizes and cuts and is extremely sensitive to fashion freaks. The cotton fabric used comes in different constructions and qualities. That’s the way the shirt has always been. You can find Men’s Cotton Shirts Online in several qualities.

Final Thoughts

The shirt is precious clothing that men treated with care and dignity and they are fast to wear it as early as they buy it. And then they long for wearing shirts repeatedly. Accompanied by a tie of amazing color and a suit of your choice or casually unbuttoned together with your preferred jeansBusiness Management Articles, a shirt can make your attire complete. You will look very comfortably well-dressed for sure.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

How to Make Quick Money


Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

If you would like to discover how to make quick money then, this article may be the most important article you read all day.

There are 2 important factors in making quick money:

1. Filling a Need, Want or Desire: That's to simply satisfy someone's thirst for a solution.
2. Leverage: In order for you to make this happen quickly, you'll want to use the power of leverage.

Let's break down #1: Everyone has problems in their lives. If they have a tooth ache, they need a dentist. If they have a terrible golf game and a tournament coming up this weekend, they need help fixing their golf game quickly.

If someone has a high school reunion coming up and they feel that they have gained a few too many pounds, they will want to lose weight quickly. If a couple is having trouble in their marriage and divorce is staring them straight in the face, they need help to save their marriage. If an Internet business owner can't figure out how to get traffic to his sales letter, they need help solving that problem.

All around you are problems that need solving. Every single person on this earth has a problem that needs to be solved.

So, how does this effect you and the fact that you want to solve the problem of making quick money from home?

If you solve a problem for someone you will be rewarded. Usually, that reward is financial gain. If you create a product like "How To Cure Your Migraine Headache In 17 Minutes Without Drugs" and charge $17 for the eBook (an instantly downloadable solution), then you will make money every time someone buys that solution.

The second part of the "how to make quick money solution" is Leverage: In order to make quick money, you'll need to solve a problem for a good amount of people in a very short period of time. In order to do that, you'll have to use leverage.

Use leverage and you'll make money fast.

You know that if you look up the definition of leverage on Dictionary.com, you'll find some interesting definitions like:

1. The mechanical advantage or power gained by using a lever
2. Power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions
3. The use of a small initial investment, credit, or borrowed funds to gain a very high return in relation to one's investment

There are so many good lessons that I could teach on from each one of these. Obviously, you'll need #2 if you want to make any sales. Your sales copy needs to have leverage...the ability to influence people and decisions...

...But what I am really referring to here is really #1. Think of the Internet or a business relationship, like a joint venture partner or affiliate, as the lever.

The Internet can be a lever because you can use it's power to gain the advantage of reaching millions of people in mere minutes. A relationship with someone who has a good quality list, who you can convince to send out an offer for your product, can also be a lever.

In this article, we talked about how to make quick money by finding and solving solutions to people's problems, and by using the power of leverage to do it quickly.

So, ponder on these tips and I am sure you can come up with dozens of ways to make quick money.

To Your Immediate and Lasting Money Making Success,

Kenneth Edwards Jr.

Kenneth Edwards is one of the teachers of the "Financial Breakthrough 101 - How To Master The Secrets Of Making Money From Home, When You Absolutely, Positively Have To, In One Monthly Lesson!" Home Business Class. To get more Free reports on making quick money from home, like our newest one "$24,000 In 24 Hours - Secrets Revealed", Go Here: I Want To Make Quick Money [http://www.financialbreakthrough101.com/?download-page=27]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kenney_Edwards/14378

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1630840

Ten Ways to Make Money Online and Earn Good Income


Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

The Internet offers great moneymaking opportunities for Individuals with computer knowledge and skills required to thrive in this online medium. There are a number of ways to earn money online but the ten best possible ways to earn money online are:

Try selling things on the Internet. That is the simplest way of making money online using the Internet. Selling products on the internet through online shopping portals, virtual auction sites, or setting up a web store in your own website provides a great income opportunity to everyone who has something nice to sell to potential customers online. This is ideal for generating the required amount of revenue on a long-term basis and is the simplest of moneymaking options available online.

For all those who believe that their photography skills can impress anyone, there is a great option to sell photos online and earn money. There are numerous stock photography agencies present online, which help you in selling your photos online. These agencies offer great incentives and income opportunities to budding photographers. The amount is paid on a per-download basis to these photographers after getting the royalty payment rights from them. This is a very useful way to earn money online if you have the required skill set.

Several message boards have many visitors to their sites. These message boards are dependent on regular contributions from the forum members to keep the community alive and the conversation growing. As the message boards get popular, there are chances that more members that are new will join the forum and get their queries solved or contribute towards the discussion. These message boards get the sufficient advertisements to pay to their most active members, who have been posting on a regular basis, thereby giving them a chance to earn some money.

Through various social networking sites, it is actually possible to earn money while going through different profile of people who are members of these sites. Some social networking sites pay its users money to improve page impressions in their profile to attract more visitors. These sites also offer money for uploading and sharing pictures and referring new members to the social networking site. The money given to an Individual depends on a proportionate payment structure setup by the site that distributes almost half of its advertising revenues to its members.

Filling up surveys is another way to earn money online. Filling up market research survey may look like a very boring activity but the opportunities to earn money in this type of work are endless. There are thousands of research groups online, which would like to take your opinion about various things and in that process, pay you for presenting your opinion. For each survey completed, there are certain points or money given out to the users. Once the money-earning limit is hit, the survey team allows the user the opportunity to take the money or exchange the points for a certain amount of money.

Another great way to earn money online is through blogs. The process of blogging can help users earn lot of money online by putting in creative content in their blogs. There are two ways of going about this blogging activity: one is to create your own blog and write all the content on your own. This is a painful process where you need to do all the hard work to earn money. The second one is to setup a sponsored blog where you write reviews about products for companies wanting to promote their business. These blog sites pay you money for providing favorable opinion about a certain product. This is one of the best income opportunities present online.

The internet provides the perfect platform for freelancers to earn money by providing services based on their skill sets. These may include talent such as writing, programming, graphic designing, and training. There are many websites where buyer posts their requirements for a particular assignment and freelancers can bid for that assignment. The buyer then selects the service provider for the assignment and assigns the task to them. This is one of the safest ways to earn money online and the website takes a certain cut from your payment as the intermediary to have got you the job. It is more or less a win-win proposition for everyone involved.

The three other ways to earn money online is by betting, setting up an online business, or by playing computer games. Each of these options provides different sort of earning potential and requires different amount of effort to set the ball rolling and generate the required amount of income for you.

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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Adam_Woods/298886

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2530439

How to do Accounting for Small Businesses?


 Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

Accounting services for private ventures is finished by keeping a total record of all the pay and expenses and precisely extricating monetary data from deals.

This is an essential errand that helps entrepreneurs follow and deal with their cash successfully – particularly during the beginning phases. Other than keeping you insights about your business at various times execution, private company accounting additionally helps in creating solicitations and finishing finance.

What this article covers:

How Do You Do Bookkeeping for a Small Business?

How Do I Set up a Small Business Accounting System?

Do You Need an Accountant for a Small Business?

NOTE: FreshBooks Support colleagues have not affirmed annual assessment or accounting experts and can't give exhortation there, outside of supporting inquiries concerning FreshBooks. In the event that you need a personal assessment exhortation kindly contact a bookkeeper in your space.

How Do You Do Bookkeeping for a Small Business?

Examining Financial Transactions

The way toward accounting begins with examining monetary exchanges and entering the ones relating to the business substance into the accounting framework. For instance, advances taken for individual reasons are excluded from the business archives

The initial step of the accounting cycle includes the arrangement of source archives. A source report or business archive fills in as the establishment for recording an exchange.

Diary Entries

Deals are recorded in a diary (otherwise called Books of Original Entry) in a sequential request utilizing the twofold section accounting framework. The diary sections incorporate two records – charge and credit.

To make this interaction simpler, bookkeepers utilize a unique diary to record repeating exchanges like buys, deals, cash receipts, and so on the exchanges that can't be remembered for the extraordinary diaries are recorded in the overall diary.


The overall record is an assortment of records that show the progressions made to each record dependent on past exchanges, alongside the current adjustments in each record. It is otherwise called the Books of Final Entry.

Unadjusted Trial Balance

A preliminary equilibrium is set up to test if the all-out charges equivalent absolute credits. The records are removed from the record and masterminded in a report. The adjusts of the charge and credit sections ought to be equivalent.

If not, the preliminary equilibrium contains mistakes that should be found and redressed with adjusting passages. Note that a few blunders may exist regardless of the charges rising to credits, for example, mistakes brought about by twofold presenting or due on the exclusion of sections.

Changing Entries

Toward the finish of the accounting time frame, the bookkeeper should set up the changing sections to refresh the records that are summed up in the fiscal summaries. For instance, pay acquired however not recorded in the books.

Changing sections are made for the gathering of pay and costs, devaluation, recompenses, deferrals, and prepayments.

Changed Trial Balance

When the changing passages are made, a changed preliminary equilibrium should be ready. This is done to test if the charges match the credits after the changing passages are made. This is the last advance before the readiness of the business' fiscal reports.

Fiscal reports

The fiscal reports which incorporate the pay proclamation, explanation of changes in value, monetary record, articulation of income, and notes are the final results of the accounting framework.

Shutting Entries

To set up the framework for the following accounting, brief records that are measure intermittently, including the pay, cost, and withdrawal accounts, are shut. The monetary record accounts additionally called the perpetual records, stay open for the following accounting cycle.

The last advance of the accounting cycle is to set up a post-shutting preliminary equilibrium to test the fairness of the charges and credit sums after the end passages are made. This preliminary equilibrium contains genuine records just as the transitory records are shut this accounting cycle.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com