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How to Make Quick Money


Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

If you would like to discover how to make quick money then, this article may be the most important article you read all day.

There are 2 important factors in making quick money:

1. Filling a Need, Want or Desire: That's to simply satisfy someone's thirst for a solution.
2. Leverage: In order for you to make this happen quickly, you'll want to use the power of leverage.

Let's break down #1: Everyone has problems in their lives. If they have a tooth ache, they need a dentist. If they have a terrible golf game and a tournament coming up this weekend, they need help fixing their golf game quickly.

If someone has a high school reunion coming up and they feel that they have gained a few too many pounds, they will want to lose weight quickly. If a couple is having trouble in their marriage and divorce is staring them straight in the face, they need help to save their marriage. If an Internet business owner can't figure out how to get traffic to his sales letter, they need help solving that problem.

All around you are problems that need solving. Every single person on this earth has a problem that needs to be solved.

So, how does this effect you and the fact that you want to solve the problem of making quick money from home?

If you solve a problem for someone you will be rewarded. Usually, that reward is financial gain. If you create a product like "How To Cure Your Migraine Headache In 17 Minutes Without Drugs" and charge $17 for the eBook (an instantly downloadable solution), then you will make money every time someone buys that solution.

The second part of the "how to make quick money solution" is Leverage: In order to make quick money, you'll need to solve a problem for a good amount of people in a very short period of time. In order to do that, you'll have to use leverage.

Use leverage and you'll make money fast.

You know that if you look up the definition of leverage on Dictionary.com, you'll find some interesting definitions like:

1. The mechanical advantage or power gained by using a lever
2. Power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions
3. The use of a small initial investment, credit, or borrowed funds to gain a very high return in relation to one's investment

There are so many good lessons that I could teach on from each one of these. Obviously, you'll need #2 if you want to make any sales. Your sales copy needs to have leverage...the ability to influence people and decisions...

...But what I am really referring to here is really #1. Think of the Internet or a business relationship, like a joint venture partner or affiliate, as the lever.

The Internet can be a lever because you can use it's power to gain the advantage of reaching millions of people in mere minutes. A relationship with someone who has a good quality list, who you can convince to send out an offer for your product, can also be a lever.

In this article, we talked about how to make quick money by finding and solving solutions to people's problems, and by using the power of leverage to do it quickly.

So, ponder on these tips and I am sure you can come up with dozens of ways to make quick money.

To Your Immediate and Lasting Money Making Success,

Kenneth Edwards Jr.

Kenneth Edwards is one of the teachers of the "Financial Breakthrough 101 - How To Master The Secrets Of Making Money From Home, When You Absolutely, Positively Have To, In One Monthly Lesson!" Home Business Class. To get more Free reports on making quick money from home, like our newest one "$24,000 In 24 Hours - Secrets Revealed", Go Here: I Want To Make Quick Money [http://www.financialbreakthrough101.com/?download-page=27]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kenney_Edwards/14378

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1630840

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