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7 Crucial Elements to Building an Effective Personal Brand

How to Gain More Income, Influence and Impact Through Building a Personal Brand

It used to be that if you had a logo and a website you had a business brand. But today's consumers demand a lot more. Branding for them is about the experience of being with you, the owner of that business.

Today businesses have to look a lot deeper when it comes to creating a personal brand that is in harmony with their business brand.

When you have a strong personal brand, you become a mini-celebrity in your field. With that strong brand comes clout and credibility. People look up to you.

When people think of your industry, you'll be the first one to come to mind. It also gives your offerings a higher perceived value - suddenly you can charge what you are worth to clients who are happy to pay.

If you want to build a dynamic and effective personal brand that will help grow your business but don't know where to start, let’s break it down...

7 Key Elements of a Personal Brand that is Infused with Your Business Brand

1) Embracing Consistency

When prospects know what to expect of you it creates a feeling of familiarity and trust. That's why consistency of everything you do and how you present yourself is so important.

But many business owners go willy-nilly with their brand, not paying attention to colours, fonts, graphics or style of messaging that all makes up a personal and business brand. This can be confusing for your audience. Your brand should be developed with consistency and standards that reflect well on how you want your business to be perceived.

For instance, take colours – one way to be consistent with your business brand on a personal level is to wear similar colours to your visual brand. For many years, Mari Smith wore her signature turquoise blue wherever she went, which was a match to her business brand. She has since changed this strategy, but it was very effective in her brand positioning while she was building her leadership presence.

Dana J. Smithers, one of our long-time clients is another one who fully embraces her brand messaging by consistently wearing only her business brand colours: Black, red and white. (Stay tuned for an upcoming eTip where I interview her on this subject.)

Consistency is king when it comes to branding. Aside from your personal appearance, other things you do also affect your personal brand. For instance, if you say you provide a weekly newsletter, you need to honour that commitment and make sure a newsletter goes out every week. If you post twice a day on Facebook, keep up that frequency.

That kind of consistency will win over the trust of your followers, which will make them more likely to make a purchase when they are in need of your product or services.

2) Forming a Compelling Story

Your story is the single biggest differentiator for your business. Make your story be a part of your personal brand. (Read my story here http://evisionmedia.ca/us/susan-friesens-journey/ or a fuller version on a book I’m a co-author of: Entrepreneurial Spirit Sauce.)

Hundreds of people may sell what you have, but you are the only one who is exactly like you.

Your followers yearn to know who you are, how you got to where you are at and why you love what you do. Think of it as your Cinderella rags to riches story. It allows people to see how you came from no-where, learned the lesson, and came out on top.

Connecting to your story gives followers that feel good, heart-to-heart connection with you. Once you craft your story you can add it on your about page, your bio, in presentations, your book, and more!

3) Owning Authenticity

When you share from your heart you inspire and connect with people on a deeper level.

Share the real you. Let them see your values. Talk about what you stand for. Give them a peek behind the scenes so they feel included.

4) Being Visible and Accessible

Out of sight means out of mind. There are many ways you can showcase your personal brand by becoming more visible in front of your target market. Here’s just a few ideas:

- Have a great, professional headshot. - Post photos of you in action at work. - Leave your office and go to networking meetings. - Get featured in the media. - Be a podcast or telesummit guest. - Show photos of events you attend and the people you meet on Social Media. - Hold webinars and Facebook Live Q&A sessions with your followers. - Follow up and nurture your network through newsletters so you are unforgettable.

5) Creating a Value Proposition

This is such an important brand element but sadly most businesses do not have a clear value proposition statement.

A value proposition is a clear declaration that explains who you serve, how you serve them, and why your solution is better.

A good one is clear, specific and easily understood. When you can articulate this in a compelling way, it's a powerful client attraction tool.

6) Defining a Focused Ideal Client

Many businesses aren't clear about their ideal customer. They cast their net too wide when it comes to customers.

Once you clearly identify who is in your tribe, it not only supercharges your marketing messages but also helps you better understand how to present yourself in front of them in order to win them over.

7) Showcasing Your Expertise

Personal branding also means being the best and most knowledgeable at what you do. Don't just be a follower of other top experts, instead lead the industry with your perspectives, findings and views.

Create studies to publish new results. Develop your own signature system. Craft terms that become the coined phrase for the industry.

The more you differentiate yourself from others in your industry the more you will become the go-to expert people will be drawn to.

Want to Stand Out and Get Noticed?

At eVision Media we understand what it takes to succeed online. We do more than help you look good online through a business brand design; we go to the core of what makes you unique and communicate it with a personal brand that defines you.

Find out more today about our website design, branding, and online marketing services or talk to me about my mentoring options where I’ll help you define your personal brand.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Female_Entrepreneurs/article_detail.cfm/6245991?articleid=6245991


Learn about copy trading

If you have ever tried to trade financial markets on your own, you will know making a success of it is not easy. Trading, be it forex, crypto, stocks or commodities takes a lot of work. Work means time and dedication to learn the ins and outs of of placing orders, managing risk, keeping current on the news in markets you trade, all whilst maintaining psychological discipline when your performance is good or bad. Unfortunately, not everyone has the required free time to be successful. Either you are working full time, have an extra job, family commitments or a combination of responsibilities. For whatever the reason, you may just don't have time to trade financial markets but you still have an interest.

That's where copy trading could be the right solution for you. Instead of trading yourself, copy trading allows you to commit money to other peoples trading strategies. Plenty of brokers, online platform and other types of providers offer cTrader platform give you the opportunity to place an equity stop loss. Equity stop losses allow you to choose how much of your investable funds you want to put at risk.

Diversification is also another important element to consider when copy trading. Instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket, diversifying your funds across a number of different strategies, may help to reduce the level of risk you are taking on. In summary, copy trading is one type of trading option that works well for those who are interest in high risk trading, but don't have the time to dedicate themselves to learning how to trade and to actually sit in front of a screen all day placing orders. That said, it carries a high degree of risk and you should only commit funds that you can afford to lose.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Business/article_detail.cfm/6263369?articleid=6263369

Researching your competitors is more successful when you actually look

Researching your competitors is more successful when you actually look Researching your competitors includes knowing what products they offer. And what makes them stand out from the crowd and how their pricing strategy is structured. But researching your competitors is more successful when you actually look. It may sound flippant, but many don’t or leave it to a platform—job ticked off the today list but insight not even seen.

In the world of business, organisations must stay ahead of the competition. This means being aware of what threats and opportunities are out there. And determining what the future competitive landscape looks like. However, if you’re not looking for it, you’re likely not going to find it. That’s why businesses need to be aware of these threats and look for ways to counteract them.

Researching your competitors to know them inside out will give you more confidence. Confidence that you are setting your prices competitively. Enable you to respond to their marketing campaigns with your own initiatives. Get to know them well, and you can predict their marketing campaigns. And have your own launch a week, day or hour or so before them.

Using this knowledge, preemptive strikes could focus on competitors’ weaknesses. And, more importantly, target what their customers really want.

Researching your competitors allows you to find current and future threats to you. Threats from both new entrants to your market and existing competitors. Realistic about how successful you can be.

Who are your competitors? Everyone faces competition. It doesn’t matter who you are and what you do. You will have competitors. Everyone no exception. Even if you’re the only fintech platform in the world that has a particular technology. You will have competitors as customers choose where to spend their money instead of with you. They can keep their cash in their pockets too.

The internet has opened up markets to infinite opportunities and countless global competitors. It’s vital to look at current and new competitors. And importantly, the future ones and their associated technologies.

A competitor can be a new business providing a substitute or similar products. Something that could put your offering into retirement. But it could be a product or service you could also sell or work with them in a partnership. An opportunity that fills a gap that your current offering fails to achieve, and you know your customer base will look it. Better you selling to your customers than a new competitors

Best way to find competitors The best way to find competitors is to sit down and think about where you would find the information. Meet with your team and build a list of sources of where to look. Create alerts on Google or monitor the media. Search for signals of change and have red flags. Red flags are raised when something happens within an agreed set of criteria. For instance, if this happens, we do nothing. But we alert the senior team and recommend this and that if this happens.

There are countless ways to find information on competitors, including:

Your customers Your supplier From monitoring your market Chamber of Commerce and trade associations Business databases Advertising Job adverts Press articles Exhibitions and trade fairs Social media An Internet search for similar products or services Marketing literature sent when you sign up for updates Searching for similar current and pending patents planning applications and building work in progress The most important aspect of this exercise is that you are aware of them. Look for the threats and opportunities and determine your future competitive landscape. What’s clear, though, is that if you’re not looking, you are not going to find it.

Researching your competitors is more successful when you actually look In conclusion, if you don’t look for threats and opportunities, you may struggle to compete. And researching your competitors is more successful when you actually look. Companies need to understand their competitive landscape clearly. And then determine where they fit in. There are countless places to find information about your competitors. But it’s important that you are actually looking. Businesses can develop a plan to stay ahead of the competition. By being proactive and looking for these threats and opportunities. So get out there and finding your competitors today.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Business/article_detail.cfm/6263361?articleid=6263361

How to make money with affiliate marketing

Have you ever searched for a blogpost online, possibly on Google, and found some products within the blog content? If yes, then the owner of the blogpost usually earns some commissions when the product link is clicked and the product is purchased through the link. This is simply affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is one partial income-generating activity that has not been fully ventured into. For this reason, you might wish to train yourself on how to make money with affiliate marketing. However, you may first wish to know a few bits of basic information about affiliate marketing before you guide yourself step by step to become a successful affiliate marketer.

Guide to teach yourself to make money with affiliate marketing

When you start affiliate marketing, it is not automatic that you will make a good income. You need to be strategic and knowledgeable about what you are doing; otherwise, you may not earn a single cent from affiliate marketing. To help you start affiliate marketing and be successful, here are a few steps to follow.

1. Choose a niche

Affiliate marketing can be very competitive at times. With an appropriate niche, you have a high chance of making good money from affiliating. You will be able to mention the products you are affiliating with, cultivate a good and trustworthy audience, and manage the competition.

An appropriate niche is very vital for profitability in affiliate marketing. In most cases, your blogs should align with what you are affiliating with. For example, if you write content on fitness and general body well-being, you can affiliate fitness products and weight loss/gain supplements. Most of your traffic are people seeking to know more about fitness and are high prospects of your affiliate products. They will easily follow your links and earn you money. Other profitable niches include finance, travel, pet care, fashion and beauty, technology and gaming, etc.

2. Evaluate the market

Evaluate the market under which you select a niche to ensure that your customers are willing to pay for what is offered through your niche. You can check on Google trends to identify some of the products selling well in the online market. With such knowledge, you will be able to settle on the best products under your niche that can generate a good income.

For example, you can check how many people search for tummy trainers. You will realize that this is very consistent, and you can create some content on tummy trainers and then affiliate several tummy trainers available for sale by different dealers.

3. Analyze the competition

The level of competition will determine if you will be successful or not. Use keyword search to determine how many people have ventured into the niche you are interested in. Afterward, determine the percentage that do affiliate marketing and that that do not. If affiliate marketing in your niche is too extensive, you can choose another niche or rather be very creative and strategic with your affiliate programs.

4. Research affiliate programs

Carry out adequate research on how to promote your affiliate links. Take a more profound step into affiliate marketing and identify which program is suitable and convenient for you. An affiliating program acts as a middleman between the product merchants and affiliates. The affiliate programs are sites that make it convenient for the merchants and affiliates to create a relationship and bond through which an affiliate link that has led to a purchase is commissioned.

5. Pick your affiliate marketing method

You can choose to work with several affiliate marketing methods, but blogging and paid ads are the most common. For blogging, you need to start with creating a website and choose either the free or paid hosting services. Whether the affiliate program has a higher commission or not, you can still make some money with website content creation. Once you master how to create the most relevant content for your readers, you can include paid ads within the content. When the ads redirect clients to make a purchase, you will earn more commissions.

6. Create and publish content

You can now start making content in line with your niche and publish it on your website. Make sure you get consistent with your publications and give your readers quality, understandable and straightforward content. With quality, your content will attract more traffic to your website, thus increasing your audience and the number of people who can actually purchase products through your affiliate links.

Final thoughts

For successful affiliate marketing, you need to leverage the best strategies that will help you reach a great audience and build a long-lasting relationship. To get good commissions from merchants and create a good relationship with them, you can consider the above mentioned steps.

If you want to go beyond being just a beginner at this or any other skill, and work toward developing a real mastery, then you are going to need a deeper and more powerful strategy. What you need is a way to hack your brain so you can develop a winning mindset.

A winning mindset is a state of mind that allows you to enter a flow state at will. You do this by programming your subconscious mind.

Believe it or not, most of what you do throughout an average day is NOT freely chosen by your normal waking consciousness even though it may seem that way. The truth is that most of what you do on a day-to-day basis is done on autopilot. An example of this would be when you’re driving your car and as you do so you get bored and begin daydreaming. Before you know it, you find yourself several miles further down the road with absolutely NO memory of having driven those last several miles.

So, who exactly was driving while your waking consciousness was in la-la land, and how exactly did you manage to avoid an accident? Your subconscious mind was in control. You already spent years programming your subconscious with how to deal with a broad range of possible driving scenarios and thus it had no trouble taking the wheel while your waking consciousness took a little break. In other words, you were able to take effective actions without having to THINK about them.

The same way you programmed your subconscious to drive, you can also program it to automatically take successful actions toward mastering any other skill you decide that you want to learn. CLICK HERE to learn a proven, step-by-step formula to help you attain mastery at any skill you choose and achieve everything in life.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Affiliate_Programs/article_detail.cfm/6263330?articleid=6263330

What is the cost to do affiliate marketing?

Imagine that after a long day at work, your boss offered you a raise. Not just any raise – an extra $5,000 dollars every month, with the chance to set your own hours and spend as much time with your family as you want. What if in exchange, all you needed to do was work an extra four hours a day?

Most of us would jump at the chance. Sadly, many people don’t have a choice in this economy and work two or even three jobs to make ends meet. But while most people dream of the chance of getting such a great deal from their boss, a much smaller group of people are willing to do it for themselves.

That’s why asking about the costs of affiliate marketing is a tricky exercise, and in some cases, the wrong question to ask. This is a scalable business model, and the amount you get out of it usually has a direct relationship to the resources you put in. Even if you don’t have a lot of money, your time and knowledge can go a long way.

Planning For Affiliate Success

In order to map out how much you can spend, you need to think like a businessperson and map out your goals over a longer period of time. For example, many affiliate programs have a recurring payment – paying you as long as your referral is a member of the site. Let’s say that you’re an affiliate for a membership site that pays you $25 a month in commissions, and your goal is to pocket an extra $5,000 monthly.

That means you need you’ll need 200 subscribers to reach that target. Instead of thinking about the upfront cost, think about your cost per subscriber. For example, what if it cost you $250 dollars to get a single subscriber? Obviously, services like PPC, SEO, content and video marketing don’t cost anywhere near this much! But even if they did, at $25 a month, you’d have earned it back within a year, and given yourself a stream of income that lasts forever. Once you’ve recouped the initial costs, you’re making pure profit.

Cost Per Conversion

Luckily you don’t have to wait that long. A more realistic figure is around $2 per subscriber. For about $400 dollars you can easily outsource SEO, articles, and even some advertising in your niche and reach that 200 dollar a month figure if you spend wisely and have patience. But even if it cost twice that much, it would still be a good investment.

After all, your income doesn’t go from zero to $5,000 overnight. There’s a scaling process that gives you a continuous feedback loop of money you can invest into your own business. Apply this principle to membership sites, commissions, or any other affiliate model – you’ll be shocked at how much it means for your mindset – and your results! How to spend time earning money instead of learing tedious skills

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Affiliate_Programs/article_detail.cfm/6263352?articleid=6263352

How to Get and keep Responsive Subscribers

It is the aim of all email marketers to have a list full of people that read their emails and make a purchase when they present offers. This is unrealistic, but what you don’t want is a list full of tire kickers and freebie seekers. There is no way that you can totally control this of course but there are some things you can do to minimize getting the wrong kind of subscribers.

What are your Traffic sources?

Where your traffic comes from is a very important factor. Traffic that originates from a source that is cheap will rarely produce a list of buyers. Resist the temptation to use “safe lists” for traffic or a similar service where you have to subscribe to their list and then they will join yours. These people will never even read your emails let alone make a purchase.

You must ensure that your traffic is targeted. If your niche is making money online then traffic that originates from the Warrior Forum is likely to produce better subscribers because it is targeted. Don’t go to general forums to get your traffic – it won’t turn out well. Using Facebook ads is a good idea as you can really be specific about the demographics.

Although almost everyone is interested in making more money, traffic from unrelated websites is likely to lead to freebie seekers and tire kickers. They just want information. Warrior Forum members are genuinely interested about making money online so they are likely to be more responsive.

Use the Double Opt In Confirmation Facility

Another mistake that a lot of email marketers make is to immediately redirect a visitor to their lead magnet download page once they have opted in. You have no idea whether the email address used by the visitor is real or not so this is just giving away your lead magnet for free.

Yes you can lose a few opt ins with double opt in but you will end up with a better class of subscriber. If they are prepared to go to the trouble of confirming their interest then they are more likely to read your emails when you send them. If they can’t be bothered then you don’t want them anyway.

To increase the number of opt ins be sure to get people more excited about your lead magnet and your email newsletter after they have opted in. Direct them to a web page which will do this. Tell them that you offer a great deal of value with your lead magnet and your emails.

Be up front with your subscribers and tell them that you will send emails that contain offers sometimes. Measure your open rates and click rates all the time. Your autoresponder service will provide this information. Tell your subscribers that you are doing this and it will deter some tire kickers.

Track Activity and Clean your List

Take a close look at the subscriber activity in your list. If you have a number of subscribers that have not opened any of your emails for a while then it is best to get shot of them. There could be several reasons why a subscriber is not opening your emails:

• They don’t like your email content • They do not use the email address any more • They have forgotten who you are • They are freebie seekers Is Your AutoResponder Service Breaking The Bank? Mine Charges a LOW Flat Rate for Unlimited Lists and Campaigns! Start Today with a FREE 30 Day Trial and See What You've Been Missing!

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Affiliate_Programs/article_detail.cfm/6263358?articleid=6263358

How to get your site into the best shape to boost your AdSense earnings

Intending to begin a site to bring in cash through Google AdSense, or considering how to build your Google AdSense profit? Assuming this is the case, here are afew hints on the best way to get your site in the best shape to dig into AdSense and amplify your income.
1. Create unique, valuable content.
First off, your site could be at first supported by Google AdSense, yet later investigated for quality affirmation. As such, you can't fill your site with bad quality substance to get 100 pages listed and adapted.

All things considered, observe something you are enthusiastic about and observe others who are energetic about exactly the same thing. Then co-operate with them to make the sort of satisfied that others who are enthusiastic about that point would need to peruse.
2. Make your site sticky.
Guests to your site probably won't tap on your AdSense promotions immediately, and in the event that they leave in the wake of taking a gander at only one page,
you've most likely lost them and their potential AdSense pay forever. To that end you need to make a site that is crude.

This means you really want to ensure that each guest that comes to your site needs to dig increasingly deep into the site. There are multiple ways of doing this. First of all, have clear route at the highest point of your site so guests can track down the greatest aspects.

Then, guarantee that each piece of content interfaces with more pieces of content. Like that, on the off chance that your guest isn't partaking in the page they arrived upon, they could see a connection to one more theme they would be keen on all things considered.

Finally, have more blissful associations in the sidebar.Tell your guests your generally well known content, what your most common substance is, and what your generally remarked upon content is. Guests will be interested why those specific bits of content are so famous, and that will keep them on your site considerably longer. Furthermore, the more times your pages get stacked, the more advertisements they will see, prompting more potential Google AdSense income.
3. Give your visitors multiple channels back to your site.
Try not to allow your guests to disregard your site. Your header, sidebar, end of content, and footer are the ideal spots to incorporate various channels that guests can interface with you so they can follow you. You ought to incorporate choices, for example, email select ins and interpersonal organizations. Like that, each time you produce or advance a piece of content, you can remind your guest about your site and ideally get them back to possibly tap on a greater amount of your AdSense promotions.
4. Optimize your user experience.
One thing that harms many site proprietors is client experience. You might have the best satisfied and the most ideal promotion position, however on the off chance that your site doesn't stack on cell phones or loads gradually, you could lose a great deal of your guests well before they have the opportunity to consume your substance or snap on your advertisements.

That is the reason it's fundamental that you do a few things for your site. In the first place, run a few straightforward tests utilizing Test My Site with Google to ensure your site functions admirably for portable clients and loads rapidly. Assuming your site has any issues, both of these apparatuses will bring up them to you so you can fix them.

Second, pursue Google Investigation and Google Search Control center on the off chance that you haven't as of now. Google Investigation will permit you to watch out for your traffic levels, so assuming that you see a dropArticle Submission, you can investigate it immediately. Google Search Control center has a wide exhibit of instruments that will assist you with seeing whether your site has any presentation issues or different blunders that could be causing your guests issues.

The most awesome aspect of all of the previously mentioned devices: they are generally free (some with premium choices) to further develop your site's client experience!

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Teach Yourself to Become a Bookkeeper

Bookkeeping is one of the oldest and most important professions in the world. Bookkeepers maintain accurate company records, financial transactions, and statements.

This article provides some tips on how to teach yourself how to become a bookkeeper. It will also give you some information on skills needed to succeed in this profession.

Roles of a Bookkeeper

To become a bookkeeper, you’ll first need to understand what a bookkeeper does and the education and skills required to become one.

A bookkeeper’s work is to keep track of company finances by creating financial records for all transactions that occur in the company. They also maintain the company’s books and records by calculating taxes and payrolls, paying bills and invoices, reconciling bank statements, preparing financial statements and budgets, and managing investments or other assets such as stocks or bonds held.

They do this by using accounting software such as QuickBooks or Xero and following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

As a bookkeeper, you’ll have different responsibilities depending on the size of your employer. For example, if working for a small business, you might also be responsible for handling payroll or managing inventory. If you work in public accounting, you may also be responsible for preparing tax returns.

Skills Needed to Become a Good Bookkeeper

The main requirement for becoming a bookkeeper is knowing how to keep books. A four-year degree in accounting is not required, especially if you possess the following skills;

• Organized and detail-oriented

• High level of accuracy and organization

• Ability to handle multiple tasks at once, such as bills and daily transactions

• Ability to use computer software and adapt to new programs easily

• The terminology and procedures involved in financial record keeping

• Basic math skills, an understanding of debits and credits, and a working knowledge of double-entry accounting.

How to Become a Bookkeeper

Step 1. Learn Accounting

To become a bookkeeper, you’ll first learn basic accounting skills. If you don’t know how to balance your checkbook, start there. Learn the difference between a debit and a credit, the difference between cash and accrual accounting, and how to use the various reports generated by accounting software.

You can practice these skills on software like QuickBooks or Quicken as you learn them. These programs are often available at local libraries or on the internet. Once you feel comfortable with these basic skills, you can seek more advanced training.

Step 2. Take Free or Low-cost Online Bookkeeping Courses

Bookkeeping coursework covers general bookkeeping principles and the specific accounting software used by many businesses. Accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, trial balance, and journal entries are covered in typical bookkeeping classes.

Free/low-cost bookkeeping courses include

• Coursera courses

Coursera is a large online learning platform. Many free online courses are available, including courses in accounting and bookkeeping. Most of these courses are done in partnership with other online universities, are accredited, and have certificates of completion.

They offer various courses in different subjects. Some of the courses are free, and some are pay-as-you-go. You can learn and expand your knowledge on bookkeeping at Coursera at a minimal expense.

• Corporate Finance Institute

Corporate Finance Institute is an online community college that offers specialized training in corporate finance, including stock trading and investing. You can learn from the world’s best instructors in just three months. Corporate Finance Institute also offers new students six months of free access to their online course materials. This includes a large selection of free video training courses covering topics such as stock trading and investing and bookkeeping and payroll.

• Intuit bookkeeping basics

Intuit is the bookkeeping division of the software giant Intuit Inc., formerly QuickBooks. The QuickBooks bookkeeping software is a great place to get started with bookkeeping, but if you want to advance your career and learn more advanced techniques, you should consider enrolling in one of the company’s online courses. There are several different courses available, designed for beginners and advanced users. You can learn QuickBooks fundamentals and more advanced topics, such as the payroll module.

Step 3. Enroll In Internship Programs

You may also want to look for an internship with a company in your area that uses bookkeepers. This will give you some hands-on experience.

Once you have completed formal training and gained some practical experience, you will be ready to seek employment as a bookkeeper for a company in your area or even as an independent contractor working from home.

If you want to go beyond being just a beginner at this or any other skill, and work toward developing a real mastery, then you are going to need a deeper and more powerful strategy. What you need is a way to hack your brain so you can develop a winning mindset.

A winning mindset is a state of mind that allows you to enter a flow state at will. You do this by programming your subconscious mind.

Believe it or not, most of what you do throughout an average day is NOT freely chosen by your normal waking consciousness even though it may seem that way. The truth is that most of what you do on a day-to-day basis is done on autopilot. An example of this would be when you’re driving your car and as you do so you get bored and begin daydreaming. Before you know it, you find yourself several miles further down the road with absolutely NO memory of having driven those last several miles. So, who exactly was driving while your waking consciousness was in la-la land, and how exactly did you manage to avoid an accident? Your subconscious mind was in control. You already spent years programming your subconscious with how to deal with a broad range of possible driving scenarios and thus it had no trouble taking the wheel while your waking consciousness took a little break. In other words, you were able to take effective actions without having to THINK about them.

The same way you programmed your subconscious to drive, you can also program it to automatically take successful actions toward mastering any other skill you decide that you want to learn. CLICK HERE to learn a proven, step-by-step formula to help you attain mastery at any skill you choose and achieve everything in life.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/article_detail.cfm/6263337?articleid=6263337