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Saving Money - What NOT To Do

An article about some of the pitfalls when trying to save for college and retirement.  Also some do's and don'ts about saving and what banks really do with your deposits.

The Basics: 

If there is one idea that many people in america hear repeatedly through their lives,Guest Posting its the concept that saving money is a pretty good idea.  From your mother to your banker, people preach to you about working hard and saving your money for your retirement.  In fact, its described as the key part of the blueprint to success in america.  This mythical description of how one's life should be lived is just that - a myth.  America is not setup for the individual to save money - America is setup for corporations to make money and for individuals to be beholden to  them through debt until they die (and possibly beyond the grave).  Ok, this seems pretty harsh but let's address some of the myths about saving money and you can make your own judgements.

 Myth #1 - "Save your money so you can go to college, get a good education and get a good job".  On the surface this sounds good, and certainly having a good job is worthwhile so saving for college seems pretty smart, right?  Well, if college is such an american ideal and the right thing to do, why is college so expensive and getting more expensive every day.  Today many young people have to borrow several thousand dollars to go to college.  If you want to get a degree for the higher paying professions (think lawyer or doctor) you probably have to borrow even more money, and spend additional years in college at one of the more expensive schools.  When a young person graduates from college they are are often saddled with debts that are in the tens of thousands (some over $100,000) before they get their first job and paycheck.  College is great, but don't think saving for college is the guarantee for financial success.  It could lead to many years of financial uncertainty (and thats IF you can get a job in this tough and competitive environment).

Myth #2 - "Open a savings account at my bank and save your money for the future".  Sure the bank will hold your money for you in a savings account and pay you interest on the money, but the rate of return at the bank is probably the worst rate of return of any place you can put your money (besides under your mattress).  Savings accounts at most banks today give you an interest rate between 1% and 2%, while inflation historically has been closer to 3% to 5% which means that your savings is not even keeping up with inflation.  In other words, the money you put into your savings account today will be worth LESS when you take it out.  To add insult to injury, the banks are collecting all of your money and using it to make a rate of return anywhere from 5% to 30% while they give you your paltry 1%.  They invest your capital and make the money you should be making while your savings are losing value against inflation.

 Myth #3 - "Get a credit card so you can save 1% - 2% or save frequent flyer miles".  These little offers that credit card corporations give you may sound like great savings ideas, but the 1 or 2 percent you save on your monthly purchases is dwarfed by the 10% to 30% you pay on interest on those purchases.  Every time you purchase something on the credit card you are not saving 1% you are actually losing between 6% and 28% (depending on the interest rate on your card).  Even if you pay off your balance in full at the end of each month, you still end up paying annual fees and other transaction fees that more than offset the minimal savings offered by the credit card company.  Besides, if you can afford to pay off your card in full at the end of every month - use cash and avoid any fees!

Myth #4 - “Get a CD and don’t touch it.  Your money will grow.”  Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are accounts offered by banks and credit unions where you place the money in an account for a period of time (3 months, 6 months, 5 years or longer) and you get a rate of return generally higher than a bank (but only a few percentage points higher).  The longer the term, the higher rate of return you get but in today’s economy it is nearly impossible to get a CD that is paying even 3% (again not enough to even cover inflation). What makes this even worse than a bank savings account is that if you withdraw your money early you will be hit with a substantial early withdrawal penalty (in some cases 6 months worth of interest earnings). Basically with a CD you are locked into a low-yielding account that will leave you with less spending power when you finally cash out than when you got in. Again, just like with the savings account, the institution giving you the CD will have made much more money reinvesting your dollars than you ever did.

Myth #5 - “Buy a house, it’s your best investment you’ll ever make.” There was a time when buying a house was a great way to build your net worth.  The house appreciated 10% or more per year and the equity you built in your home was like having a high yielding savings account that didn’t cost a penny. Well I think we know that the days of 10% or more house appreciation are over and many people in America have seen their investment DROP in value substantially. The best savings investment vehicle has turned into the biggest money pit for millions of homeowners in this country. If you were one of the unfortunate ones who spent their home equity instead of leaving it in the home you really understand why using your house as a savings vehicle is probably the cruelest joke of all. The debt incurred may last a lifetime if some drastic steps are not taken.

Myth #6 - Put your money under the mattress. Nobody will get it there." Sure, until you’re robbed! What about when you’re house burns down in the LA wildfire, or Hurricane Katrina washes all your money down the bayou. Saving money in your own house (even in a safe) is frought with disaster and when the money is lost or stolen you have no place to go to get your money back.

It should be obvious from these examples that many of the traditional ways of saving money can really be a money losing trap. Corporations and the government don’t want you to save money, they want you to give them your money so they can make profits without risking their own capital. If you really want to make money forget about saving and start thinking about earning, or putting your money to work for you. The next article in this series will explore some of the money earning options out there, and as always we will tell you what you may not know and what you need to know.

What you may not know: 

  • According to the Institute for College Access and Success in 2008 over 200,000 students owed more than $40,000 in student loans.  In 1996 there were only around 20,000.
  • Although they may not pay you much interest, your money is very safe in the bank.  In the 75 year existence of the FDIC (the institution that insurs your money) no customer has ever lost a penny of insured deposits.

What you need to know: 

  • Banks pay the lowest interest rate of any institution you can put your money in.  The interest rate on a savings account is between 1% and 2.5% while inflation is historically around 3%.  At that rate you will lose money every year.
  • Most CDs have strict and substantial penalties if you withdraw your money early (sometimes up to 6 months of your interest earned).
  • In 2010 the cost to attend an average four-year university ranges from $40,000 to $120,000 for the full 4 years. 

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Overcoming The Fear of Money

Many people,Guest Posting it seems, have a fear of money. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you uncomfortable? Cause you anxiety? If so, it may be that you are buying into the myths about money. Myths that are simply untrue. In fact, many of the most common statements about money are often misquoted, wrong, or were made by people who did not understand money ... or had none.

Let's look at a few of the myths about money ..."Money is the root of all evil" Everybody has heard this one. Unfortunately, it's one of the most famous misquotes of all time. The original quote comes from the New Testament and the correct quote is "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil". The love of money is an obsession and thus the true quote warns of the potential corruption that can derive from a love of, or obsession with, money (or any unhealthy preoccupation).. The fact is that money itself is neither good nor evil. It is neutral. Money can be used for good or it can be used for bad. How it is used is a choice, and the choice of how to use money is in the hands of he (or she) who controls it. "Money is Power" (and Power corrupts) Money itself has no real power. For instance, if you were legally given 10 million after-tax dollars in cash, put it in a safe deposit box, never touched it and never told anyone you had it you would have no more power than you do right now. The power of money comes from the use (or misuse) of it or the perceived benefit or threat by others. The money itself does not generate any power; it has to be converted into power. And whether or not you wish to convert money into power is a choice. And if one decides to convert money into power that power may be used for good or for evil, depending on the character of the person with the money. "Money will change your life"

Let's hope so! Used wisely, money can greatly ease many of life's burdens and greatly enhance one's life. Or, if you have a weak character, choose to live in fear and worry, you can let money make you miserable. It's not the money, it's YOU. The important thing to realize is that you get to control the money, it doesn't get to control you. Want proof? Here's how much actual control you have over your money - in the extreme, you can always give all the money away - and be rid of it. Just like that. You can give it all to charity, you can throw it out the window, you can walk down the street and hand it out. You can burn it all. It's yours and you can do whatever you want with it, including give it away. Gone. You can make it all disappear if you choose to do so. That may be a stupid choice but that choice is always yours. That's the ultimate power you have over your money and it rests in your hands. Money doesn't ruin or change your life or change you or take control over your life. Unless you let it. And since you have the ultimate power to get rid of it why would you let it ruin your life? "Money can't buy you happiness" This is true - if you are not happy to begin with. However, if you reasonably well-grounded, have a good value system and a little control over yourself money won’t hurt you either. Contrary to popular wisdom, money and happiness are not mutually exclusive. In fact, money can greatly enhance the security, independence and well being of your life, your family's life and the lives of people you care about. Money can't buy you happiness but happiness can't buy you money! To sum it up, the fear of money is often based on misconceptions. The truth is that money itself is simply an inanimate thing, doesn't know or care who does what with it, has no moral or ethical value and is a necessary commodity to have in the civilized world. Money, in the hands of whoever has it, has the capacity for great good or great evil, depending on who is doing the spending. It is not money that should be judged but the character and actions of the person (or entity) who uses it. Money is nothing to fear.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


The Truth Revealed About How To Earn Money Fast


Though the internet is plagued with fraudulent “get rich quick schemes”, there are thankfully a couple of legitimate ways online to legally earn money fast.

The phrase “earn money fast” usually sets alarm bells ringing,Guest Posting and so it should, as this is often the calling card for fraudulent “get rich quick schemes” that offer instant overnight success. However, to earn money fast does not necessarily mean to get rich fast, and this is where the distinct difference comes in. Let us take a closer look at the fraudulent approaches out there and then also the real ways that one can earn money fast.

Skills and talent

Aside from a one in 13 983 816 chance of winning the national lottery, if you have bought a ticket that is, there is no quick fix to financial stress. A work from home business, just like any other legitimate job, takes time and effort to get off of the ground. It also involves skills that usually don’t appear overnight in some secret formula or recipe for success. The earn money fast phrase is a legend that is used to catch the desperate employee seeking a way out. Usually these schemes are aimed at the unskilled or unemployed or even worse, at the elderly, disabled and single moms. You should therefore be wary of companies offering you the opportunity to earn money fast with no experience or skills whatsoever. Usually some kind of skill, even basic skills are required.

Clever tricks

The fraudulent company offering you the opportunity to earn money fast will almost always include a tight deadline in the offer. It is likely that you will read that there are only fifty places left and that these are disappearing very fast. The websites or mails may even be custom fitted with countdown modules giving you and indication of how quickly the spots are being taken and that you are increasingly at risk of missing out. Don’t be fooled, these are just clever tricks and would never be employed by a legitimate business. The company offering you a real opportunity will leave the ball in your court and allow you the freedom to sign up as you please.


It is quite common to receive a mail or a link to a website providing details on how to earn money fast. In order to prove that the opportunity is real and fool-proof, there is usually a list of testimonials stating wealth and success. Unfortunately, there are never any details listed for the said earners and upon requesting such details you will get evasive answers regarding the protection of privacy of the past employees. Some very clever perpetuators of the quick fix, get rich quick scheme will sometimes give you a mail address to contact. This mail address will be of the “free-mail” variety and most likely be owned and managed by the crook.

Contact information

They will never give you telephone numbers or concrete answers, just promises, promises, promises, which eventually will be unfulfilled. Real offers online will have real testimonials attached to contact details that work. They will also come up time and time again on reputable websites as being real job offers and opportunities to earn money fast.

Right opportunities

Due to the nature of internet work, it is possible to earn money fast. This is to say, earn money in a short period of time. Many home based jobs are also project based. Therefore quite often, a project can be completed in a day or two and then the online client will pay you by transferring money into a reliable online money transfer account such as Paypal. Consequently, in a short period of time you have earned money that is likely much needed.

Be sure to choose opportunities that allow you to earn money fast by signing up for free. There are plenty of these on the internet and so there is absolutely no need for you to become a victim of an earn money fast scam.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Best Ways To Earn Residual Online Income


Residual online income opportunities are what you need to be researching if you are looking to work once and earn money over and over again.

The Internet has revolutionized the way we earn money. There are millions of people across the globe that make a full-time living strictly by the Internet. They have jobs and careers,Guest Posting own small businesses and earn residual online income. It is possible to earn money simply by employing certain skills and plugging into the gold mine that is the Internet. Making money through online sources is entirely possible for the motivated income earner.

The old model of making money is quickly being replaced. No longer do you have to physically complete a task to earn money. The knowledge industry is the new fastest-growing industry, employing millions. These earners have discovered a way to earn money, even when they are not working. Residual income refers to money that is earned on a product or service over and over again. The basic idea is that you work once and get paid multiple times. The knowledge industry is the biggest supplier of residual income, with many people earning a full-time living based on residual earnings.

Best Examples of Residual Income on the Internet

Writers often earn lucrative salaries based on residual income. A skilled writer can create an article or series for a blog and sell advertising space. The writer earns money every time a reader views his content, allowing him to earn money every day without additional effort. An article that took 15 minutes to write can earn income months or years down the line.

Musicians, artists and photographers are also big residual income earners. A musician may create a song and allow users to download it for a small fee. The musician earns money every time the song is downloaded. In a sense, the artist can earn money in his sleep with residual income online.

One of the biggest examples of residual income is through affiliate marketing. Business owners give incentives to writers to promote their products and drive traffic to their sites. When a blog's reader visits an advertiser's site, the blog owner gets a small commission.

The featured products are strategically placed to be relevant to the reader, providing a value to the business owner, the webmaster and the customer. This form of marketing will allow you to earn an unlimited amount of money online with very little effort. A writer with significant web traffic can earn thousands of dollars in residual online income simply be creating a page that will get high readership.

There are many ways to earn income online, from starting a small business to creating a well-read blog or website. If you are looking to work once and earn money over and over again, research the best ways to earn residual income on the Internet.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Making Money Online On Your Computer How I Do It?


Making money online how I do it? Helpful tips you need to know, I tell you from my personal experience what works? And what does not?

Making Money Online On Your Computer How I Do It?

Earn Money Online On Your Computer How I Do It?

Let's cut the BS and get right down to business,
Guest Posting these are the techniques I use to earn a full-time income from my home computer. No it's not rocket science to draw a nice residual income from the Internet but it does take work. Here are the techniques I use, that have enabled me to quit my boring 9-to-5 job. Hold on tight, here is how I do it!

How To Earn Money Online Method 1:

Dropshipping: Ever dream of starting your own eBay home bases business? Dropshipping can be very lucrative, but make sure you sign up with the right dropshipping company. Dropshipping was the first business model I had got involved in. At the beginning I signed up with a couple companies that were shady to say the least. Their merchandise was overpriced, and I just couldn't earn a significant amount of money with either of these two companies. But I learned from my mistakes, and didn't give up on my quest to find the perfect drop shipper I could earn a significant income with from my home computer. I basically scoured the web looking at reviews of various drop shipping companies and took notes. After about a week of research I finally found one that fit all my requirements, I continue to use this drop shipper to this day, and that was two years ago when I first signed up. If you're interested in earning money online through dropshipping, I would highly suggest you check them out. With the holidays fast approaching there is gonna be a ton of money exchanging hands on eBay, and all over the Internet for that matter. The Christmas season is here, and people will be buying up merchandise left and right on eBay. So if you're thinking about starting up your own e-commerce dropshipping business, now is the time to do it. Here Is A Link To My Most Profitable Dropshipper Click Here if you're interested in checking them out.

For those of you out there who are not familiar with dropshipping here's a brief definition of what it entails. Dropshipping is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. As in all retail businesses, the retailers make their profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price.

How To Earn Money Online Method 2:

Affiliate Marketing: let me throw some quick numbers at you to get the wheels turning in your head. Billions and billions of dollars are being exchanged yearly between vendors and their ambitious affiliates so it's big business. Affiliate marketing is the business practice of marketing a particular vendor's product or service in exchange for a commission. You can also be paid a commission by simply referring visitors to a vendor's website this is called cost per action. Whichever route you take the opportunities are endless for you to earn money through affiliate marketing. My journey started three years ago on my quest to finally work for myself. I had tons of ambition, and was willing to do anything it took to succeed. What's lacking in today's society is ambition, people give up way too easily when they don't see instant gratification. Like anything in life, success doesn't happen overnight it takes a little work. I remember getting off work after working a 10 hour shift, and hitting the computer for about three hours every night. I tried to learn every aspect of the affiliate marketing industry, at first I started writing classified ads my classified writing really started to prosper when I stumbled across the bum marketing method.

Learning the basic concepts of the bum marketing method really ramped up my online earnings. Bum marketing is free and you can Google it. It should only take you about 30 minutes to get the basic concepts down, it shows you how to get your articles, and classified ads, to rank well in search engines so you can make some easy sales. I started earning money here and there through all the classifieds that I was writing. Once I got pretty comfortable writing classified properly I then moved on to my next step which was writing articles. I enjoy writing so this was pretty fun for me.

I stumbled upon a system that I decided to purchase because of all the success stories I was hearing by people that were using it. I continue to use this system to ramp up my online earnings to this day. It shows you how to get tons of free targeted traffic from Google on autopilot it's really a great system and am glad I joined. You can Check Out This Google Sniper System By Clicking Here.But enough about that, let's take a look at some great affiliate programs you can join for free that I use successfully. Here is a list of the top affiliate programs to make money with.

My 3 Favorite Affiliate Programs:

1. Clickbank: Clickbank is an affiliate marketer's paradise they offer up to 75% commissions on their 10,000+ informational products. There is some major money to be made by promoting some of their top selling products, if you know what you are doing. Look for high gravity products to earn money with because these are proven sellers. My advice to you if you are new affiliate marketer would be to look at the sales page, and go through the ordering process, and make sure it goes smoothly. Ask yourself would I purchase this product if I was looking for this kind of information? Do they have a nice sales page? These are questions you want to ask yourself before marketing any affiliate product. So my advice to you would be to sign up for a free clickbank account, find a product or two to promote, and start earning some money by promoting those products. Clickbank is one of my main income streams, and is a good place to start earning some solid income from home.

2. Pepperjam Network: The pepperjam network is one of the most well-respected affiliate programs on the Internet. They have hundreds of well-known vendors to work with, so the opportunities to make some nice money are endless. I added the Pepperjam network to my arsenal about three months ago and have been doing pretty well with them. They also have very good customer service which was a big plus in my book. If you have any questions you can always call them with your concerns. Overall, an excellent program to partner up with to earn some potential good money.

3. Amazon - Do not ignore the powers of Amazon. As you are probably well aware of Amazon is huge, and if you know what products to promote, they will sell like hotcakes. Their commissions are much lower, but their products sell really well especially around the holidays. They make up for their small commissions, by actually selling more of their products which kind of evens out. So in conclusion, I would deftly recommend Amazon to increase your online earning potential. It's just another revenue stream to add to your growing arsenal.

Earn Money Through Your Articles, And Hubs How To?

Hubpages: Hubpages has three ways to monetize your hubs that you write.

Earning Money Tip 1: Sign-up for a free Google adsense account and get paid every time a visitor clicks on one of the sponsored Google ads on your hubs. It can range from a couple cents a click to a dollar or two, it all depends on how much that marketer is paying Google per click. You can link your Google adsense account to your pages account and it will be set up automatically.

Earning Money Tip 2: Amazon ads- you can sign up for a free Amazon account and link it directly to your hubpage account. This way every hub that you write you can monetize it by promoting Amazon products related to whatever your hub is about. Placing Amazon on every hub that you write will bring you another source of income.

Earning Money Tip 3: Affiliate ads - You are allowed to place up to two self-serving links on each hub that you write. Why not place two affiliate ads on each hub that you write. Just make sure that both your affiliate ads are not pointing at the same place, this violates hub pages terms of service. So play by their rules, and respect their terms of service, and place two separate affiliate adds pointing a different websites. This is by far the best way to monetize your hubs. Now you have three different revenue streams for each hub that you write.

Make Money By Writing Ehow How To Articles:

Ehow - E. hows writers compensation program is available to US and UK residents only. So if you live in one of these two countries and enjoy writing simple how-to articles then the E.how is another great way to earn some extra money online. E. how pays you based on the number of visitors that each hub receives. The more visitors, the more money you will inevitably make. Here is an example I have written only about 10 E. how articles so far, I make a little over $20 a month from these ten articles. I know this is not a lot but I just mess around with it. Can you imagine if I wrote a couple hundred articles? I would be earning a pretty substantial amount of money just threw them. So if you enjoy writing, E. how is definitely a good place to earn a few extra bucks each month.

My Conclusion:

I hope I have given you some pointers on what works for me in generating a full-time income from home. I don't say this to brag by no means, I am just trying to motivate you by showing you that hard work does pay off. Put your nose to the grindstone as my grandpa used to say and start building your online business. If someone tells you that you can get rich overnight they are blowing smoke up your you know what what so to speak. Making money online requires determination, persistence, and learning a few of the ropes to succeed. Remember if you want to earn money online full-time treat it as a business and you will inevitably prosper. These tricks I have shown you are all the methods I use myself personally to generate an online income. So whichever route you decide to take dropshipping, affiliate marketing, or writing E. how articles. Or all the above, these are proven money making ventures that anyone with a little determination, and persistence, can succeed with. So get busy earning that online money entrepreneurs! I'm cheering for you Jason!

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Earn Money Online And Work At Home Based Business


Everyone loves money. Every day there is more and more ways to earn money. One way is to earn money online. There is hundreds of ways to earn money online. I hope to guide you through some of the ways to earn money. I will also inform you on some of the scams that say you can earn lots of money with little work. Hopefully you won't fall victim to any scam and wasting time and money. One key thing to remember is if you find any money making opportunity that asks you to pay money before you can earn money it probably a scam.

There is many ways to earn money online. I will go over some of them for you. Paid to read email is one of the best ways to earn small amounts of money online. Paid to read email sites that will pay you usually pay you 1/10 of a cent to 5 cents per email. If a paid to read email site says they pay 1 dollar to $500 per email is usually a scam and will not pay out,Guest Posting so try to stay from those. Also you might stay away from high payouts unless they have proof that they pay. You can check the DownlGet Paid Forum to find those.

To earn money online you can fill out surveys for money. Some survey sites let you earn points and later exchange them for cash.Other survey sites will pay you cash. There are also survey sites that give you merchandise for filling you surveys. Some sites say you can earn up to $250 per survey, but they ask you to pay them money to get the surveys. I would stay away from those sites unless you have money to blow(but who does). You can earn money by selling things on Ebay. By being an affiliate can earn you money. This way is the easiest way to earn money online and affiliates are in high demand.

Every company loves affiliates because affiliates get the sites seen by lots of people. There are all kinds of companies who use affiliates and they range from adult to wal mart and every thing in between. Affiliate sites usually pay you per click of per sale. If you have excellent computer skills you can earn money by designing banners and designing websites. There is good money in reselling software. You buy software and than you can resell if for any price. You can earn money online by surfing the web. Some surfing sites have you install a tool bar that keeps track of the amount of time you spend online and pay you for that time. They usually pay well and you don't have do anything. This is great because you are going to be online why not earn money for being online doing what you want. The other way to get paid for surfing is joining a program such as SAS. They pay you for visiting sites and you also get hits to your site if you have one.These surf programs usually pay 0.50-1.00 for 1000 views.

With many mom's opting to stay at home with their children. This has given rise to the home based business. I the past the only home based business out there were Avon, Tuppware, Mary Kay, and Amway. Those businesses were for women and left men out of the picture.

The internet has given the men an equal chance to stay at home and work. You can work at home doing almost anything. I will go over some opportunities for you. One of the biggest home based business is Specialty Merchandise Corporation also known as SMC. They have been around for for years and started with mail order products than moved to the internet. The good thing about them is you make profits ranging from 100%-300%.You don't have to carry an inventory they do it for you and they do the shipping for you too. SMC also provides you with a personal business coach to help you every step of the way. Now you may have heard of the data entry and typing jobs that are out there. Well guess what they are a scam because they make you pay to work for them. You do not have to pay to work at home. When looking for jobs where you can work out of your house you need to know that you do not have to pay to get a job at home. The work at home jobs you should avoid are typing, envelope stuffing, processing refunds, making crafts, chain letters, and medical billing. All these jobs require you to pay fees to work at home. You do not need to pay to get in on a good work at home job. You can start a home based business on anything from a day care center to writing on things you know and everything in between. You need to find the right home based business for you. A lot of businesses ran out of the home fail because of the down times and you will have up times, but in the beginning you have more downtime. With all these opportunities around it is hard to choose one. Your best bet for a home based business is any idea you have in your head. Most people don't want to act on their idea because they think the idea is dumb. The only dumb idea is the one not acted on.Your best tool you have is your brain and thinking is hard work and tiring, but if you think about what you want to do and you will be a success. You need to think about what you are going to sell. You need to research what people want. You need to think where you are going to advertise. You need to think what you want your ad to say. You need to think about what you want to write articles on. All that is why you need to use your brain. You can not put your home based business on auto pilot and expect to earn good money.

In conclusion,no matter how you choose to earn your money there will be a scam waiting to grab you and part you from your money.Keep your eyes open and you won't get taken for a ride you don't want to be on. You can earn money online for doing just about anything.If you have a good plan for a home based business go for it, but remember that it takes time to really get going. Use your brain and you can go far. When you start to earn money you will see that everything you put into your home based business pays off. Start off small than grow bigger. If you start small you won't loose much and you will be able to see your growth. If you want to start big and you don't grow you will be disappointed. Take it slow and you will earn more and more. If you find some one to help you make sure you can trust them. I hope you walk with a better understanding on how to earn money online.Heres to you and all your success. May you be successful.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


6 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health And Maintain A Balanced Life


Being emotionally healthy does not imply that one is happy all the time. It means you are well aware of your emotions. You can deal with it, whether they are positive or negative.Key Facts of WHO states that the effects of not treating adolescent mental health issues extend to adulthood, impairing both physical and psychological health, and restricting opportunities to live a meaningful life as ad

We take profound care of our physical health by eating right and exercising. However,Guest Posting we fail to realize that taking care of our emotional well-being is as important as taking care of our physical bodies. People who are emotionally healthy and control their thoughts, feelings, and behaviour can easily cope with life’s setbacks. They can keep problems in perspective and bounce back from the setbacks with ease. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships.

Being emotionally healthy does not imply that one is happy all the time. It means you are well aware of your emotions. You can deal with it, whether they are positive or negative.

Key Facts of WHO states that the effects of not treating adolescent mental health issues extend to adulthood, impairing both physical and psychological health, and restricting opportunities to live a meaningful life as adults.

Research by New York City clinical psychologists states that it is much easier to cope with life's little ups and downs and more significant events when one feels good about oneself. Even when life is balanced, and everything goes smoothly and efficiently, there comes a time when we feel overwhelmed, times when we know we must stop and strive for a greater balance. It is difficult to keep going. However, do not stress if you are in that position; you’re just eventually going to reach there and achieve your goal.

Staying in balance in life looks different for everyone. We all have varied balance preferences, different variables that we deal with, different degrees of imbalance tolerance, and varying resources. Below are several different balancing ideas that help you maintain equilibrium and achieve good emotional health.

Practising and working on emotional regulation

Emotions get the best and the worst out of you, but gradually learning to handle them effectively through coping strategies can help in the longer run. Figure out what strategy works for you and what does not. There are two types of coping strategies: Emotion-Focused and Problem-Focused Strategies. 

Problem-based coping helps you alter the situation by removing a stressful thing from your life. For example, you don’t score so well in your favourite subject during mid-semester exams, and you’re surprised by this because you thought you were performing well. A problem-focused strategy would be going to the teacher concerned and talking about what you can do to improve your performance. You develop a clear plan that will help you do better, and you begin to feel more confident about your ability to succeed well in the end-semester exams.

Emotion-based coping helps you take care of your feelings when you either don’t want to change your situation or when circumstances are out of your control. For example, if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, it’d be crucial to take care of your feelings in a healthy way (since you can’t change the circumstance).

There isn’t always one best way to proceed. Instead, it’s up to you to decide which coping skill is likely to work best for you in a particular situation.

Take a Day Off 

In the movie Ferris Buller's Day Off, it is shown how a high school senior makes the most out of his day. I’m sure we all can relate to how essential it is to take one day off from the pressure or monotony of life and do anything possible to make it worthwhile. You can indulge in your favourite hobby, see your long-lost friend, spend time on Netflix watching that series you always wanted to watch, or anything that just feels right, peaceful, and fulfilling.

Manage Your Time Efficiently by Setting Goals 

A schedule can be maintained, and goals can be set for the week. As one crosses off the to-do list tasks, there is a great sense of accomplishment that will help reduce stress and increase confidence.

Practicing Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is considered an age-old practice. It is being completely aware of what’s happening in the present and going inside and around you. The main idea is to not live your life on “autopilot mode” but becoming a more mindful person. 

Here's how you can practice mindfulness:

  • Practice deep breathing regularly. Focusing on your breath enhances concentration and motivation.
  • Inculcate the habit of walking: As one walks and notices the sights and sounds around, many thoughts enter the mind. An essential practice is to note them but then return to the present.
  • Practicing mindful eating: This includes being aware of the taste, textures, and flavours and stopping when you feel that you're full, and even listening to your body and acting when you're hungry.

Strengthen Your Connections Socially

Social links help you in protecting your health and lengthen life. It is widely believed that good relationships with others can have powerful effects on our health—both emotionally and physically. Whether it is with our romantic partners, family, friends, neighbours, or others, social connections can directly influence our biology and well-being.

Keep in Mind your Good Points

We all have our set of strengths and weaknesses, and none of us is perfect either. It is easy to think that others are more talented, more successful, and have more opportunities than us when things don’t go our way. Whatever it may seem like on the surface, it is impossible to know how someone feels inside. One should remind oneself about the things you do well and are best at, eventually balancing out the critical thoughts about yourself. Remember that you are important, and taking good care of your emotional health will ultimately enhance your overall well-being.

In recent times, due to the pandemic, mental health has deteriorated significantly. Research shows that anxiety and depression are on the rise in the general population, with one in three people experiencing anxiety and one in five experiencing sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms. It is inevitable for a human to feel sad, anxious, challenged, frustrated, or simply overwhelmed and unable to cope in these uncertain times.

The need of the hour is to be emotionally healthy, mentally stable, and develop better-coping strategies. You can attain that happiness and holistic wellness you always longed for. Getting an in-depth screening of your mental health will aid you in exploring the areas you need to work on. You can then access self-help tools or book a session with a therapist that can help you to a path of mental well being. The earlier you reach out, the better you feel.

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