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The greatest entrepreneurship story untold

 I always find it impressive to see people go into business at such a young age.

No, I’m not talking about the influencers on Instagram and YouTube who show off their rented lamborghinis, penthouses they rented on Airbnb, and claim they retired at the age of 17.

But take Shark Tank, for example.

Sometimes, the show features some young kids along with their parents. It’s amazing to see these kids give better pitch presentations than most adults.

And some of them do end up making deals with the investors, which is great!

But there’s one story that I believe tops them all.

One kid in Mexico has done the impossible.

There’s a seven year old student who loves to watch Shark Tank, so his entrepreneurial spirit developed very early. And he came up with an idea to literally profit from his creativity.

He made up some imaginary friends and introduced them to several students in his school.

During recess, the other students were so curious that they actually bought their own imaginary friends from this young entrepreneur.

He sold each imaginary friend for 20 pesos, and at the end of the day, he earned 500 pesos, which roughly equates to 25 USD.

Absolutely amazing.

Now, $25 may not sound like a lot of money. But to earn that amount from selling essentially nothing, that’s impressive, especially for an elementary school student.

So what’s there to learn from this? Off the top of my head, two things.

1. If a kid can pull something like this off, then there should be no excuse as to why we can’t do things.

2. Curiosity sells, especially when you implement it in your emails.

To learn more, check out How to Become an Email Titan.


About the author:

Ellisen Wang is an email copywriter and the author of “How to Become an Email Titan.” You can read the sample chapters of the book and learn how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you by opting in at EllisenWang.com. When you opt in, you’ll also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips sent straight to your inbox. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through the blog and listen to the audios for more marketing content and training.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Sales/article_detail.cfm/6262372?articleid=6262372

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