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Is Video Marketing right for you and where should you use it?

What types of businesses can benefit from video marketing? Do you think it is right for you and your business? If so, you really need not rush into this but carefully research your industry and see what is out there already.  The chances are that video can enhance your branding and marketing presence but keep in mind it must be done professionally and intellectually.

Why Video Marketing Garners Great Results for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Video marketing is a hot topic for us lately and for good reason.

Online marketing is a dynamic business but not always unpredictable. For years now we’ve seen consistent trends that indicate certainties such as users are used to watching ads while browsing the internet and now more than ever those videos influence their purchasing habits.

To help those on the fence with regards to their own video marketing we’ve put together a list of answers to commonly asked questions.

Is video marketing expensive?

Video marketing is only as expensive as the budget you’re working with. There are lots of ways to create effective videos that don’t cost you anything other than your time. You won’t be butting heads with industry leaders right away and as your marketing efforts help grow your business so should you grow the budget.

When it comes to making your videos focus on the value of the content over the presentation. Getting too creative can be a bad thing if it limits your ability to convey your message.

Where should you use video marketing?

* Include video in your page content

A study by Mist showed that having video on your landing page increased your chances of being found on page 1 for your targeted key phrases by 53%. Having a page 1 SERP listing is a challenge and if you’re in a highly competitive industry where a conversion is highly valuable then it becomes a constant struggle against your competitors. Increasing your page 1 rank chances by 53% makes a strong case for including video in your online marketing Whether your summarize in a talking head style video or use Power Point to create a slide show video having that in your content is a great way to make the most of your video marketing.

* Include video with your blog posts

You spend a lot of time on your blog posts and the content can have just as much value as a landing page. Why not include the info as a video and increase the chances of that information reaching more people? When you create blog content that users love they link to it in their own content marketing. Anyone marketing online knows the value of a strong link from a reputable website. SEO authority moz.com found that by providing a video along with the blog’s text and images you expand your reach by 3X and that means 3X the users and 3X the link earning.

Should video marketing replace your blog?

Generally no but it should be made a part of it. While online videos represent 69% of all global consumer online traffic in 2017 and 69% is obviously not a number you can ignore that’s not to say your industry is necessarily on the high end of the trend towards video.

It’s likely still trending that way but don’t let it override your established efforts. User’s expectations and habits vary per industry and niche within so add it to what you’re doing rather than switching over all together.

How do you know if video marketing is right for you?

The easy answer is it most likely is but to be sure its good to test the waters.

Try some A/B testing between pages and posts and see how your engagement is with your users. You likely won’t affect your rank too much with just 1 video so check your Google Analytics to evaluate the performance.

Additionally for further insight you can also utilize the analytics from social platforms you share the content through. Twitter,Guest Posting Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube all have their own stats you can review to see how well your content did once you added a video.

You can even reuse old content by adding a video and sharing it again. Then look at the first round of marketing’s stats vs. the stats after you added your video.

Bonus tip for marketing videos towards women

Marketing to women? A recent study by adeliestudios.com found 83% of Moms turn to the Internet when they need answers.

It makes sense that if the answer to any question a busy mom may ask is on your website then you should have an answer that’s easy to receive. And that means including video with your content.

Someone in a rush who wants an easy answer could really be assisted by having that answer in a quick, user friendly format.

Adding a video that covers the answer you have in your content could easily mean the difference between a click back and a new lead so make sure you have a video option if you are in a position to answer something a Mom might need a quick answer to.

Marketing online is not easy and there is a lot to learn. If you are ready to start but not sure where or how then please sign up for our Social Media Membership Program. It’s a cost effective and easy way to work with an industry professional while you study the in’s and out’s of social media, video, and online marketing.

To your ongoing success,Susan Friesen

P.S. If you liked what you read here, you will want to sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get notified every Tuesday of that day’s blog post. Click here to also receive our free website guide: www.UltimateWebsiteGuide.ca

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Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


10 Best Dog Birthday Celebration Ideas

Make your furry friend's birthday extra special with these 10 dog birthday celebration ideas! From throwing a party with dog-friendly treats to taking them on a fun outing, this guide has plenty of creative and unique ways to celebrate your pup's special day. With these ideas, your dog will feel loved and cherished on their birthday. 

Woof woof! It's time to celebrate man's best friend in style because it's your furry pal's special day. Whether they're turning one or ten,Guest Posting a dog birthday party is always an excellent idea! From cupcakes to piñatas, there are endless ways to shower your four-legged friend with love and treats on their big day. If you're scratching your head trying to devise the perfect plan for your puppy's paw-ty, don't worry - the blog has got you covered! We will share the top 10 favorite dog birthday celebration ideas for making tails wag and tongues drool. So grab a leash, and plan an unforgettable bash for your fur baby!

Doggy Play Date

A birthday party for your dog would be incomplete without a doggie play date! Companion animals are welcome to join in the party. Construct an outdoor obstacle course or visit a nearby dog park. There should be plenty of fun things to do and eat. Most importantly, don't forget a dog birthday cake! Most pet stores sell dog-friendly cakes that will make your pup's day extra special.

Party At The Park

If your pup loves being outdoors and socializing with other dogs, a birthday party at the park is a perfect celebration! Bring some of your pup's favorite toys and snacks, and remember the doggy bags for cleanup. If you plan on inviting other dogs and their humans, get everyone's contact information in case of any emergencies. And most importantly, have fun!


If your furry friend is more of a homebody, why not celebrate their birthday with a staycation? Dogs love routine, so sticking to their daily activities will make them feel comfortable and happy. Add special treats or toys throughout the day, and end the night with a doggy-friendly cake or frozen yogurt. Your dog will have a romping, wagging good time!

Pet-Friendly Restaurant Trip

Assuming your dog's birthday is during the warmer months, one great way to celebrate is by taking them to a pet-friendly restaurant. Then they may participate in the dog birthday celebration and have a fantastic time outside with friends and family.

Find a place to welcome both you and your dog in advance to guarantee a wonderful experience. Your dog's favorite individuals (and their pets) should be among those you invite to the party once you've located the ideal location.

Start the day by cooking your dog's favorite meal for a birthday breakfast or brunch. Then, head out to the restaurant for some celebratory puppy chow and water bowls full of ice water (with a few tasty treats hidden inside). Be sure to take lots of pictures to remember this special day for years!

Special Kibble Treats

If you want something extra special to add to your dog's birthday celebration, try making some homemade dog treats! It is excellent to show your furry friend how much you care; they'll love the delicious flavors.

There are many recipes for homemade dog treats, so you can find one your pup will love. You can even get creative and make them into fun shapes or decorate them with dog-friendly frosting. Whatever you do, also include plenty of treats in your pup's birthday celebrations!

Barkday Cake 

A dog's birthday party is perfect for showing your furry friend how much you love them. And what better way to do that than with a delicious cake specially made for dogs? Plenty of recipes exist for doggy birthday cakes, so you can find one perfect for your pup. Be sure to use dog-safe ingredients and avoid anything harmful to your pet. 

Doggy Spa Day

The best way to celebrate your dog's special day is to take them to the spa. They will adore all the attention they receive on their special day. They'll unwind and feel like a million bucks, and you'll get to watch the whole thing!

Customized Toy Gift Baskets 

Making a personalized toy gift basket for your dog's happy birthday is a fun and creative way to commemorate the occasion. It is a beautiful opportunity to shower your pet with lavish attention and affection.

Pick out a few of their most-loved playthings as a starting point. Ask their vet or check out their social media page to see what they've been into recently to get an idea of their interests. Once you know what they might like, head to your local pet store or shop online for the perfect items.

Next, fill up the basket with plenty of goodies! Treats are always a hit with dogs, so include some of their favorites. You can also add some new toys or chews to keep them occupied. 

DIY Paw-ty (Party) Favors 

There are few things more adorable than a pet birthday party. And what could make it even better? DIY paw-ty favors! These easy and creative dog birthday ideas will make your guests (and their furry friends) wag their tails in excitement.

For the dog who has everything, why not make them a personalized birthday bandana? Take a bandana and use fabric paint or markers to write their names and ages. Or, for a more festive touch, add some sparkly sequins or beads.

Of course, no paw-ty would be complete without balloons! But instead of the usual round ones, try using animal-shaped balloons for a unique twist.

Pet-Friendly Movie Night

Invite your dog's favorite people for a movie night designed just for them! Make sure to have plenty of their favorite snacks, and choose a movie everyone will enjoy. You can also order a midnight cake delivery in Delhi and get a delicious doggy cake delivered to your door.


Celebrating your dog's birthday is a fun and unique way to show them how much they mean to you. Hopefully, that list of 10 best dog birthday celebration ideas has inspired you to plan the perfect day for your pup. From special treats to themed parties, there are many great ways to ensure your furry friend feels extra loved on their special day. So get ready for puppy-filled fun because it's time to throw the ultimate doggy party!

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Defining Your Brand's Purpose: The Power of Crafting a Compelling Value Statement

If you want your brand to thrive, it has to inspire trust in the minds of consumers.

This is of the utmost importance, regardless of the size or nature of your business, because in today’s trust economy, people are more concerned than ever about whether a brand can be trusted, and whether its values are aligned with theirs.

But if you want to inspire that trust, establish an emotional connection with consumers who share your brand’s values, and gain an edge over the competition by showing consumers that your brand is more trustworthy than the rest, then you have to understand brand positioning.

If you’re not sure what that is, brand positioning refers to the process of establishing a unique identity and image for a brand in the minds of its target audience, particularly when it comes to how it’s perceived in relation to its competitors.

And one of the best ways to connect with consumers who share your values, and position your brand as one that can be trusted, is by publishing a value statement.

But what is a value statement, and why is it so important to the success of your brand?

In this article, I explain what a value statement is, why it’s so important for your business, and offer some advice to help you come up with one of your own.

What Is a Value Statement? In the context of brand positioning, a value statement is a concise declaration of a brand’s guiding principles, beliefs, and priorities, defining what it stands for and communicating its fundamental purpose and vision.

Value statements typically include a set of core values that guide a brand’s behaviour and decision-making.

These values may include ethical considerations, social responsibility, customer service, teamwork, innovation, or other key areas that are important to the brand and its stakeholders.

A well-crafted value statement is a powerful tool for defining a brand’s identity, setting it apart from its competitors, and, as I already mentioned, gaining the trust of consumers, and establishing an emotional connection with them.

READ: How to Determine Your Unique Brand Positioning

Defining your brand values and creating a value statement can help you to define what your brand is all about.

But after you’ve determined what those values are, and communicated them to your target audience, you need to ensure that every single aspect of your marketing reflects those principles.

So, if you’re wondering how to inject the values of your brand into your marketing efforts, then this article is right up your alley.

It explains how to promote your brand values across several aspects of your marketing, including your website, blogs, and more.

Keep reading on our website.

Why Is a Value Statement so Important for Your Business? Aside from what I’ve already explained, it’s important to note that after everything that’s happened over the last few years, trust in major institutions has significantly eroded.

According to Edelman’s 2022 Trust Barometer, since 2020, trust in government and the media has plummeted. But what is it that’s eroding the public’s trust in these institutions?

Well, from my perspective, this has a lot to do with the way our lives were altered during the pandemic.

As the restrictions imposed during the pandemic disrupted our daily lives, pushing everything online, face-to-face interactions became increasingly scarce, cyber criminals were having a heyday, and as a result of these factors, and many others, a pervasive paranoia seems to have decreased our trust in many things, including each other.

All things considered, it’s clear that consumers are looking for institutions that can be trusted in a world where everything is becoming more and more uncertain.

But surprisingly enough, while trust in many institutions has been on the decline, trust in business has held strong, and at least according to Edelman’s survey, it’s practically unchanged.

What’s more, this survey found that while most respondents consider government and the media to be dividing forces in society, they also believe that business is a unifying force.

Much of this trust and admiration can be attributed to the fact that many businesses never stopped running, despite the risks posed by the pandemic, providing much-needed products and services to consumers in an era characterized by fear and uncertainty.

At this point, you might be wondering why I’m talking about the pandemic in an article that’s supposed to be about value statements, so let me explain.

First of all, in order to comprehend how the branding and marketing landscape has changed, and why trust has become such a crucial factor, we’ve got to consider what’s influenced these changes and understand how we got here.

It’s also important to point out that while the world of business seems to have retained a significant amount of trust, not least due to what it was able to accomplish during the pandemic, that doesn’t mean business owners can assume that consumers will have implicit trust in their brands.

If anything, it’s becoming more and more difficult to get consumers to trust your brand, and from my perspective, this effect was created in large part by the sequence of events that played out during the pandemic.

How Can a Value Statement Benefit Your Business? In our post-pandemic world, consumers are increasingly concerned with ensuring they can trust a brand, and are more likely to give their business to brands that share the same values that they do.

That being said, one of the best ways to gain the trust of consumers, and make an emotional connection with those who share the same values as your brand is by creating a value statement.

Aside from the advantages I’ve already mentioned above, a value statement can offer many other benefits for your business, including:

Guidance: A value statement serves as a guide for decision-making and behaviour, providing clarity on what is important and what is not. This can help you to make consistent and principled choices for your business, even in complex or challenging situations. Alignment: Value statements can help you to ensure that everything your brand does is aligned with its goals and mission. Having this sort of consistency helps to position your brand as reliable, credible, competent, and professional. Culture: A value statement can help you to create a strong culture in your business, as it helps to communicate what an organization stands for and what it expects of its employees, which can help to attract and retain talent that shares your brand values. Transparency: Publishing a value statement sends a message to consumers that your brand knows what it’s about, can be trusted to act in alignment with its values, and isn’t afraid to have its actions scrutinized, which helps to position your brand as honest, principled, and genuine. Accountability: A value statement provides the basis for accountability. When values are clear and consistently applied, organizations can be held accountable for their actions, and performance can be measured against these established standards. Reputation: Value statements can help you to build and maintain a positive reputation for your brand. And when your brand acts in accordance with its values, it’s more likely to be trusted and respected by consumers, which can help you to gain more leads and sales, and take business away from the competition.

How to Create a Value Statement Ideally, a value statement should be a clear and concise expression of the fundamental principles of your brand.

But there are a lot of things to consider, and you’ve got to get it right, or else it could end up embarrassing your brand, and doing more harm than good.

With that in mind, here are some principles I follow when helping our clients to create effective value statements for their brands:

Identify your organization’s core values: Start by identifying the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide the actions and decisions of your brand. Ask yourself, what is most important to your organization? And what do you stand for? Be clear and concise: Your value statement should be clear and concise, preferably with no more than two or three sentences. You should also make sure it’s easy to understand and remember. Make it meaningful: Your value statement should resonate with your target audience, and it should reflect what they care about and what they expect from your brand. Use simple language: A great value statement will use simple and straightforward language that is easy to understand. Make sure to avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your target audience. Be authentic: Your value statement should reflect your organization’s true values and beliefs, so make sure it’s authentic and genuine. Because this isn’t something you can fake, and more than likely, you will get outed for having a value statement that doesn’t accurately reflect your brand. Now that you understand what a value statement is, why it’s so important for your business, and how to go about creating one, I’ve included our value statement below as an example.

At eVision Media, trust is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that trust is the foundation of strong relationships, and we strive to earn and maintain the trust of our clients, team members, and communities every day. We deliver reliable, transparent, and high-quality services, while always acting with integrity and honesty.

As you can see, our value statement is clear and concise, putting a focus on building trust, while using simple language that’s meaningful for our target audience, and identifying the core values of our organization in an authentic way.

Are you having a tough time creating a value statement for your brand? For more than 20 years, we’ve been helping business owners create strong brand positioning that helps elicit trust, build community, and attract customers. Contact us today to find out more about what we can do for you.

To your business success, Susan Friesen

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