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7 Keys to Good Health by Good Breathing

Imagen de Vojtěch Kučera en Pixabay

A very common slogan among asthma sufferers is "When you can't breathe, nothing else matters", alluding to the desperateness of one who can't inhale the life-giving air. Is life-giving air the full story on breathing? This article takes common breathing advice and gives reasons for its efficacy. It goes further and provides essential elements in breathing technique for better health.

Breathing is perhaps one of the most centrally integrated autonomous behaviours that reach well beyond a simple filling of the lungs. Garcia AJ writes in 2011:

"Breathing emerges through complex network interactions involving neurons distributed throughout the nervous system. The respiratory rhythm generating network is composed of micro networks functioning within larger networks to generate distinct rhythms and patterns that characterize breathing."

The outworking of Garcia's study can best be observed when a person is affected by strong emotions like fear & anger.

Mainstream advice for breathing is to override the autonomous control and consciously inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth slowly with pursed lips.

Dr Carla Naumburg PhD of 'Ready, Set, Breathe' fame suggests breathing exercises bring mindfulness into daily life. By remembering to breathe, a space is created to restore calm and reduce blood pressure and stress hormones so creating opportunity of situation control.

Professor Konstantin Buteyko (Russia 1923-2003) is credited for a technique characterised by slow and reduced breathing combined with spaced pauses of no breathing allowing Carbon Dioxide to build up to bursting point.

Breathing is a relevant component of the practice of Yoga. Yoga breathing techniques typically accompany either different poses or some form of meditation. Thus it is difficult to separate and ascribe the result to the breathing, poses or the meditation.

Pandit JJ, in 2003 tested 3 breathing techniques for optimum Oxygen uptake, as follows:

1. Three (3) minutes of tidal breathing

2. Four (4) deep breaths taken within 30 seconds

3. Eight (8) deep breaths taken within 60 seconds

The Oxygen uptake was the same for Items 1. & 3 and a higher efficacy than for Item 2. His work illustrates that breathing technique is important.

Enter Nitric Oxide (NO), a colourless gas with a half-life of merely seconds. Nitric Oxide (NO) was named "molecule of the year" in 1994 by Science Magazine.

In 1998 the Karolinska Institute awarded the Nobel prize to US pharmacologists Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Ferid Murad, MD, PhD, and Louis J. Ignarro, PhD for their discoveries of the role of Nitric Oxide (NO) as being a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system.

NO relaxes the smooth muscle in arteries providing a larger flow area for blood, thus reducing blood pressure and bring more nutrients to where they are needed. The importance of NO in the human bodily functions cannot be overstated. Even though 1000's of research papers have been written, World research goes on. NO is implicated in heart health, lower blood pressure, better quality of sleep and even erectile dysfunction.

NO is produced in the sinuses, the biggest being the maxillary sinuses either side of the nose. They are closed chambers except for a small soft-tissue opening called the ossium which is open the olfactory airways.

There is no right or wrong way to breathe - the autonomous brain function sees to it that you get adequate oxygen into your system. However, there are ways to breathe to get maximum NO into your system. Here are 7 pointers to help get this amazing gas into your bloodstream.


Nose hair and constricted nose ducting ensure there is a negative pressure in the airways. This partial vacuum causes the sinuses to deliver a small amount of NO-laden air into your inhaled breath. The harder you breathe in the more NO the sinuses will deliver.


Blocking one nostril and in turn the other nostril will increase the partial vacuum to cause NO-laden air to be injected into your inhaled breath.


Close both nostrils and try to inhale. This creates the greatest amount of vacuum in your respiratory system allowing NO-laden air to be sucked from the sinuses. Of course you can only do this for a short time before resuming normal breathing.


NO needs time to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Accordingly it is good to hold your breath for as long as it is convenient. Alternatively exhale slowly to allow the lungs time to absorb the NO.


Lundberg et al showed in 2003 that humming increases exhaled NO by 700%. Other researcher found an even greater increase in exhaled NO during humming. Problem is that it is difficult to inhale while humming. Thus the sequence suggested is to hum for 3 seconds then immediately inhale..


To overcome the problem of simultaneously humming and inhaling, it is suggested to pretend to snore, making the sound as if you were snoring. The snoring sound frequencies are in the range of the maxillary sinuses natural frequencies approximately 110 to 350 Hz. Allowing the maxillary sinuses to resonate will pulse NO-laden air into the inhaled breath volume. Because snoring is an inhaling manoeuvre the NO will reach the lungs in greater volume.


During a descent procedure in an aeroplane headaches are often avoided by use of the Valsalva manoeuvre. This manoeuvre involves closing both nostrils while attempting to exhale until the ear drums 'pop'. This has the effect of pressurizing the sinuses which upon subsequent inhalation release the pressure and inject NO-laden air into the olfactory airways.


A. NO in the sinuses is a finite resource and can be depleted. How can it be replenished? Eat plenty of food rich in Nitrates eg Beetroot, Fenugreek, etc and give your body time to convert the Nitrates into NO.

B. Why not breathe in NO gas like they do for babies with pulmonary hypertension? The dosage of NO in a medical setting is carefully controlled. Exposure of animals to NO has caused drowsiness, unconsciousness and death.

C. Why not sit in a high traffic area and breathe in the NO produced by cars? Motor vehicle exhaust gases do contain NO. However, exhaust gases are a toxic cocktail of other gases such as Carbon Monoxide. The risk of poisoning far outweighs any benefits to be gained.

After about 5 years of buying women's wear from China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and Indonesia we found a need to ensure supply is according to the following:

• No child labour

• No Azo dyes that cause cancer

• No harsh processing chemicals that hurt the environment.

• Fabric from renewable sources

• Natural fire retardant fabric

We went a little further, and asked ourselves the question:

What can we add to our range of clothing that enhances wellness in the wearer?

We came up with some surprising answers. Watch this space.



Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr_Edward_Brell_PhD/752275

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9840238

How to Find More Customers for Your Real Estate Brokerage Business


Imagen de Devolk en Pixabay

The real estate brokerage business, like any other business, has its own ups and downs. At one point, the business will be booming and you will have more customers approaching you than you can handle. And then, there will be times when your schedule will not be as packed.

Instead of wasting your time waiting for customers to find you, experts recommend putting some effort to find new customers yourself. Being proactive and taking the necessary steps to find more customers will take you way ahead of your competition.

Finding more customers is never an easy task but it can be done with a strong game plan, pragmatic approach and persistence. Here are a few tips that can help you find more customers for your real estate brokerage agency.

Put Up a Website and Promote It:

If you do not a website, it is high time you get one. In fact, it must be on the top of your to-do list when you decide to find more customers. Having a website to represent your business online will help people looking at the web for real estate deals find you faster. If they like what they see on your site, they will be interested in availing your services.

Now the trick is to not just publish a website and plaster content all over it but to plan the website layout, design and content well to give you the results you want. Hire a digital marketing company to apply a few real estate SEO strategies to make your website show up in the search results for relevant search terms.

Invest Time in Social Media:

Social media is the typical hangout for people these days. You should use the power of social media by building your social media presence on a few platforms that are relevant to your industry. This will give you the opportunity to be a part of the conversation your potential customers are having on social media. Answering queries promptly, sharing relevant information on your profile and taking an active part in important conversations relevant to your field will help build trust. Provide value in your conversations so that your customers feel inclined to check out your services and get in touch with you.

Continue Making Cold Calls:

You must continue making cold calls since prospecting is an integral part of any real estate brokerage business. Your income is directly proportional to the number of active clients you have at any point during the year. This will also help cover for any slump in acquiring new clients during any part of the year. Asking for referrals from your current clients can also help acquire new clients. If you are doing good work, your current clients will bring in more clients through word-of-mouth publicity which is the best form of publicity, and on top of it, is absolutely free.

In addition, before we wind up, networking is one of the most important things for a brokerage business. Attend meetings, sign up for training seminars and take up courses to stay ahead of the competition. It always helps to go the extra mile since it allows you to stand out from the competition and makes your customers trust and value your services that much more.

We keep advising them to include good content on their site and adopt only white hat SEO practices - two things that have allowed us to rank companies right on the top of search results time and again. For more info visit http://www.ihusresearch.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aman_Malhotra/2414958

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9986158

The Keys to Successful Networking

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Throughout the many years since I first became a business owner in 1990, I have noticed the incredible value of having strong relationships with contacts. Networking with these contacts, or approaching someone new for networking purposes, is an important aspect of any marketing plan.

Personally, I've run a household management service company, helped manage a drum teaching and repair business, was a radio host, blogger and a writer in several fields (reviewing, blogging, freelance, published author). Many of the strong relationships we built in each of these industries over these 30 years are still valued contacts today.

Understanding what networking involves is vital, you need to know about and be prepared for the hidden behind-the-scenes activities that make it all happen. Before starting out on a campaign, reflect on how your communications need to reflect your company's image. This can include color scheme, design, logos, links and other intricacies that reflect your branding. Consider also the visual effect of your communications: whether it appears clean, concise, appealing and uncluttered. Clean, crisp and simple is the best way to go.

Networking means you need to have something to offer. Will you include their name in your ad? Can you feature some aspect of their business activities, policies or community projects on your customer e-bulletin? Are you able to partner with them for a special sale, or get your staff together for a volunteer activity? Can you offer them great resources, for no other reason than to just help them out? Will you refer customers to them? Perhaps you can be a mentor, provide advice, offer services, discounts to their staff, coupon exchanges. Networking campaigns will vary over the years and you may find that you have to come up with reasons to reach out and re-connect with those contacts (at least annually).

It is equally important to have a plan in place so that when someone reaches out and does something nice you can express your gratitude quickly and efficiently.

Keep a brief record of communications you have had with your networking group. It is easy to use a simple program like Excel to create a brief worksheet where you can enter names, contact and latest campaign project. Colour-code the worksheet so you can see at a glance who needs to be followed up with. Each time you reach out, be sure to offer something - a helpful link, a contest they might be interested in, a discounted product, a gift of some kind, a networking idea they may want to join in, or check to see if they need more content for their blog.

Finding new networking contacts is rarely an issue. Start with your current pile of business cards, your suppliers, employees, and customer lists. Don't forget your personal phone book where you have a list of people you already know. Drop each of them a quick note letting them know how much you appreciate them, what it is that you appreciate about them, and how you hope to work together in some way, or maybe you are reaching out just to let them know how you are doing and what you are up to.

Drop into local employment centres to learn about businesses in the area that compliment or compete with yours. Small business advice groups, workshops and events can be found through the local library and government offices. Don't forget to network with the staff while you are there - at least introduce yourself, invite them to reach out and give them your card. If you go to any events, have a ton of business cards on hand. Write on the back of your card (or theirs) a note about the conversation and what you promised to do, i.e. you may have said "I'll reach out to you tomorrow to let you know who my son's baseball coach is." and you've made a note of it on the card he gave you too. After the event, it is easy to glance through the collected cards remembering everyone you met and reach out, referring to the conversation and fulfilling your promise.

Watch for articles and interviews with people who specialize in a similar field as you - learn about steps they've taken, successes and mistakes they've experienced, resources they might recommend. Visit their websites and try to figure out why they chose that layout, the design, the images, etc. Reach out to them to let them know they have influenced you, that you liked their article or interview, or that you'd love to connect with them on social media. Search like-minded websites for resources, helpful links and articles. Check out their media pages to see where they've gotten exposure; perhaps the media listed there would be interested in you too.

Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list. Their business includes Dave's music studio and percussion accessory products and graphic design work as well as numerous award-winning non-fiction books and popular blogs. Today we help them celebrate their latest book release - From One Small Garden, with over 300 delicious, nutritious recipes! Visit the Brummets at BrummetMedia.ca

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Lillian_Brummet/13924

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10425990

Email Addiction - Is It an Addiction?

Imagen by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I recently had an argument with my best friend about this very subject and I am going to share some things that he said that really struck me and I know are true. If you are reading this and you are still in love with using email as your main method for communicating with your family and friends because they can all see what an awful writer you are, then you probably think you have one more tool but you are wrong.

In fact you are leaving your family, your friends and even your business behind and you have chosen to do it because of your addiction to email, it's a good thing your addicted to it not your family, your friends and your business. It's great you love it more than anything else because it's not a good thing you will be reading right...

You are addicted to the lack of writing it takes to stay connected to someone

When it comes to staying connected to someone on the internet when it comes to writing you have to ask yourself are you a narcissist, a sociopath, or simply an average person, it's not a matter of can I write or do I not understand the words to write it's a question of whether I am good at it or not.

The truth is you are not a narcissist and I know this because I have read hundreds of auto responder emails and I know for a fact that when it comes to writing it takes a lot more than a simple message from a friend or family member. It's a skill you are good at because you are good at something else, your addicted to the lack of writing it takes to stay connected to someone and your addicted to the lack of effort it takes for me to get you to write, I know you have trouble with words and I know you are a good writer so in order for you to write I have to write as well, because you can communicate with me through writing alone my addiction is greater than that of someone who just wants to stay connected to anyone through email.

The truth is that when you are addicted to email, you are looking at yourself in the mirror for the answers because you are searching for the perfect self which is the person you would like to be and the email addict just looks like the narcissist, sociopath or anhedonist that you are searching for the perfect self. It's like when your looking for the perfect spouse you can't find one and therefore you seek out the alluring ones that you have in your mind's eye or the perfect personality traits you believe you need.

It's like a computer person searches for an operating system because they don't know what they want but they know they need to know what they need. A narcissist seeks to acquire an identity but they are seeking for an identity in a place that has not been created, not yet. They don't know what they desire, they only know they are being abandoned, abandoned and abandoned and thus they are searching desperately for something to cling to and that is why they seek out the one that is perfect, who is just right.

When the internet or an email account becomes a crutch that you depend on to get by and when the addiction to the addiction to the addiction to the addiction becomes so great that you actually become disconnected from your true self and start to believe you have something to offer someone else that could never be matched to you in any way, it's time to evaluate your reasons for being on this planet. The addiction to the addiction to the addiction is what is leading you astray. It's time to stop chasing the wrong things and start embracing your true self.

Please check out our website for more articles https://www.profitww.com/blog/

Paul Rice

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Rice/2896143

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10427862

4 Easiest Guest Posting Tips for Beginners to Write Accurately.

Imagen by StockSnap from Pixabay

If you’ll use these 3 tips, then you’ll surely able to write an attractive guest post that will allow your clients to bring massive traffic to their blog.

Think once again as a guest post writer, what will you need for writing an accurate guest post that proves as host blog? Once you’ll get to this point, then you can surely enjoy the increment of traffic that comes your way. Let’s discuss our main topic that is based on the 4 easiest tips of guest posting that will improve your writing skills and drives outstanding traffic back to your client’s blog. 

Try to know the key message of the host blog 

All the blogs are quite different that’s why their pattern of teaching is also different. In addition, every blogger has various talents that's why they are known as professional bloggers, even they will share their knowledge that is based on different methods. As similar, blogs are also supported various stances so that one blog will support one stance, on the other hand, another blog will support another stance. Let me explain with an example- suppose one blog supports the minimalist life standards then another blog will support the consumerist life standard. So, you can take the help of affordable guest posting services for knowing the key message of the host blog and always avoid writing a post that cannot match with those key messages. If you don’t satisfy with the blogger's ideal, then so many times he/she will not be thinking to publish your post. 

Back up your guest post with powerful record and research 

This is an ideal way to share your personal opinion about content, but always ensure one necessary thing that is back up your record; research and opinion save as it will allow people who read your content will trust you more. It’s another reason is that too much fake information on the internet, and I’m sure you’ll want not to become a part of them. You must have to improve your skill to give your reader trustworthy and effective information that can help them to get their required knowledge to them as well as help readers to solve their issue by following your content’s strategy. 

Link to your good and most relevant blog post 

Don’t forget to link your guest post from your well-popular and relevant blog post that will allow your reader to learn deeply about the subject. According to professional bloggers, relevancy in the post is quite necessary, and if you link to your home page, such relevancy factor is generally finished as this cannot usually be relevant to what topic you will cover in your post. 

Write a long-lasting guest post 

Avoid writing a post that has only a limited time. You must write a long-lasting guest post that reader gets advantage from it for years to come. Additionally, you need to write your guest post just like you’re writing for newbies that help your reader to understand what your post is trying to say. EvenFree Articles, you need to know what Important Benefits of Website Guest Posting as a beginner as well as you must have the skill for making your blog-newbie-friendly that anybody can read it and learn from it.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Ways on How to Earn Money Online?

Imagen by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Let's make a list of stuff that we do or can do online.

Got it?

Now if we list them down and club the answers of various people, we will find all sorts of activities such as shopping, retailing, marketing, browsing, e-commerce, trading, banking and a hundred other things. But very few people would have got "making/earning money" as a tool provided by the Internet. So let us explore this accessory:

Why a second income is essential

There are very few people in the world who can sustain just on their salary or paycheck without doing something else on the side. Even if, say you are earning more than enough, a second or a backup income per se, will never hurt. Instead, it will ensure that (god forbid) if you lose your job tomorrow, you will not be in any panic whatsoever regarding monetary problems at-least.

If the biggest celebrities who earn millions and billions in their fields do something on the side such as brand endorsements, advertisements, then how can we as simple people say or think of denying a chance to earn a secondary income.

Also, if you have a dream of say building an empire or living a luxurious life etc. that can NEVER be done on a single paycheck or working a 9-5 job. There has to be a subsidiary income to complement whatever you are doing to live up to your expectations of a lavish lifestyle. Make a list of the biggest and the richest people in the world. 90% of them for sure have their inflow of money from at-least two different sources.

How to earn on the side?

From simple referrals, promotions, commissions etc. to surveys, apps etc. there are all kinds of ways (legitimate of course) to make money returned to you in the form of cash into your PayPal or bank account directly. As always with all the things in the vast universe, even the internet can be used to positive levels to provide some extra earning apart from your regular paycheck(s).

The possibility of working/interning from your home also has been made available to allow people to work in their own time and do something on the side, resulting in the profit of both the recruiter and the employee/intern.

How much you make all depends on your willingness to work. You can earn $5 or $500. The factor making the difference is how much time you can make to live a debt-free life to the least.

Things to keep in mind

Of course "prevention is better than cure". Same is the situation with online money making schemes. This is of course a world of cons that we are living in, so it is of course imperative to stay vigilant when getting involved in money-related matters. Always look for schemes/ways that either have no initial investment in the form of signing up amount or anything or have a very small amount losing which won't make you sad or burn a hole in your pocket.

Better yet, we know prevention is better than cure right! So why risk losing even a small amount of money by utilizing some of our time in researching and analyzing the platform we want to utilize to make money. Won't cost anything other than a few minutes or hours, tops.

To live the life king size, you also need to make sacrifices and put efforts like a king. In case you are looking for ways to complement your income, try out the link - [https://www.marketerfreedom.com].

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Robert_Kempster/2961

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9986725

Top 10 Ways to Make Money From Your Phone


Imagen by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

One best thing about using your phone to earn money is there're many genuine customer reviews for every app, so you will get a better idea about which is worth your time and legit. Here're some top 10 ways to make money with your phone:

·         App Bounty - Get Your Rewards

App Bounty awards you for trying out and downloading new applications. You also can make points for spreading out the word and liking them via Facebook and Twitter. Points are redeemed for Amazon gift cards and iTunes, and PS Network Points, Xbox Live, and paid apps free.

·         Swagbucks - Chance to Make More Points

In Swagbucks, you will earn points like SB that is redeemed for the gift cards, sweepstake entries and coupons. This platform is accessed through a laptop or via smartphone app for Android and iPhone!

·         CheckPoints - Watch Videos

They allow you to earn money just by scanning the barcodes, watching videos, taking quizzes, searching on the internet, and completing different offers. CheckPoints is featured on the Mashable and is iPhone and Android compatible.

·         Drop - Point Shopping System

In Drop, you will make points by shopping at an individual store. You just have to connect to your credit card on their safe smartphone app, and whenever you buy in a participating retailer, you will make points.

·         Field Agent - Complete Your Task

Field Agent enables you to earn money by completing different micro tasks, right from checking the shelf availability to display compliance and checking the demo. Field Agent generally works with the brands like Target, Tyson, Hershey's and is featured on Forbes, CNET, and New York Times.

·         Easy Shift - Time To Make Your Shits

Easy Shift is the micro-task app where you will make money just by completing some shifts. Shifts generally entail checking out prices, seeing if the product is there in stock or clicking photos of the store display. When you've successfully done the shift, payment is made by PayPal within 48hours of your submission.

·         Foap - Sell Photos and Earn

Foap helps you earn money just by selling the photos that you take on iPhone. Download the Foap app on your phone and start uploading your picture. When your image gets 5 positive ratings from Foap users - then your photo is published for sale.

·         Embee Mobile - Earn Gift Card

Users can install this app and earn the gift cards from the places like Domino's Pizza, Amazon, and Dell. Outside the United States, points are traded for the mobile airtime. It is not accessible in all the cities, so you need to install and see if it works in your location.

·         Getaround - Rent Out Your Car

Getaround is the smartphone app that helps you rent your car for short time. Just list your car in their market and download this app. When you are not using the car, people can rent out and unlock the car by using an app.

·         GigWalk - Make Extra Income

GigWalk is the mobile workforce of people using their Android or iPhone to connect and earn the second paycheck when they go about their day.

All apps are not legit so you have to do your hard work and read all the reviews before you install on the phone and enter your details. People are quite cautious when it comes about trying new apps, you can visit [https://www.marketerfreedom.com] to get a detailed review of ways to make money.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Robert_Kempster/2961

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9986722