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Email Addiction - Is It an Addiction?

Imagen by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I recently had an argument with my best friend about this very subject and I am going to share some things that he said that really struck me and I know are true. If you are reading this and you are still in love with using email as your main method for communicating with your family and friends because they can all see what an awful writer you are, then you probably think you have one more tool but you are wrong.

In fact you are leaving your family, your friends and even your business behind and you have chosen to do it because of your addiction to email, it's a good thing your addicted to it not your family, your friends and your business. It's great you love it more than anything else because it's not a good thing you will be reading right...

You are addicted to the lack of writing it takes to stay connected to someone

When it comes to staying connected to someone on the internet when it comes to writing you have to ask yourself are you a narcissist, a sociopath, or simply an average person, it's not a matter of can I write or do I not understand the words to write it's a question of whether I am good at it or not.

The truth is you are not a narcissist and I know this because I have read hundreds of auto responder emails and I know for a fact that when it comes to writing it takes a lot more than a simple message from a friend or family member. It's a skill you are good at because you are good at something else, your addicted to the lack of writing it takes to stay connected to someone and your addicted to the lack of effort it takes for me to get you to write, I know you have trouble with words and I know you are a good writer so in order for you to write I have to write as well, because you can communicate with me through writing alone my addiction is greater than that of someone who just wants to stay connected to anyone through email.

The truth is that when you are addicted to email, you are looking at yourself in the mirror for the answers because you are searching for the perfect self which is the person you would like to be and the email addict just looks like the narcissist, sociopath or anhedonist that you are searching for the perfect self. It's like when your looking for the perfect spouse you can't find one and therefore you seek out the alluring ones that you have in your mind's eye or the perfect personality traits you believe you need.

It's like a computer person searches for an operating system because they don't know what they want but they know they need to know what they need. A narcissist seeks to acquire an identity but they are seeking for an identity in a place that has not been created, not yet. They don't know what they desire, they only know they are being abandoned, abandoned and abandoned and thus they are searching desperately for something to cling to and that is why they seek out the one that is perfect, who is just right.

When the internet or an email account becomes a crutch that you depend on to get by and when the addiction to the addiction to the addiction to the addiction becomes so great that you actually become disconnected from your true self and start to believe you have something to offer someone else that could never be matched to you in any way, it's time to evaluate your reasons for being on this planet. The addiction to the addiction to the addiction is what is leading you astray. It's time to stop chasing the wrong things and start embracing your true self.

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Paul Rice

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Rice/2896143

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10427862

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