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How Often Should You Blog?

Good content is crucial, and writers can't afford to push out low-quality content daily. A Low-quality, high volume content marketing strategy will only get lost in the noise of millions of types of content published every day.

Let's look at the dominant search engine Google's stance on publishing frequently. How does Google view newly published pages? Google ranks new stories higher when it comes to search engine visibility. Other factors taken into consideration are the importance of edits, the frequency of page updates and how often websites are updated. In other words, the newness of content is crucial and can have a massive impact on search engine rankings.

So, the question often asked by clients is how often I should blog? Take our Quiz to find out how much blogging will increase your website traffic or consider the following questions while creating your content marketing or blogging strategy.

1. Who do you sell your products or services to?

To sell products or services effectively, a clear understanding of the demographic you target is imperative, and the reasons customers purchase. There is a difference between selling to end-users buying goods for personal or family use, and businesses buying goods or services to support them in creating other products or services for resale to their customer.

2. How many people work at your company?

Each employee has their own specialized skill set. Distribute the content strategy responsibilities by each employee's subject matter. If you have a larger team in your business, you can publish more content. Assign each employee a blog post surrounding their expertise. Make it easy for them by suggesting all they must think about is how the action they choose to write about comes to fruition, document it, and then the marketing department will use the knowledge, check for grammatical errors and create an appealing flow. Involving employees in the creation of a content strategy is a win-win situation. The employee will feel valued, and the company has more blog content to publish.

3. What are your content marketing goals?

Do you want to write about your passion? Are you looking to create website traffic? Alternatively, perhaps you're looking to educate on a subject. Maybe, you want to capture leads on a specific topic. Once you are clear on your intent, consider the platforms you will distribute the content; A Blog, Social Media, Email, Affiliates, or Video. The options to spread content are endless. Once you have your goals established, now you can begin creating topics to write high-quality content. As you write great engaging content, you'll attract traffic to convert into leads. Next, you'll want to create a list of topics to share about which will save you time when you sit down to do your writing. Check this out for an easy way to create a list of blog topics and also learn how to include SEO in a blog.

4. How many posts have you already published on your blog?

Traffic on a blog is strongly reliant on the number of articles published, and this also affects the question of how much to blog. The estimate for companies that have published more than 400 articles or blog posts is that they receive three times the amount of leads as compared to companies publishing less than 200 blog posts. The message is clear, create a great deal of valuable blog content, and then you can post less frequently.

5. Do you have additional resources?

There are a limited number of hours you and your team create content of high quality each week. Be careful not to sacrifice value with quantity, or your readers will find other resources because ultimately, people who read a blog seek content of value. The same is said for user experience; there is a limited amount of time your readers can devote to reading content on a blog every week. You'll want to analyze the average number of visitors you receive for each piece of material. Then, tweak your strategy to include either more promotion or more high-quality writing.

6. Where does your current website traffic come from?

All traffic channels are not equal. Let's look at the two primary traffic sources for blog content; search engine visibility and social networks. Consistent web traffic will not come from posting a blog on social media occasionally. However, if you can achieve front page placement on a search engine, your investment will be more valuable, and you will notice more traction. You will need to test which channels visitors come from to assess which approach works best for your business.

Smurk Media specializes in systematic processes to increase website rank & traffic through content management, e-mail marketing, social media, graphic design, SEO, and public relations. To learn more, visit smurkmedia.com and take our Quiz to find out how much blogging will increase your website traffic.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Christine_M_Smith/1358756

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9992978

How Has Social Media Helped Solve And Create Problems

Social media platform is growing rapidly throughout the world. It allows interaction among people. Its impact on our life is positive as well as negative.
We can communicate with other person or community with the help of social networking sites and get in touch with each other. We can share information with our friends and also share publicly. We also create a large group of people network through social media and increase your business. Like Facebook gives a feature to create a page. We create a page related to our business and capture all those people who are interested in your business and increase your brand awareness with the help of social platform. It is the easiest way to communicate with others people. Such huge numbers of individuals advantage of web-based life including organizations and far off companions. Its significance is more noteworthy in each student's life. It is simpler and helps to get information, share data and impart by means of web-based life. Instructors and students are associated with this stage and can make great utilization of these platform for the working of their training. The utilization of landline phones and letter writing is slow down when the usage of PCs, cell phones, and email expanded in these days. Numerous individuals have distinctive sentiments on the present headway of mechanical techniques, particularly in the workplace.

According to Forbes, 1 billion social media accounts are registered in the world. And all are connected to each other from the different country. There are also some negative effects that accompany web-based social networking. Research has demonstrated that person to person communication can be extremely addictive. Some people spend lots of time on social media and in real life the pay less time for their work. If you use social media excessively cause depression and anxiety in people so its negative effect on our brain and we feel sick. Nowadays social media usage is more than limit can lead to sleeping disorder. There are many other negative effects of cyberbullying, body image issues etc. as well. Many children have become the victim of cyberbullying that has caused them a lot of harm. the loss of personal data that can lead to security issues. There are crimes like misuse of identity and bank details theft that can harm any individual. Many people are looking for vulnerable users that they can scam and make profit illegally. social and family life is also affected by social media because everyone busy on phone is one of the most common issues in a family. So It impacts on our life depends on how to use the social media platform.


Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Prateek_Rajvanshi/2581403

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9996353

How to Automate Your Social Media Marketing Like the Pros

Automate your Social Media and increase marketing efficiency.

As a millennial,Guest Posting social media has been around since I was in elementary school.

Myspace was created when I was nine years old. YouTube was founded when I was 11. And Facebook became available to the public when I was 12.

Although using social media has been a daily habit for me since I was in high school, it wasn’t until I became a marketer that I understood the power of it.

When I worked for amarketing agency, I’d spend days thinking of the best content to post and writing copy for different platforms.

During that time, I learned about and used tools to manage social media for several clients, including social media automation software.

Below, let’s learn more about social media automation, including how to automate your posts and the best tools for social media automation.

Social Media Automation

Social media automation is the process of using automated tools to improve your social media presence through content curation and scheduling social media posts in advance. Automation tools can help reduce the amount of time spent gathering posts last minute so you can spend more time growing your account by engaging with your audience.

Automating your social media can be useful for developing a content plan, so you’re always prepared.

However, it’s important to note that social media automation tools shouldn’t be used in any dishonest or unethical way. For example, automation tools shouldn’t be used to write your social media posts — they should just be used for scheduling, reporting, and content ideas.

Similarly, you should never use automation tools to buy followers. Not only is that dishonest, but it can also reduce your engagement rate.

These social media tools are meant to free up your time so you can engage and personally interact with your followers, have authentic conversations, and strategize about what you post and when.

So, now that we know more about social media automation, let’s go over how you can use these tools to automate your posts.

How to Automate Social Media Posts

1.    Look at social listening tools.

2.    Use chatbots.

3.    Gain valuable insights across several networks.

4.    Produce content curation ideas.

5.    Engage with your audience.

6.    Achieve consistent scheduling.

1. Look at social listening tools.

Many social media automation tools can be used for social listening. Essentially, social listening is the process of monitoring what people are saying about your brand or industry online.

With automation tools, you can see brand mentions across all platforms in one place. Additionally, you can follow certain keywords, topics, or hashtags to see what’s going on in your industry. Moreover, social media automation tools can be used to follow your competitors. What’s the latest news? What are people talking about?

Ultimately, social listening tools can help you come up with ideas for social media posts or even product ideas.tools are essential in Social Media Marketing

2. Use chatbots.

Another way to use social media automation tools is to create chatbots. Chatbots can be used with sites like Facebook Messenger to streamline your marketing, provide customer support, and improve the customer experience.

For example, you can create automated replies or suggested replies to customer questions or comments. When a customer asks for your hours, for instance, your chatbot can automatically respond.

Additionally, you can use a chatbot to let customers know that you’ll get back to them in a certain amount of time and provide resources.

Ultimately, a social media chatbot should help customers with small issues, but escalate larger issues to a human.

3. Gain valuable insights across several networks.

Most social media automation tools provide analytics that can be helpful to your social media strategy.

For example, after using and connecting these tools to your social platforms, you can use the analytics to determine the best time to post. You can answer questions like, “When does my audience interact more?” and “What’s my engagement rate?”

A large benefit to automation tools is that you can get analytics such as impressions, reach, and engagement on all your social media platforms in one place. These reports make it easier to compare the success of a campaign across different platforms.

4. Produce content curation ideas.

While not all automation tools provide content curation, some of them do. This means that you can choose industries or topics that you think your audience is interested in. Then, the software will curate content that you can share and post on your social media platforms.

Some automation tools might draft a social media post for you, however, those should just be used as a starting point. You should write all your own social media posts.

Additionally, using the tactics mentioned above should help you get to know your audience better, facilitating more content ideas.

5. Engage with your audience.

One of the most important benefits of social media automation tools is that they can help you engage with your audience across several platforms in one place.

With this type of software, you can monitor brand mentions, replies, and messages. With all of these gathered in one place, it makes it easier to connect with your audience and helps your team respond in a timely manner.

6. Achieve consistent scheduling.

Consistency is one of the best ways to earn your follower’s trust and improve your online presence.

With social media automation tools, you can keep a steady queue of posts. This can help you plan ahead and spend more time on creativity and less time on the tedious posting tasks.

Additionally, you can use this software to schedule posts in bulk. Many automation software can be used to input a spreadsheet of posts and schedule them.

These are just some of the top ways to use social media automation tools. However, a human should still be interacting with the community, and planning creative, exciting content.

Social Media Automation Tools 1. HubSpot

With HubSpot’s social media tool, you can save time and prioritize your social interactions. This tool was designed to make it easy to share content from your marketing campaigns to all your social media platforms.

Additionally, you can manually publish content directly to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. By connecting your blog and social media accounts, your new blog content will be automatically shared as soon as it’s published.

Furthermore, this software will give you suggestions on the best times to post and help you develop a nuanced social media strategy.

2. Buffer

Buffer was designed with collaboration in mind. That means you can use this software to draft and coordinate with your team, so you can orchestrate brilliantsocial media marketing campaigns.

Additionally, you can assign social conversations to the person on the right team, avoid duplicate responses by seeing who else is viewing a conversation, and leave internal notes. Many of these tasks can be automated, from tagging a post to assigning it.

Moreover, your team can use saved replies to reduce the amount of time they spend answering common questions.

Plus, with its reporting and analytics features, Buffer will give your team recommendations on how to grow reach, engagement, and sales.

3. Hootsuite

Besides regular scheduling and report features, Hootsuite also provides content curation tools to help you come up with and post content ideas.

For example, you can use a content library to organize all your content. That means you can save time with pre-approved posts so the team member scheduling content has a pick of posts to choose from.

Additionally, with the Hootlet extension, you can instantly post and share content you find online while you’re browsing or reading content.

Plus, by creating a social listening stream with hashtags or keywords, you can find compelling content to share instantly.

4. Sprout Social

With Sprout Social, your social media team can solve the three basic problems with manual social media management: overflowing inboxes, missed messages, and time-consuming tasks.

Before you get started, you’ll learn how to leverage this tool with dedicated training and easy onboarding, so you can use the tools immediately.

Then, you can use the tools to manage and measure conversations that can improve your engagement rate and brand loyalty.

The collaboration tools are one of the best features because you can integrate your customer support platforms such as Zendesk, HubSpot, and UserVoice.

Ultimately, Sprout Social can eliminate engagement obstacles and achieve social success, from community management to customer support.

5. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is one of the best automation tools to help you find the content that will perform the best.

With the content discovery, content research, monitoring, and influencer tools, your team can generate ideas, create high-performing content, monitor your performance, and identify influencers to work with.

Additionally, BuzzSumo gives you content examples and helps you find the questions your audience is asking.

Overall, this is one of the best tools to help you improve your content on social media.

Social media automation is a great way to eliminate day-to-day tasks so you can spend more time interacting with your audience. However, these tools shouldn’t be used to avoid responding to or engaging with your followers.

Nishith Lakshan

Founder —Andout

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


5 Ways to Achieve a Complete, Positive Customer Experience

Customer experience is a sought-after strategy since it is seen as the key to company success. With the growing use of social media and online review sites, there has been an exponential increase in the importance of customer experience.

Customer experience is often talked about as a sort of magic potion for businesses. High customer experiences are seen as the holy grail of business success,Guest Posting driving everything from increased sales to lower churn rates and everything in between. However, even with all the attention given to customer experience, it’s not always easy to achieve it.

Many businesses struggle to give their customers a positive experience from beginning to end. Even simple things like making sure that your front desk attendants answer all phone calls correctly or that your website has up-to-date information can be difficult, especially when you have so many other things going on at once. Now, it’s true that most businesses can’t just snap their fingers and achieve a perfect customer experience every time.

But there are many small things you can do, day in and day out, to help make your customers happy with the services you provide. Here are five ways you can optimise your business for great customer experiences at every touchpoint:

Start with the basics

No matter how great your website copywriting is, how flashy your marketing campaigns are or how many bells and whistles you add to your product or service offerings, the customer experience must be spot-on if you want to succeed, so start at the basics.

Every great business starts with strong customer service, excellent product quality, and a clear understanding of what its customers need or want. If you’re struggling to provide excellent customer service, for example, you’re not going to be able to make up for that with flashy marketing campaigns. You’re going to drive customers away.

A customer experience depends on the basics: a positive attitude, clear communication, and a willingness to go the extra mile. While these are essential for any business or workplace, they are especially important for brands working in the service industry.

When customers are spending money on a product or service, they expect to be treated with care and consideration. That means hiring individuals who truly care about the brand they represent and treating customers with respect, dignity, and courtesy. It may seem like a small thing, but a smile and a “thank you” go a long way towards improving the customer experience.

Train your employees

Having great employees is one of the best ways to ensure that your customers have a positive experience with your business. When you train your staff members (including your front desk attendants, customer service staff, and managers) on the best practices for customer service, they’re more likely to be able to help your customers and make them happy.

There are many benefits to training staff to deliver great customer experiences, including:

1. Improved customer satisfaction: When staff are properly trained in customer service, they are better able to handle customer inquiries and complaints. This leads to improved customer satisfaction levels, as customers feel they are being heard and their concerns are being addressed.

2. Increased sales: Happy customers are more likely to make purchases, so training staff in customer service can lead to increased sales for a business.

3. Improved reputation: Good customer service can help to improve a business's reputation, as satisfied customers are likely to tell others about their positive experiences. This can lead to more people patronising the business, which can in turn lead to increased sales and profits.

4. Reduced employee turnover: Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to stick around, so training staff in customer service can help to reduce employee turnover. This can save business money in the long run, as it costs less to train new employees than to constantly be hiring and training new ones.

Overall, training staff in customer service can have numerous benefits for a business, both in the short and long term.

You can also use customer service training to make sure your employees know how to deal with hard or challenging situations. For example, you can train your employees on how to deal with unhappy customers, how to handle difficult conversations, and how to solve problems for customers – including when to refer customers to someone else in the company for resolution.

Measure everything

You’ll never know for certain how your business is doing unless you measure it. That goes for customer experience metrics as well as overall business metrics. You may want to measure customer satisfaction, for example, or the percentage of customers who are satisfied with your product or service offerings. You may also want to track metrics like customer retention rates, customer acquisition costs, or customer lifetime value. There are several marketing tools you can use to track, measure and improve your understanding of business data.

When choosing your key performance indicators, make sure they align with your company’s goals. If you’re targeting growth, for example, make sure your KPIs reflect that goal. You can also collect data on the types of customers you want to attract. For example, if you’re targeting enterprise customers, you may want to track the number of enterprise customers who sign up for your product or service.

Set up smart automation

You can take many steps to optimise your business for great customer experiences. You can train your employees, measure customer satisfaction, and even adjust your product offerings based on customer feedback. But there are many other things you can automate, too.

Automating customer support emails, for example, can help you reduce the time it takes to respond to customer concerns. You can also simplify your customer onboarding experience by using automated check-in procedures, like automated account creation or automated welcome emails.

Automating simple tasks like these can save you and your team a significant amount of time and effort. You can also use automation to streamline your internal communication. For example, you can set up an email notification to alert your team whenever a new lead comes in. This way, you don’t have to rely on a single person to track incoming leads.

If you use a group chat or collaboration software, you can also set up automated notifications to make communication more efficient. With these tools, you can receive notifications whenever a new lead comes in, and your team can start the conversation whenever they’re ready.

Wrapping Up

No matter how well you do everything else, customer experience starts with customer expectations. If customers arrive expecting one sort of experience and end up getting something different, they’re not going to have a positive experience, no matter how hard you try. That’s why it’s important to keep your customer's expectations in mind at all times.

From the moment customers interact with your marketing campaigns to the moment they interact with your product or service offerings, you need to be aware of what your customers expect.

To achieve positive customer experiences at every touchpoint, you first need to start with the basics, train your employees, measure everything, and set up smart automation. It’s not easy to achieve great customer experiences, but it’s necessary for business success.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


The Power of Possibilities

Did you know the one thing that holds most people back is the simple fact that they think too small? What separates the average business owner from the super successful isn’t her timing or her resources. It’s her ability to think bigger than others,Guest Posting and take action on the things that will create the biggest successes.

Take for instance the typical small business owner in your area. Go into any local shop and ask them how many customers they have from out of state. Chances are it’s a very small percentage of their business. Yet with the power of the Internet, any local business – selling products or services – can change her business model from being a small local provider, to a small business with huge profits and paying clients around the world.

And it’s easier than you think. I know; I’ve done it myself.

I was one of those pioneers. I purchased my first computer in the 1980’s. Remember Prodigy? I dialed in almost every day. So when the Internet began coming on strong in the early 1990’s, I jumped in with both feet, and brought our business online.

What I found was an incredible opportunity.

I started out as a small business owner, operating a photography studio, and servicing people within my local area. It was a traditional studio, offering the standard portrait and wedding services. With two people, we opened a commercial location, and began contacting people within a 10-mile radius. But I knew there had to be a better way. And I found it on the Internet.

Thanks to a powerful online marketing strategy, we found success quickly. Within 3 years, we shut down our traditional studio, and began operating a virtual studio online. Our clients changed from people in our local area looking for traditional portraiture, to people all over the world falling in love with our virtual wedding studio, and flying us in to their location.

No longer were we stuck selling to the people that resided in our local community. We established an extreme niche market, and went to where our clients were. We raised our prices substantially, and began living the life others only dream about. By changing the way we thought about business, we changed the way we looked for clients. And our profits followed.

You too have that power. By changing the way you think, you can change the way your business operates. The possibilities are out there. But thinking differently can sometimes be difficult. It involves stretching out of your comfort zone. It involves creating changes in your business planning. And sometimes these changes can be difficult.

Start by asking yourself some basic questions.

“How can I take what I do now, and sell it to people 1000 miles from me?”
“How do I change my marketing materials to sell to people I may never meet?”
“How well do I work with technology? What do I need to learn?”

These questions will allow you to think beyond your local area, and start discovering ways of doing what you do anywhere in the world. People all over the country are looking for the services and products you sell. You just need the tools to get your information in front of them.

When you expand your target market beyond your local area, and go worldwide, you also add another dilemma to your planning process:

“How do I market to the thousands of people added to my new target list?”

When you decide to take your business to a much larger market, it’s imperative that you focus on who your exact customer is. As a small business, you can’t afford to market to the world. Defining who your perfect customer is becomes crucial. And knowing how to reach them becomes vital.

Your customer can no longer be defined by simple phrases, such as:

·Single female between 25-50 years old.
·Married female with children under 18.

Instead you have to get into the mind of your client, and define them as precisely as possible. Start with the simple phrases. Then add in the detail. The more you know what interests your customer, the easier it is to reach them. Consider a customer definition such as:

Single female between 25-40 years old. Enjoys traveling, and prefers to take short, exotic vacations 2-4 times per year to places such as the Caribbean, Europe, Australia and the Fiji Islands. Holds an executive position in the corporate environment, or owns the company. Spends 2-3 weeks per month traveling for business, and holds tens of thousands of frequent flier miles.

Using the above customer description, I can begin finding many ways of targeting this customer. I can consider building up referral partners with travel websites that cater to young singles flying into exotic locations for short trips. I can find networking groups that cater to small business owners, or buy lead lists or place ads in magazines such as Inc. or Entrepreneur magazine. I can consider creating a relationship with airline magazine editors, and advertise or get an article placed as frequently as possible.

Obviously, I could continue with many more ideas. But you get the point. The more details I can use to define my perfect customer, the easier it is to determine methods to reach them.

By changing the way you market yourself, you can expand your business in ways that will take your business to new heights.

Open up your mind to the possibilities. You might be surprised at what awaits you.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Top Tips for a Solopreneur: How to Market on Social Media

Working as a solopreneur can be hugely challenging, and we explain here how you can master social media marketing to help your business grow faster.

Working as a solopreneur can be hugely challenging,Guest Posting particularly when it comes to finding time to market your goods or services properly.

Social media provides a cost-effective way to reach a massive audience, but managing different channels undoubtedly takes plenty of time and effort.

However, solopreneurs prepared to invest sufficient resources into social media are the ones who give themselves the best chance of succeeding in their chosen field.

With that in mind, we take a look at some of the best ways for solopreneurs to maximise the effectiveness of social media marketing.

Establish clearly defined goals

Before promoting your business on social media, it is imperative to lay down some clearly defined goals about what you want to achieve.

For some businesses, this may be increasing brand awareness, while others may be more interested in generating sales leads.

As many marketing experts including Ahmed Bilal have repeatedly emphasised, understanding your goals will help you focus on creating content that your audience wishes to engage with – a point we will expand on later.

Spend time researching what your most successful competitors are doing on social media to gain greater insights into the type of content that works.

Be selective with your social channels

One of the biggest mistakes many businesses make, regardless of their size, is spreading themselves too thinly on social media.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms offer a wealth of opportunities for solopreneurs to promote their goods or services.

However, they each need populating with appropriate and consistent content that resonates with your target audience.

It is much more advisable to run one successful media channel than do numerous ones badly. Be selective and you will reap the results.

Showcase your work on social

Regardless of which industry you operate in, the work you do each day is one of the easiest forms of content you can use on social media.

By demonstrating your particular expertise on social, you give existing customers an insight into your business and open the door for new clients to jump on board.

You can use the content as a way to build engagement by getting people talking around the subject matter you have posted.

Think of social media as a big shop window in a department store – it is a way of luring people into your business in the hope they will buy something.

Use scheduling tools

Managing social media effectively can be time-consuming, but there are tools you can use that will support your marketing efforts.

For instance, Hootsuite and Buffer are excellent ways to schedule and publish content across several different social media channels.

They allow you to post consistent messages, keeping your business in the public eye at different times each day.

When used alongside real-time social posts, scheduling tools are a great way to take your marketing activities to another level.

Set time aside for social

Working as a solopreneur often means that time is at a premium and you end up in a position where your daily work becomes all-consuming.

However, it is imperative to remember that social media is a marketing tool – the time you spend on there can be equally valuable if utilised effectively.

On that basis, set time aside during the week to dedicate yourself to social media. Use the analytical tools to determine when engagement is at its highest for the best results.

For many solopreneurs, social media is their primary way of staying connected with their customers. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the importance of this.

Engage more, sell less

Engagement with your audience has been a common theme in the tips we have provided, but what does this mean for a solopreneur?

In simple terms, it means that you should largely use social as a place where you interact with clients, rather than consistently selling to them.

The clue is in the name – ‘social media’ – people use such platforms to engage with things they like. Be sociable with your content, and people will be happy to engage.

Conversely, if the bulk of your messaging is trying to sell goods or services to people, you will soon see your engagement levels drop through the floor.

Don’t be afraid to outsource

It is important to recognise that social media marketing is a skill – it’s undoubtedly not the same as sharing what you had for dinner on Instagram.

If you feel that you lack the skills to successfully manage social media on your own, do not be afraid to invest resources into using the services of an agency.

By outsourcing some or all of your social output, you will be taking advantage of the knowledge of professionals who are paid to succeed in this area.

Even a small financial outlay for part-time social media marketing by an agency can make a massive difference to a solopreneur’s annual turnover.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com