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Social Media Marketing

Marketing is a way of communication between a business and potential customers for presentation and promoting values of a certain product or services. The main goal of marketing is to sell. Social media marketing is to take advantage of the benefit of the social network to realize some of the marketing goals such as promotion and establishing a relationship with customers etc.

Social media marketing is used to present business through social media and use this as a way to communicate a message to potential customers. Social media refers to different websites that allow interaction among users and the exchange of information through a variety of channels. Content can come in the form of blog articles, presentation, videos, e-books etc

Below are some of the most important websites

·         Facebook- it is seen as the most popular social network and also a network with the largest amount of potential customers. Facebook pages are for celebrities, businesses and institutions. A page can have several administrators/managers. Facebook groups are for users who share the same interests. It is also for college students etc. it can be closed/open or secret.

·         LinkedIn: LinkedIn is regarded as the largest business professional network. It allows sharing of posts and profiles.

·         Twitter: it is differentiated by its microblogging from sending short messages called tweets. It uses hashtags.

·         YouTube, Vimeo: these websites host video files. Videos can be promotional, instructional or you can start a video blog. You can promote a video by sharing the link on other social channels.

·         Google+: It uses Google+ profiles for individuals, Google+ pages are for companies and institutions. Google has ceased to have Google+

·         Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr: these 3 websites are visual-content sharing platform. It allows images and short videos for online stores, decorators, clothes manufacturers etc.

·         Foursquare, Yelp: Most times, tourists make use of these social networks for reviews on places visited.

Blogging is a form of social marketing which uses blogs to create and publish content while establishing a relationship with the readers. Blogging is an interactive form of publishing content on the web. The act dates back to 1990s till around 2000s. It comes from the word "weblog" and publishes content which is useful, practical and engaging.

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform. Others are Tumblr, Blogger. For a successful blogging activity, choose a suitable design, be consistent, interact with the readers and analyse your performance.

Tips in using social media for marketing include

·         Customization: you need a profile image, description of the business, cover image, business urls, and lastly your business location.

·         Social Media Optimization: it entails that if a visitor inputs your business name on a search engine, it should be easy to find within seconds.

·         Follow social media guidelines: guidelines on text and URL in the cover photo, conditions when organizing online process and limitations should be adhered to strictly to avoid a ban.

·         Evaluation: It requires monitoring and analysis to evaluate your performance and determine if results are satisfactory. If results are not satisfactory, the approach and methods should be changed.

When you intend to use social media for promotion, there are 2 major divisions of promotion for social media. This is the paid and free adverts.

Paid adverts allow direct promotion with paid ads. It also can track conversion and flow of a paid campaign. A free version, on the other hand, allows you to create and manage a social account and online promotion through a social media account.

Tools for managing Social Media.

·         Tools for planning include Google calendar, post planner.

·         For managing your social channel- Hootsuite, Tweetdeck

·         For monitoring- Google Alerts, Google Analytics and Social Insights.

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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Olaniyan_Taibat/2265267

What Is Decisive - Marketing or Sales And What About SME?

Yes, of course scientific approaches are desirable and essential (as: "No practice without theory"), however, their disadvantage is that they cannot define 'Suggestions' for most of the different entrepreneurs running this 'business world' - this refers especially to SMEs, who account for more than 90 % of the worldwide companies.

The major reason being that the conditions in individual companies are too specific and cannot be taken into consideration.

... but of course it is necessary to contemplate whether it is more advisable to assign or even subordinate the sales department to the marketing department or vice versa. The 'market as such', however, in most cases can't be schematized or generalized so easily but depends on the specific needs of the clients as well as the producer.

Whilst in a B2C-environment specific processes might suggest to assign marketing to sales, this is completely different in a business producing investment goods.

So what is the ultimate target... YES, the client, whether in B2C or in B2B.

Comparing the distribution structure in B2C is surely more important than in B2B, as more often 'mass products' (of any kind) are sold. The competition in that case mostly is quite numerous and the 'customer needs' are less specific - and this may lead to the belief that sales are more important than marketing.

Looking to B2B only especially such 'specific customer needs' are in the foreground, the competition is less numerous, yet possibly more concentrated to a specific target group - on a worldwide basis.

Theory or not:

As also Marketing-Professor Kotler suggests the sales department should be assigned to the marketing department. Please find hereafter a few reasons - which could also bring interesting aspects / approaches for SMEs who do not yet have fully developed marketing-/sales activities and who need ways for a successful configuration of their future.

· The marketing department has to research the markets in order to clarify which markets/market segments could/should be supplied with which products (whether already existing products, or such to be developed/produced/adapted due to the available core competencies) - either in the home market or in international markets.

· The marketing department determines thereafter the target groups 'desired/requested' in order to define the respective distribution ways (i. e. sales routes - NOTE:' thereafter'). e. g. with or without associated service capabilities, etc. Which kind of distribution - whether existing, newly to be defined, own company office, etc. - is largely depending on the kind of clientele as well as on the financial power of the company - and/or on the products in question.

·... and... it is the marketing department that has to understand first the 'clients' requests / wishes' in order to decide - together with the other internal departments, and based on reliable market data - if such a product has to be newly produced, an existing one to be amended, or even the sales portfolio be supplemented by suitable purchased products.

In any of these cases the actual selling process starts only after the respective ways and decision have been found / made. The sales department then receives the necessary targets/objectives/client data, etc., like new strategic advice, from the market department. This might be completed by questionnaires the evaluation of which allow a further 'sharpening' of the sales routes lateron.

Which means again:

Only a close collaboration between both departments will lead to a maximum of success - animosities, as known from the past, are of no value in today's market environment...

Michael Richter - International Marketing- and sales consultant - concentrates for more than 40 years on strategic marketing planning as well as selling of investment goods and long-lasting consumer goods in/to all 5 continents. Starting in 1991 his business as an independent consultant, especially for SMEs worldwide, he offers his knowledge and experience to his worldwide clientele.

In addition he holds national and international, internal and external lectures on international marketing matters - especially in/for the European Union.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Georg_Michael_Richter/32286

The 6 R's For Direct Marketing Success in Almost Any Business


There is a small rule of 6 R's that you can use every time you are trying to sell a product or service to a certain market. If you break ANY of these rules, you are almost guaranteed NOT to sell your product. Read on to find out how you can apply them to your business.

Here are the 6 R's of marketing almost any product:

1. Right person- You have to have the right sales person. People don't buy from Slick Willy down the street, they buy from friends. They buy from people they trust. If you have not established a trusting relationship with your prospect, then good bye sale.

2. Right time- You have to be at the right time in the prospect's life for them to want your product. If you catch them when they do not have the problem that you are solving with your product, then you don't get the sale.

3. Right place- Your message has to be visible by the prospect. If the person cannot see your web site, store, office, billboard, etc. they won't buy from you.

4. Right message- You have to be sending the right message to your prospect about the product you are selling. If you promise to cure a pain that they do not have, they will not relate your product to something they want.

5. Right audience- You have to sell to a hungry crowd of people that want what you have. If you have picked the wrong audience, say you are selling snow shovels to people in the desert, then you have thrown your marketing dollars out the window.

6. Right product (this is one that the so-called marketing "gurus" often forget)- You product has to be something that your prospect wants already. The product has to cure a pain that they are having. You will have a much harder time creating a product for an audience that either doesn't want it, or doesn't know they want it.

Those are the 6 Rs. Apply them to all of your marketing projects and you will have a much higher closing rate.

Joshua Black is an on-line infopreneur, marketing consultant, copywriter and educator dedicated to helping the bootstrapping small business owner succeed.

Visit his flagship resource site for entrepreneurs at [http://www.UnderdogMillionaire.com] for the free Underdog Millionaire Wealth Pack: including a free e-book and daily wealth building tips for the bootstrapping small business owner.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joshua_Black/286231

Four Types of Marketing For Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you most likely spend quite a large amount of time trying to discern new ways to gain customers. Marketing can be a fun or stressful business. They key is to understand the types of marketing.

Instead of sending your marketing budget in many different directions, you can choose a specific type and be consistent with it. You will quickly see that your marketing budget pays off much more quickly.

Here, you will find information on four of the main types of marketing. This way, you will be able to choose the marketing actions that will work best for your business. You will then be able to point your marketing budget in the right direction.

1. Blanket marketing is a type that is often used by larger business. Blanket marketing means that you spend money advertising to everyone. Many people choose to do blanket marketing by advertising in magazines or newspapers. You will not really have control of who sees your advertising, but you will have the potential to reach many people.

The downside to blanket marketing is that it can be quite expensive, and you could be wasting money marketing to people who may never become your customers at all. Blanket marketing is best for those who have plenty of funds available and who feel that they will be able to gain many customers from the plan.

2. Targeted marketing is a method in which you choose a certain demographic and only market to them. This could mean that you advertise to everyone in a certain area. Alternatively, you could advertise to everyone in a certain age range.

The great thing about targeted marketing is that you will have a much better chance at getting customers since you will be advertising to the types of people who would most likely become customers. The downside is that it will take a little legwork to determine who your target is and then find the right way to advertise to them.

3. Social media marketing could be called the new kid in town since it is relatively a young concept. With this marketing, you use any one of the many popular social media sites to advertise your company. You can also use a daily blog to garner business.

The downside to this type of marketing is that you will be sending your information out to many people who may not be interested at all. With blogs, you will have to take the time to keep the blog up to date. Otherwise, people may stop reading it.

4. The last type of marketing is not marketing at all. There are not upsides to this. It may seem like a way to save money, but when your business fails, you will actually lose a great deal of money. It is extremely important to find marketing funds within your budget.

The 10 Reasons You WILL Fail in Your Business... Learn How to Be a Success NOT a Failure. Grab this special report valued at $75 and make your business flourish with these never before released secrets. Go to http://www.broshegroup.com right now for your FREE report!

Melissa Evans, The Guru of Implementation SM and the author of a soon to be published book titled "Full Circle, a book for entrepreneurs thriving in today's economy" is the President and CEO of The Broshe Group, Inc. Melissa is passionate about helping people and businesses be their best while making money and enjoying life. Melissa is a no nonsense dynamic speaker, author, and business consultant and coach. She has experience spanning 15 years in different fields which includes healthcare, retail, manufacturing, banking, non-profit, technology, small business, education, foundations, etc.

THE BROSHE GROUP Inspire success. Achieve results.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Melissa_B_Evans/320458

5 Tips on How to Be Discipline For Network Marketing Success

Discipline is a key element on how to succeed in network marketing. Is a powerful and unlimited that can not be search for or discovered it can only be created from within you. In my opinion discipline is as vital as breathing, without it we can't make it in life. It no matter how big your plan for success is or how important, if you do not incorporate discipline in to the mix success will not happened.

By putting together these tips on how to succeed in network marketing I believe it will absolutely create with in you the discipline you desire:

o Strong Based Values:

This is the foundation of your decisions and actions, what propels you in to productivity. A strong believe in yourself and what you are doing will help you pass through the hurdles of life and you ability on making decision will be specific.

o Sticking to your Goals

Goal setting is what helps us structure our efforts to get to our dreams and ambitions and discipline is what is required to reach them. You wont reach you goals exactly as you wanted 100% of the time but discipline is the key that took you from starting point to closer to your goal.

o Understanding Your Priorities:

If you to take the right actions for the right reasons, you will be able to stay inside your discipline habits and will maintain your focus by defining your dreams to get to your goals and it will reduce your distractions.

o Perseverance

This is imperative, is the power of keeping going no matter what. You most apply your self to the create goal. Is mixture of effort and wanting to do it. By sticking to your actions you will get to were you want to be.

o Inner-Inspiration

By developing your own inspiration you will become more motivated. Watch all the big entrepreneurs of this industry and find out what they pass through before that got to where they are, it will give a sense of "I can do it"

If you Follow this tips on how to succeed in network marketing you will notice that discipline will give you the initiative to start doing what is necessary to reach your goals.

I can assure you once discipline is part of your mindset it will become a natural part of you and the sky will become the limit for your success in network marketing.

For more information visit Web Resource on the LInk Below:

Charles Casiano is a Internet Network Marketer who Specialized on How to Create Your Own Prospects and chase you to join your Network Marketing Business. Forget about Chasing Friends and Family or Prospects at the mall. Create Wealth in Your MLM the Online Way... [http://www.PowerMLMTrainingOnline.com]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Charles_Casiano/272584

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1590455

The Future of Virtual Reality – Reshaping The Business World Today

People of all ages have experienced virtual reality especially in the field of entertainment and gaming. But what's more surprising about virtual reality is its great applications in transforming the business world today.

The consumer version of one of the most popular VR headset,Guest Posting Oculus Rift is now available for pre-order on the Oculus website. After the long wait, VR headset is finally here and virtual reality is here to stay. Other than Oculus Rift, more VR headsets such as PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Samsung Gear VR has started to take the core of virtual reality. 

What is your perception about the future of virtual reality? Many consumers have experienced virtual reality in entertainment and gaming field. But beyond gaming and entertainment, virtual reality has more exciting applications in reshaping the business world. Here are some examples: 

1.    Real Estate and Construction – VR can be utilize in building a home, property or building. Using virtual reality, it allows the people to visualize the future project that has not yet been built.

1.    Virtual driving –Virtual driving is an advantage for current and aspiring drivers as they will be able to exercise their skills in a virtual environment. Examples of virtual reality driving can be seen here:www.pixelhunters.com

1.    Automotive – Ford Motors Company is one of the first that has shown VR could transform the market. Ford based in Michigan has started to use virtual reality not only to design vehicles but also to help get a sense of how the customers will experience their cars.

1.    Education – VR can be used in many areas of school curriculum – be it for English subject, Math, Science, Geography and more. With the aid of virtual reality, students will have a platform to create and manipulate objects in a virtual environment which can be a helpful tool for better learning.

1.    Healthcare – People in medical field has started to use VR such as examining a patient’s body before performing an operation. Virtual reality helps to create a highly realistic representation of human body.

1.    Travel – Be it an out of the country or hotel booking, people can use virtual reality. For instance is the Oculus Rift which offers 360-degree head tracking – this way will bring the travelers anywhere in the world that will give a realistic expectations.

Over the past few years, virtual reality have proven the undeniable potential in reshaping different industries. More than the examples given above, there are other enterprises that has started to invade VR. While business world and consumers embrace the technology advancement, virtual reality will also continue to arise in the mainstream. 

There is no wonder to see more advances in virtual reality – and not surprising to witness biggest things in the months ahead. So, are you ready to bring virtual reality into the industry you’re working with? Pixelhunters will be happy to transfer you to the next generation of virtual experience. Contact our team at info@pixelhunters.com or +97143606009 and let us know your thoughts.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


The challenges of software outsourcing

Let’s take a deep dive into the common pitfalls of outsourcing and offer dynamic solutions to help you overcome them. We'll also show you why offshore development may be the answer you've been looking for.

Are you looking to outsource your software development needs? You're not alone - the global software outsourcing market is valued at over [$92.5 billion] But with such a massive industry comes a host of hidden costs and unexpected challenges. Sure,Guest Posting cost reduction is a big motivator for outsourcing, but what about the hurdles you might encounter?

Let’s take a deep dive into the common pitfalls of outsourcing and offer dynamic solutions to help you overcome them. We'll also show you why offshore development may be the answer you've been looking for.

Outsourcing vs offshoring

Outsourcing - yes, the operational costs are relatively low, but hiring contractors for one-off projects through third parties can be a headache.

Offshoring is the key to achieving long-term goals with committed staff and highly skilled software engineers. But let's face it; the cost can be a concern.

The common problems with outsourcing

Quantity over quality

Looking to outsource to save on costs? The trade-off may not always be worth it. With outsourced engineers juggling multiple clients, quality can suffer, and their priorities may not align with yours. The result? A project that only partially reflects your company's vision or needs.

A lack of control over ‘your’ team

Third-party vendors often hire independent contractors outside your team, making it challenging to oversee their work and communicate with your internal team. Keep your projects on track and maintain communication by choosing a more reliable solution.

Undisclosed and hidden costs

Don't let hidden expenses sabotage your software outsourcing plans. While outsourcing can save on employment costs, be wary of hidden fees that can impact the quality of your software. Cutting corners with your budget can ultimately result in lower-quality software and missed deadlines.

Data loss and theft

Outsourcing software development can be a double-edged sword. While it can help reduce costs and expand your team's capabilities, it also poses risks such as data loss, cybersecurity threats, and intellectual property theft. Protecting sensitive data and ensuring that your team has proper security measures is crucial to prevent any breaches.

Cultural differences

When working with an outsourced team, it's important to remember that they're temporary workers who may not fully understand your company's values or way of doing things. Bridging the culture gap between your internal and external teams can be tricky, but it's important for successful collaboration.

Legal disputes

It's not always a lack of technical skills that causes disagreements - often, communication issues get in the way. To ensure your software meets contract requirements, your developers need strong English skills to clearly articulate their work's scope. Don't overlook the importance of effective communication in software development - it's crucial for project success.

Why is offshore development different?

Offshoring prioritises team culture over cost, letting your company's individuality flourish. This model can provide numerous benefits, including access to a larger pool of skilled professionals, lower labour costs, increased flexibility in staffing resources, and the ability to scale up or down as needed. Additionally, offshoring allows your company to focus on the core competencies while leaving other tasks to specialised professionals.

Trustworthy offshore partners like The Scalers are transparent about costs, handle legal and administrative duties, and ensure their culture aligns with yours.With access to top-tier tech specialists, they can manage screening on your behalf and prioritise security with state-of-the-art firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spyware defences, and regular software updates. Don't settle for less - partner with the right offshore team to take your business to new heights!

Key takeaways to keep in mind:

1.    Offshoring can solve many issues outsourcing can’t

2.    In-house developers are involved in offshoring and work solely for your business

3.    Offshore developers are committed to your company's success and fully align with your mission and projects

4.    A reliable offshore partner will oversee recruitment with an established method, manage your operations and HR functions, and assist you in expanding

Explore more about software outsourcing challenges

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


The pros and cons of hiring a family law attorney

The pros and cons of representing oneself in a family law case versus hiring a family law attorney. While representing oneself may save money and provide complete control over the case, it also comes with the risk of making mistakes that could harm the outcome of the case. On the other hand, hiring an experienced family law attorney can provide numerous benefits, such as leg.

Going through a family law issue can be a challenging and emotional experience. One of the biggest decisions you will have to make is whether to defend yourself or hire a family law attorney. 

While some may think that representing themselves can save money,Guest Posting there are potential pitfalls to consider. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of representing yourself in a family law case.

II. Advantages of Defending Yourself:

One of the main advantages of defending yourself in a family law case is cost. Hiring an attorney can be expensive and can add to the already stressful experience of a family law case. By representing yourself, you can save money on legal fees and court costs.

Another advantage of representing yourself is that you have complete control over your case. You can choose how to present your case and make decisions without the input of an attorney. This can be appealing to those who want to maintain full control over their case and do not want to rely on a third party.

Defending yourself can also be a learning experience. By researching the laws and procedures involved in your case, you can gain a better understanding of the legal system. This can be useful not only in your current case but in future legal matters as well.

Despite these advantages, representing yourself can also have its downsides. In the next section, we will discuss the potential pitfalls of defending yourself in a family law case.

III. The Risks of Defending Yourself in Family Court

While it may seem tempting to represent yourself in a family law case to save money, there are several risks involved. Family law cases can be complex and emotional, and a lack of legal experience and knowledge can lead to mistakes that may ultimately harm your case. You may miss important deadlines, fail to properly complete and file required paperwork, or overlook key legal arguments or evidence that could impact the outcome of your case.

Additionally, representing yourself can put you at a disadvantage when dealing with the opposing party or their attorney. They may use legal maneuvers or tactics that you are unfamiliar with, putting you in a weaker position. In some cases, the other party may even have legal representation, which could further hinder your ability to navigate the legal system effectively.

Furthermore, a negative outcome in a family law case can have significant consequences, such as losing custody of your children, being ordered to pay excessive amounts of spousal or child support, or being forced to sell assets that you value. These consequences can be financially and emotionally devastating, and they may impact your life for years to come.

Overall, the risks of representing yourself in a family law case are simply too high. It is highly recommended to seek the guidance and expertise of an experienced family law attorney who can help you navigate the complex legal system, protect your rights, and obtain the best possible outcome for you and your family.

IV. Save Money and Protect Your Rights: Defending Yourself vs. Hiring a Family Law Attorney

Hiring a family law attorney can be expensive, since hourly rates and retainer fees add up quickly. On the other hand, defending yourself in a family law case can potentially save you thousands of dollars.

Let's take a look at an example. Suppose you are going through a divorce and have agreed on most of the issues with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. You both have agreed on child custody, support, and visitation, and have already divided your property and debts. The only issue left to resolve is spousal support.

If you were to hire an attorney to handle this matter, you could potentially spend anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 in legal fees. However, if you were to defend yourself, you could save that money and put it towards your future.

Of course, it's important to note that the potential savings of defending yourself depend on the complexity of your case and your ability to effectively represent yourself. It may not be the best choice for everyone, especially in more complex cases.

That being said, with some research and preparation, defending yourself can be a viable option for those who are comfortable with the legal process and are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to represent themselves effectively.

V. The Benefits of Hiring a Family Law Attorney

While there are ways to defend yourself in a family law case, hiring an experienced family law attorney can provide numerous benefits. A family law attorney has in-depth knowledge of the legal system and can use their experience to guide you through the process. They can provide legal advice, represent you in court, and negotiate on your behalf.

A family law attorney can help you understand your rights and obligations, as well as the legal options available to you. They can ensure that your case is handled properly, and that all relevant legal issues are addressed. They can also help you prepare your case and gather evidence to support your position.

In addition to providing legal guidance and support, a family law attorney can also offer invaluable emotional support throughout your case. Going through a family law case can be an incredibly emotional and overwhelming experience, and having a compassionate and understanding attorney by your side can make a significant difference. 

Your attorney can provide a listening ear, offer advice on coping strategies, and connect you with resources such as therapists or support groups. With their guidance, you can feel more confident and in control during this challenging time. Don't underestimate the importance of emotional support in a family law case - it can truly make all the difference.

Overall, hiring a family law attorney can provide you with peace of mind and a better chance of achieving a favorable outcome in your case. While it may seem expensive, it can ultimately save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFactory.com