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How to regain confidence and happiness from deep inside.

It is a fact that In contemporary world, women tend to rule more and more. We have everything for it but lots of our precious qualities are hidden inside and covered by the external influences. Shakuntali Siberia, Enlightened woman, Doctor of Psychology, founder of the International Academy of working with subconscious “Gyud”, tells us how to develop self-confidence and power that are slumbering inside each woman.

Self-confident person - who is that? Someone who knows exactly what he/she needs to be happy and who is free enough to achieve that. So, a free and a happy one. We all are born very self-confident, free and with the knowledge that we can rule this world. But the pressure that we experience just right after we land here, take this self-confidence away. It may be caused by the realities and routine of our life or sometimes even by our parents - it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the effects are really devastating.

A little bit of Shakuntali Siberia experience - a striking illustration.

I was born with understanding who I am and what I should do in this life. I knew exactly that my predestination and benefit to other people was healing, so I tried to heal and convince people to change something in this life. Imagine me, 9-years-old-girl, trying to explain to my mother’s friend that she is in a pre-cancer state of health and that she must rush urgently to change something in her life to avoid the disease. Very funny, of course. But that was what I really KNEW about them, so I tried to help them from all my heart. And they saw me like a silly girl having watched soap operas too much. Eventually, they started being annoyed and finally concluded that I was crazy. All this doesn’t inspire confidence, does it?

Regaining your self-confidence back.

The only way to come back to nature and regain your self-confidence is to get rid of the external influence. As for me, I had to leave my home for good. Throughout the next years, I have had to learn lots of things, and I was lucky enough to have the best tutors you could imagine. Speaking about earning your natural confidence back, I have learned by heart the following plain tricks that I am gladly sharing with you now.

1. Use your “disadvantages” as advantages. Many of us are unhappy about something in our appearance. Ironically, it often happens that something that we have a great deal about, occurs to be utterly invisible to the others. Anyway, the trick is not to hide from the others what you desperately want to hide. This will lead you to freedom.

2. Do not try to be nice to everybody. Oh, this childish desire to please everyone, trying to prove something to everybody. Stop. This is useless and ruins your life and you as a person. For your wellbeing’s sake, you must learn how to tell NO.

3. Feel the strength and freedom inside to accept NO. Sometimes it is scary, isn’t it? All you need to learn here is that “No” doesn’t have anything with you, it is just a mindset and - sometimes - a problem of your opponent. You should never take it personally.

4. Compare yourself only with former yourself. Say “No” to any comparisons with other people. You do not know their life, their circumstances, their starting point, their way of thinking. All you should always look at - at yourself moving forward and earning your own happiness and success.

5. Once you have chosen something, any doubts - back off! You know yourself, you know your way - do not let the others, even the beloved ones, to interfere and turn you off your road.

6. If you need help - ask for it! You do not have to know everything, nobody does. There is no shame to ask for help. On the contrary, asking for help tells about you as of a very mature and confident person.

7. Your interest is the priority. It is not about being selfish, it is about not to skip your Bali vacation because of doing your colleagues’ work up to 3 a.m.

8. Feel the gratitude, no matter what happens. No event in our life is a positive or negative one. It is us who make it negative and positive. Try to find positiveness in everything that you face. Sometimes it is hard but still possible.

Being confident is being yourself.

This is the incomparable happiness - to be yourself. To face the world head-on, not to be afraid to hurt somebody by a refuse or just by being who you really are. And that doesn’t mean you should become selfish and do not care about the others. It is about becoming happy. And make the others around you a little happier too.

Author Biography: Shakuntali Siberia is an Enlightened woman, Doctor of Psychology, founder of the International Academy of working with subconscious “Gyud” and “Online Temple School”. She helps all the people around the world to become healthy, happy and regain the freedom of their spirits. Her latest unique course “12 Steps to the Return of Female Power” is created for all the women would return their natural Power back.

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Source: https://www.amazines.com/Female_Entrepreneurs/article_detail.cfm/6259193?articleid=6259193

How do Fat girls Avoid Inferiority and Maintain Self-confidence?

Now we are generally pursuing the state of being thin and beautiful. Thin people have certain advantages in many things. For example, thin people have more choices in clothes. The aesthetic trends of the society and the inconvenience have made many fat girls become less and less self-confident, and even shrink in a corner to protect themselves. In fact, today’s social aesthetic is relatively deformed, because some people pursue the beauty of thin blindly. It seems that the thinner a girl is, the more beautiful she will be. Girls who are slightly plump or obese are not worthy of walking on the street. This kind of deformed aesthetics is actually perverted. Many girls go on a diet to lose weight, just to become thinner. To put it bluntly, it’s a prejudice against the body of fat girls. In fact, fat girls also have many beauties, but some people’s aesthetics do not understand the beauty of these girls. In this world, it is not only thin people who are worthy of praise, fat girls can still live well. To improve self-confidence, you must first explore the shining points, don’t pay attention to the opinions of individual people, and improve yourself. So in the face of appearance problems, how should fat girls stay confident?

1. Explore your own advantages

Not all men like the girls with same style. Although you may not be satisfied with your appearance, you may be a kind and lovely person. You should always discover more of your strengths and get to know yourself better. Don’t feel that obesity is your fault just because of some people’s gossips. In fact, it’s not a mistake to look at a person’s body. But fat girls can also improve their health through their own reasonable diet and more exercise. The beauty of health is the best. Therefore, you must not be presumptuous, even if you are a little bit fatter. You should believe that people are the same. You can’t deny yourself, don’t look down on yourself because of others’ opinions. If you look at your strengths, you’ll find that you’re really great.

2. Make more friends and take part in outdoor activities often

Don’t generalize. Everyone is unique and you need to be sure of yourself. Appearance is not all of a person; it’s just a part of it. Everyone has his own unique quality and personality. Maybe you are born to be fat or become fatter than others in the acquired environment; you should not deny yourself completely because of this aspect. Fat girls should not be afraid of what others think of you, you should go out of the house bravely and make more friends. Many like-minded friends, whether of the opposite sex, or girlfriends, as long as you get along well with each other, you should play together. All kinds of outdoor sports, such as mountaineering, wading, square fitness, etc., are the most exercised activities, which are very beneficial to the cultivation of interpersonal skills and the enhancement of your social adaptability. (If you have a job, communicate with your colleagues more often.)

3. Participate in various public welfare activities to cultivate confidence

Everyone has love, especially the fat girls. We suggest that fat girls can take part in more public welfare activities and volunteer activities, such as volunteer work, voluntary labor in welfare homes and nursing homes, and offer their love and receive praise from others. Isn’t it very happy? And through participating in public welfare activities, you can further cultivate your ability to devote yourself to the society and serve the society. And you will gradually cultivate a high degree of confidence, so that you can gradually get rid of the inferiority complex in my heart.

4. Challenge more and strengthen your sense of accomplishment

Some fat girls lack self-confidence; they will close themselves in a small space and are unwilling to communicate with others. But if you take part in more challenges, you will find that many fat girls are actually very confident. In their hearts, they think they are the most beautiful women; we call them ‘BBW’ which means ‘big beautiful women’, and this kind of girl is really beautiful. Also you can find lots of big beautiful women on BBW hookup sites. When something needs you to pay a lot or seems impossible to achieve, once you accomplish it, you will have a great sense of accomplishment. Slowly, your self-confidence grows stronger invisibly. So we usually need to do more things and challenge ourselves.

Here are some tips to help fat girls to become big beautiful women. If you want to join the BBW social platform, you can check BBW apps.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Female_Entrepreneurs/article_detail.cfm/6260131?articleid=6260131


New Research Shows Big Opportunities for Small Businesses

Today’s technology has changed the shopping experience. While many of us still enjoy trying on clothes at our favorite department store, we also relish the ability to buy specific and unique items through an e-commerce app, or research product details via our smartphone. The changing nature of retail has opened tremendous opportunities for small businesses in the past decade. According to new research, "Charting the Growth Journey: From Product to Profitable Business" from GS1 US, a not-for-profit product identification and standards organization, the most successful small businesses are those that develop diverse strategies for growth.

Specifically, small brands that demonstrate a solid understanding of retailer requirements and seek the expert advice and services of external partners are better equipped to take advantage of today’s "always open" shopping environment. There are three ways small brands are finding growth opportunities in today’s rapidly-evolving retail landscape: They focus on their product, build a complete channel strategy, and partner with professionals to accelerate success. Focusing on the product Small business owners are often driven by a passion for bringing their unique product to market. According to the study, 61 percent of respondents cite customer demand for personalized services and products as a top trend. Almost as many (58 percent) anticipate that changing customer habits – such as where they make purchases (online or in-store) – will impact their brand’s growth." Building the story, the brand, and trust, is critical. Otherwise, it’s a race to the bottom on cost," says Steve Lange, co-founder of It’s All Good, a line of clean personal care products.

Focusing on customers and their needs is important, but finding the right balance and managing diverse business challenges such as lack of time and resources, are major concerns for many of the brands that participated in the study. Building a complete channel strategy Small businesses must look beyond the immediate pressures of starting a business to position themselves with the right retail channels for their products. These can include online marketplaces, national retailers, local retailers, kiosks, craft fairs, or their own stores or websites. High-growth leaders (respondents who experienced 25 percent or more growth in the past year) know the importance of channel mix and leverage an average of 3.1 channels to sell their products, while laggards (those with revenue declines in the past 12 months) report using just 1.3 channels. Proving credibility to retailers is also a major hurdle for small brands.

The study found that 59 percent of leaders see a direct correlation between providing complete product information (such as images, product origins, and more) in their online listings with the number of products sold. Additionally, 57 percent of these same growth leaders indicated that using UPCs in their product listings helps customers more easily find their products online."Incomplete product information and UPCs show a lack of experience to potential retail partners. It’s important to understand that you need consistency from retailer to retailer," says Erik Elfstrum, founder and CEO, pureLYFT, an all-natural caffeine alternative beverage. Partnering with professionals Seeking outside business support was also identified as an important growth factor among small brands. Such partnerships help them build a more sustainable business model and offer opportunities for expansion.

The study found that more than half (55 percent) of high-growth leaders agree that partnering with a retail broker or consultant has been critical to growing the business. Specifically, 83 percent of small brands that leverage online marketplaces and national retailers say partners (such as barcode services, software providers, business consultants, and more) improve their understanding of product information and its impact on their business. For help finding the right partners to support growth, many small businesses have found credible options through the GS1 US Solution Partner Program, a network of certified solution providers that provide guidance and a range of services to support retailer requirements. Ultimately, it’s a new world for shoppers and businesses alike. The research shows that maintaining a holistic view of the opportunities available to small businesses is a major contributor to long-term growth.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Female_Entrepreneurs/article_detail.cfm/6260623?articleid=6260623

✍️What are the four common types of blogs?

One of the blogs that are a pioneer in the blogging industry and famous among women community is personal blogs. The first type of blogging started with a personal blog in the late 90s. Personal blogs started when people penned down their own blogs by sharing their stories, advice, thoughts, and opinions. Among all other types of blogs, the most traditional form of blogs is personal blogs. The audience gets to know about the personality and traits of the blogger in their blog posts. Personal bloggers don’t follow any protocols or abuse any rules for blogging. A personal blog can be about their political views, hobbies, skills, and passions. Bloggers of this type can make blog posts related to any topic. A personal blog can be built by signing up for a domain on a particular website. You can write blog posts by publishing them on the internet. Readers get to know about their opinions, political views, passion, hobbies, or anything related to the blogger’s daily life. Readers can know more about your blog, and web traffic will increase when you share the link to your own blog post.

Business blogs 

Business blogs are oriented specifically towards business-related purposes. Business bloggers write about their work and earn their living by writing the topic on these blogs. The main reason for a business blog is to generate more leads for gaining more business profit. This blog helps to make more customers. Business blogs are professional as compared to personal blogs. These blogs contain writings that follow industrial trends and promote their particular business. The business blog posts are aligned to the industry standards strictly. For instance, an e-commerce business blog can start with how to increase sales in e-commerce. The main aim of business bloggers is to generate leads and then store them from the audience. Business bloggers prefer writing engaging posts in their blogs to promote their business. You get a potential lead when a visitor signs up on your mailing list and makes a successful business transaction.

Niche blogs 

In niche-based blogs, particular topics are covered rather than targeting different topics. These blogs include content marketing blogs, movie blogs, basketball blogs, car racing blogs, music blogs, Java blogs, health and fitness blogs, food blogs, etc. If you want to begin your career by becoming a professional blogger, start your journey by making a niche blog. This blog type is built around a specific area of interest or passion. With time these blogs get better, and you start gaining more revenue. To make a successful niche blog, you need to discover what niche you’re passionate about and define your targeted audience. It is done based on likes, age groups, gender, demographics, dislikes, etc. The next step is creating niche content and then promoting your niche blog post to the audience. This will fetch you more success than personal or business blogs.

Affiliate blogs 

To generate income through affiliate marketing, blogs are built known as affiliate blogs. If you generate a portion of the sale amount, then you’ll get a small percentage of the sale amount. Affiliate bloggers write product reviews, which makes readers buy those specific products via affiliate links. You can get a small kickback if you make a transaction. Affiliate blogging holds a significant value in the blogging community, and around 81% of brands make affiliate programs for improving marketing. 84% of bloggers make affiliate marketing posts to grow more customers.

Women community is the most important part of blogging community and they favor personal blogs and niche blogs to get their point across.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Internet/article_detail.cfm/6262985?articleid=6262985


What Does Competitive Intelligence do For Your Business?

What does Competitive Intelligence do for your business?

What does Competitive Intelligence do for your business? At first glance, it looks like a simple question. And it is often seen asked on search engines. So we thought it would be a good idea to answer it. Want to know the secret of Competitive Intelligence? Take a look below.

At its heart, Competitive Intelligence is all about understanding the competition. What products or services do they offer? How are they priced, and how are they marketed? What are their strengths and weaknesses, and what is their competitive edge?

Competitive Intelligence can give you a leg up on the competition. By helping you understand what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. It can help you find new opportunities, threats and develop strategies to stay ahead.

Make better decisions

Competitive Intelligence can also help you make better business decisions. What Competitive Intelligence does is provide insights into the market and industry trends. And customer needs and preferences.

Competitive Intelligence starts with identifying competitors. Who are they, and what do they offer? And how are they positioning themselves in the market? Start by Googling their websites. Look at the news and industry magazines to identify who they are and what they do. Speak to your customers and explore Linkedin.

Go a little deeper, and it. asks questions like what business are they really in. Who are their customers, and what are their goals? And then what do their customers need or what do their customers want to buy? These answers might not be what you think it is. What are your customers’ needs and wants? Are they buying for one reason only, or are they doing it because something else is?

Know who your competitors really are, and you can identify their strengths and weaknesses. And when you do that, you’ll be better able to understand what they are doing and how they are doing it.

Competitive Intelligence gives you more confidence

So what does Competitive Intelligence do? A good Competitive Intelligence process will give you more confidence in:

What you are doing Where you are going How you are going to get there Done right; it gives you more certainty, assurance and confidence that you’re on the right track. Or, indeed, going off down the wrong road. Both realisations should be equally valuable to you.

What Competitive Intelligence does is help you think. Think in a structured way. Competitive Intelligence allows you to make decisions based on something more. So much more than gut feeling, your experience of how it was next week and guesswork.

So boiling the question, what does Competitive Intelligence do.

Competitive Intelligence provides more certainty and insight to gain a competitive advantage. And the secret of Competitive Intelligence is? Simplicity. Create simple questions to give you straightforward answers. Simple answers to provide you with simple options and tasks. Rember, there are no simple answers when you talk to experts. So take what they say on board, but remember always to keep it simple.

What does Competitive Intelligence do for your business?

What does Competitive Intelligence do for your business? Our article attempts to answer what looks like a simple question. There are many answers to this question. The deeper you go, the more clever you can be. Some of the stuff you can do and find with Competitive Intelligence is more often than not amazing. It’s can also be pretty dull and disappointing, especially if you give up too early. Or think a piece of Competitive software is the answer. It’s an answer, not the answer.

Art by Mike Dorner

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Business/article_detail.cfm/6263199?articleid=6263199

✍️4 tips to Make Money with Email Marketing

Over 90% of the population use email on a daily basis, and it is an opportunity for making money. Email is the connective tissue of the modern e-commerce landscape and building a robust emailing list is a way of building stronger relationships with your subscribers and through the provision of additional value, you can make a handsome residual income.

The modern subscriber wants to buy, without being pushed into making the buying decision and so many subscribers do not open many of the emails. In this article, we look at four ways you can make money with email marketing.

Choose Your Niche

The niche you choose can either make you or break you, so it is important that you make an informed decision. Relationships, health, and wealth are some of the top niches that continue to make money. The next bit is to choose a sub-category, which is your niche. Choose a popular niche that is exciting and vibrant for the markets today. Also, choose a niche with high competition, which is also digital friendly people are willing to pay for information.

Single Page Website

According to online stats a single page website can make as much money as those with multiple page sites. The page should be an OPT-IN page, which entices people to subscribe by giving their email addresses. This OPT-IN page is at the heart of your email marketing, and the more responsive people you have on your lists, the more money you can make.

Choose a Winning Affiliate Offer

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways you can use your emailing list to make money. This takes a similar course as when you are choosing the right niche. Research widely on the best affiliate networks; review their marketing by acting as a customer at first, subscribe to their emails then read reviews of their products. Some affiliate products sell easily, and some can take weeks or months to sell a single product. Only consider the offers that will add value to your subscribers, and you will be able to create a genuine and lasting rapport with the people on your list. A good place to research your niche is clickbank, sign up for a free account, login and learn from their online University-Spark.

Create an Awesome Gift

By now, you know that collecting email addresses for an effective email marketing campaign is not a walk in the park. You will need to offer something valuable to your potential subscribers in exchange for their email address. You get better conversion rates when you offer gifts, and your list will grow exponentially. Popular gifts include workbooks, eBooks, or reports all in PDF formats as well as videos or sound files.

Always keep in touch with the individuals on your emailing list. It takes a considerable amount of time and resources to make at least $1 per month from each subscriber. You will have to develop an email strategy to increase the amount of money you make from each of your subscribers. Start with a fail proof subject headline. Spark

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Internet__Marketing/article_detail.cfm/6262913?articleid=6262913

I wasn't expecting to see this in my inbox

Yesterday evening I was looking through my inbox and got an email from someone whom I had never heard of before.

When I opened it, I was surprised to see what it was about.

But first, some back story.

A little over two years ago, and a month or two before I officially started my copywriting journey, I decided to test the waters a bit.

I was in college at the time, and one of the biggest problems college students have is that they’re always stressed out about landing internships and job opportunities.

So, I came up with an idea to offer resume and cover letter help. But it was more so to put my copywriting skills to the test (And my very first ad) rather than to help students. Not that I didn’t care about helping the students, but it just wasn’t my main goal.

Long story short, I “ran” the ad for about a month, and I got a total of 10 inquiries. Out of the 10, three of them turned into clients.

And that’s what last night’s email was about.

After two years, a student reached out to me and asked for help, which I found to be mind blowing.

I thought one of my previous clients told him about me, but that wasn’t the case. Turns out, one of my flyers still existed somewhere inside the college campus and he found it.

That’s what happens when you put yourself out there in any way, shape, or form. Whether it be through written content, videos, podcasts, or networking, word will spread and will eventually reach someone who will be interested in talking to you.

Especially when it comes to digital content, when you put them out there, they exist practically forever, that is, until the Internet dies. Eventually, that content will make its way into the hands of your next potential client or customer.

And of course, one of my favorite forms of digital content is email, which you can learn more about how to write in my book.

The link to it is below.


About the author:

Ellisen Wang is an email copywriter and the author of “How to Become an Email Titan.” You can read the sample chapters of the book and learn how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you by opting in at EllisenWang.com. When you opt in, you’ll also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips sent straight to your inbox. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through the blog and listen to the audios for more marketing content and training.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Internet__Marketing/article_detail.cfm/6262932?articleid=6262932

How to create a sales page for your course

You’ve created an online course, and you truly believe in the impact it will have on people’s lives. But there’s a problem: you are a teacher, not a salesperson.

While your strength may be breaking concepts down to teach others, there is an entirely different skill set that goes into marketing your course and getting people to sign up.

But you can create a sales page that inspires others to sign up for your course!

First, make sure you understand who your target student is. Who would benefit the most from taking your course? What problems do they have that your course can solve?

The more you know about your students, the more you can tailor the sales page to address directly what they need.

Here’s what you need on the sales page for your course:

1. Start with a convincing headline. Begin with the unique value proposition and identify the value someone will get by enrolling in your course. Start the page by explaining to future students what transformation they will undergo by enrolling in the course.

2. Lead with a story. Highlight the problem that your students may have. Use a story to show them you understand their problems, and you have the solution (your course).

3. Weave social proof throughout the sales page. Your former students are the best advocates for your course! Use text and video testimonials to show future students that your courses have helped many others just like them in the past. Social proof helps build the trust needed to inspire people to make a purchase.

4. Add an FAQ towards the bottom of the page. What common questions do people have? This is a chance to answer frequently asked questions, as well as target keywords you may want to rank for.

5. Describe the offer and bonuses. Talking about the offer allows you to address the solutions your course has to future students’ problems. Be descriptive about the different modules in your course to help future students visualize what they will learn by taking your course.

6. Remember to talk about the transformation. What transformation will happen? How will your students’ lives change? Think about exactly the differences that will happen in your students’ lives after learning from you and applying that knowledge in their day-to-day life.

7. Add a money back guarantee. If you will offer a money back guarantee, this will help people feel more confident when purchasing your course.

8. Include multiple calls-to-action. Make it easy for future students to take action! The “enroll” or “buy” button should be clear and scattered throughout multiple places on the sales page.

? Add your call-to-action buttons in places where the student may feel compelled to enroll, for example after your FAQ, after a testimonial, and at the bottom of the page.

9. Implement urgency into your offer. Humans feel inspired to take action when there’s a limited amount of time to act on an offer.

? A countdown timer and enrollment deadline will inspire students to take action.

? Alternatively, you can offer “limited time only” bonuses.

10. Address objections. On a sales call, you would be able to have a conversation with potential students, listen to their objections, and address those objections directly! On a sales page, you have to anticipate the objections people may have and address them on your page.

? Consider reasons people may not want to enroll and implement creative ways to address their objections. For example, if students may find the cost of your course may be too expensive for one purchase, you can offer payment plans that address that objection.

Implementing these tips will help you speak to potential students directly from a sales page. Showing that you understand their problems and building trust will help them feel confident to make a purchase. From there, you will have students who love your course!How to write attention getting headlines like a professional copywriter...FREE REPORT

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Internet__Marketing/article_detail.cfm/6262941?articleid=6262941


✍️One thing that'll help you progress further in mastering a skill than anything else


One thing I always believe is that you should always sharpen the fundamentals of any skill you possess and wish to maintain.

This is something a lot of people fail to do because, admittedly, it’s boring.

People would much rather learn the cool, ninja, advanced tactics and hacks than relearn the basics.

This is especially true in the marketing and copywriting space.

If you don’t believe me, read some of the one or two star reviews of some marketing and copywriting books on Amazon. You’ll see common reviews like (And these are copy-and-pasted),

“Nothing new here.”

“Pretty basic information.”

“If you've been online and following the marketing methods, funnels ... then this would not be new info for you.”

“How are there so many positive reviews of this book? It's simply a poor rehash of some very basic marketing principals. Absolutely zero value provided. Don't waste your time.”

“This is a book that provides a marketing game plan outline that anyone can follow. It was a short and interesting read, but it is for marketing amateurs and not professionals.”

The last copy-and-pasted review was particularly interesting to me. The person basically implied that if you’re an experienced professional, you don’t need to relearn the basic information.

That is an absolutely terrible way of thinking.

Do you think musicians would be able to perform songs if their sheet music reading skill wasn’t sharp?

Do you think engineers would be able to do calculus if they sometimes forget how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide?

Do you think authors would be able to crank out entire novels if they weren’t good at structuring a simple sentence?

No, no, and no.

The truth is, maintaining the basics is what’s going to help you progress further in mastering a skill than anything else. If you have a solid foundation, then you can build upon it very easily with the advanced stuff.

I have a saying that goes like this:

“The blandest tasting food is often healthy for you, and it’s the good tasting food that’s usually unhealthy for you.”

Likewise, it’s usually the most boring information that’s the most important for you to learn and retain.

To learn about my boring email copywriting methods, click the link below.


About the author:

Ellisen Wang is an email copywriter and the author of “How to Become an Email Titan.” You can read the sample chapters of the book and learn how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you by opting in at EllisenWang.com. When you opt in, you’ll also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips sent straight to your inbox. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through the blog and listen to the audios for more marketing content and training.

Source: https://www.amazines.com/Internet__Marketing/article_detail.cfm/6263029?articleid=6263029